

A Family tragedy that should never happen to a young person, but it does.

ApostolicGirl7 · Derivasi dari karya
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

On a Sunny morning Ben his three brothers Cole, Dalton, Randy and one sister Ruth were cleaning the house making sure everything was in order. There Aunt and Uncle and cousins were coming to visit. Their mother wanted the house to be cleaned when she got there. So they were cleaning the house. While Ben was doing the living room his sister Ruth was playing around with her friend. Ben got on to her.

"You need to clean the kitchen," said Ben.

"I am going, you don't have to boss me," said Ruth going to the kitchen.

"I am not," said Ben.

When they were done Ben finished the living room. Then they heard a knock at the door, Ruth answered it. It was there Aunt and Uncle and cousins. Ben's sister Ruth was a tom boy so she dressed like he dressed, nothing but black clothes. One of their cousins always has a bad comment to say to Ben on how he looks, and now they are starting to do the same with Ruth.

While they were sitting down talking, there mom came in and put her stuff up and sat down. Ben's father said.

"I got a call from your teacher, she said that when you were outside talking to your friend, and your girlfriend came up from behind you and wrapped her arms around your stomach, you flinched, like you were in pain or something, so are you okay, are you in pain?" asked the father.

"No, nothing happened I promise, I am fine," said Ben.

Cole and Dalton told him to go in his room. So they went also.

"You have to tell him the truth," said Cole.

"Yes, you do, I hate keeping things from him, we have to tell him, it's the right thing to do," said Dalton.

"But if I do he won't trust me anymore, and besides he thinks I am still a kid, well I am 19 years old, almost graduating school, I should be able to do whatever I want," said Ben.

"One of these days we are going to have to tell him what we have been doing on the streets, were as bad as you are about keeping things from him, especially this," said Dalton.

"I'll tell him when I am ready to tell him, but not right now, I have a fight coming up," said Ben.

Ben had to fight a guy twice his size, they had to meet behind an old a banded building in the alley way. The guy took the first hit at Ben, then it was Ben's turn and he hit him hard and the guy went down.

It was the other guys turn. The guy punched Ben in the stomach and Ben went down and stayed down for a few minutes, then he got back up. Ben swung his fist at the guy, and the guy went down hard, he was out cold. Ben won the fight his two brothers, Dalton and Cole walked up to Ben.

"I felt like somebody was watching around that corner, I could see a shadow on the wall," said Ben.

"I think you need to lie down," said Cole.

"Yeah, nobody was standing over there," said Dalton.

It was probably 10:00pm at night and when they got home, there dad was waiting for them as their cousins and the rest of the family were sleeping. When Ben walked in the house he saw his father sitting in the chair.

"Ben," said Father.

"Oh, uh, hi dad, what are you still doing up?" asked Ben.

"Waiting for you guys, sit down now," said father. "What were you guys doing in the alley, and on the wrong side of town, that part of town is dangerous," said father.

"So it was you, I knew somebody was standing by the building, I could see your shadow," said Ben.

"You lied to me, all three of you lied, and kept a secret, Cole and Dalton, you guys no better, Ben this has to stop, I don't want you to fight any more, you have one cousin here who looks up to you, do you want him to see you fighting like that, and then he'll think that is cool, and it's okay to hurt other people and sooner or later he'll start fighting, that is not being a good example," said father.

"I guess he will have to find another role model then, I can't stop doing what I like, it's who I am dad," said Ben. "I am not a little kid no more I am 19 years old now," said Ben.

"I'm treating you like a kid," said father.

"Yes," said Ben.

"I guess I am doing that to protect you, to keep you from getting hurt," said father.

"Dad, I can take care of myself," said Ben.

As the day went by, Ben went back to fighting and he tells the cousin that looks up to him. "Never go out and try to pick or start fights, it will just get you into a lot of trouble."

Ben's cousin listened to every word Ben was telling him. On Ben's birthday, late last night at 9:30pm there older brother Randy was in a car wreck, the police called next of kin.

"This is the police were calling from the hospital, about your son Randy, he has been in a terrible accident, I need you to come down to the hospital," said the police officer.

So they put on their clothes and drove to the hospital. Well Randy was sitting up in bed.