
The Revenge Of The Young Miss and Her Encounter With The Young Master

Wang Xiu Lan is a cardiologist and the heiress of Wang International, the biggest medical conglomerate in City A and the whole of China. They control 70% of all medical businesses in the city including hospitals, medical schools, home cares, retirement homes, medical equipment manufacturing etc. Her father and mother divorced when she was still very young. Her stepmother moved in to the Wang Household along with her daughter. Eventually Wang Xiu Lan found out that his long-time boyfriend is cheating on her with none other than her half-sister. She vowed to pay them back with revenge. But with her accidental meeting with the Young Master of the Li Corporation, her life is bound to become more complicated. What lies ahead the Young Miss and the Young Master? Read to find out :) - ⚠️WARNING⚠️ This novel contains some swearing and some mature content. - FRIENDLY REMINDER This novel uses Chinese names and is set in China but is not 100% accurate when it comes to information and scenarios. So please bear with me :) - Original cover image by: SuitedBadBoy666 @ zerochan.net

Aryusirius · perkotaan
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: For himself?

The next morning, Wang Lei released a statement as planned. The reasons he stated seemed plausible. This made people believe the words that he said. He is, after all, a very well-respected man in the country and a member of one of the top families in China. For these reasons, not many people doubted his words.

Wang Fang read the news and she was very satisfied. She was ecstatic that she can finally be open to the public about her relationship with Zhao Jun. After all, he is one of the most sought-after men in the country. Not only is he intelligent, but also rich and handsome. Who wouldn't want such a man.

To celebrate the first day of their "official" relationship, Wang Fang and Zhao Jun decided to go out for dinner. They decided to go to a restaurant called the Imperial House. This restaurant is known to be the most expensive restaurant in China and one of the most expensive ones in the world. Important people from foreign countries also come here to dine and enjoy authentic Chinese cuisine.

A high-class guest would need to book months in advance to get a table in this restaurant. However, there is an unspoken rule that the elites of the elites, such as the Zhao and Wang families, can just walk in without a reservation. Of course, this is only possible for Zhao Jun and Wang Fang because the Zhao and Wang families are two of the top 5 families in China.

Wang Fang and Zhao Jun are sitting inside the car. They are almost arriving at the restaurant when the car suddenly stopped. "Why did you stop? We are not there yet. Do you expect us to walk to the entrance?" Zhao Jun asked. The chauffeur politely answered "I'm sorry sir but it's quite difficult to get through. There are a lot of reporters around. I need to move slowly from here". Reporters? Zhao Jun and Wang Fang both looked around. Indeed, there are many reporters just at the driveway of the restaurant.

The entrance of the restaurant is quite extravagant. There is a U-shaped driveway for cars to drop off the guests and in the middle of that U-shaped driveway is a huge fountain which lights up glamorously at night.

The guest would need to alight from this U-shaped driveway and walk a few metres to the door entrance of the restaurant. It's like a red carpet scene from an awards ceremony. But, of course, the rich always enjoyed excessive things. So this was only natural to them.

"The reporters must have heard that we are coming that's why they're here" Wang Fang said excitedly. Zhao Jun quickly agreed on the idea. It makes sense because they are currently the hottest topic in the country after Wang Lei released an official statement. How can reporters miss such an opportunity to get an interview with a Zhao and a Wang.

"Mm. You're right. Let's go, Fang. We should give them a few words since today is such a happy day" Zhao Jun said. Wang Fang then gave a sweet smile.

Zhao Jun told the chauffeur it's fine to stop and that they will walk from here. Zhao Jun and Wang Fang were feeling very generous in providing the reporters with some content for their articles.

The car door opened and Zhao Jun went out first. He went to the other side of the car and opened the door. Wang Fang came out elegantly and held unto Zhao Jun's arm. The reporters noticed them.

"Hey isn't that Zhao Jun and Wang Fang?"

"It is"

"Come, let's go interview them"

The reporters started to come to them one by one asking them questions. "Mr. Zhao, is it true that you actually broke up with Miss Wang already some time ago?"one asked.

Zhao Jun's face darkened a little. The reporter then quickly realised his mistake. He said "Miss Wang" forgetting that the new lover is also a Miss Wang!

Cough. "I mean, with Miss Wang Xiu Lan?" the reporter corrected himself. Although it was an honest mistake, some of the reporters still lightly laughed at such a scene.

Zhao Jun reminded himself that today is a happy day. So he shouldn't get angry. He nicely answered "It is just as my future father-in-law said, Wang Xiu Lan and I have broken up a long time ago".

His answer caused murmurs among the reporters. Zhao Jun saying future father-in-law means he intends to marry Wang Fang. This made Wang Fang very happy. She smiled at Zhao Jun and held unto his arm even more tightly.

"Does this mean the collaboration between the Wangs and the Zhao's are still happening? There are rumours circulating that unless you marry Wang Xiu Lan, the collaboration is off" a reporter asked.

Wang Fang felt agitated on the inside but she managed to smile at reportert while saying "I am sure this issue has already been clarified in my father's statement today. So we're not going to provide anymore answers for this question".

"That's right. Wang Fang and I decided to have a nice evening meal today and we would really appreciate it if there are no heavy questions" Zhao Jun said in defense for Wang Fang.

"Dinner tonight? Are you planning to go to Imperial House Mr. Zhao?" a reporter asked.

"That's right" Zhao Jun answered. He thought it was such a stupid question from the reporter. They are clearly at the driveway of Imperial House. Where else could they dine but here?

"Eh? But today, the Imperial House..." before the reporter could finish his words, another car arrived which caused commotion among the reporters. One by one they started to gather to the new guest leaving only very few reporters with Zhao Jun and Wang Fang.

The couple wanted to know who dared to steal their limelight. They looked to see who it is and when they found out, both their faces went dark. Wang Xiu Lan. "Why is this bitch here?" Wang Fang thought to herself.

Unlike Wang Fang and Zhao Jun who happily chatted with the reporters, Wang Xiu Lan continued to walk through the sea of reporters like a true queen along with her bodyguards. She ignored each and every question thrown at her.

Wang Xiu Lan was going to walk straight past Zhao Jun and Wang Fang but when Wang Fang noticed this, she called out to Wang Xiu Lan "Sis! You're also here."

Wang Fang didn't want to talk to Wang Xiu Lan at all but she and Zhao Jun would have to deal with embarrassment if the reporters saw that Wang Xiu Lan ignored them. Moreover, it is smart to act friendly now since the statement has only been released today.

Wang Xiu Lan smiled and said nothing. It was awkward. So Wang Fang decided to say something else.

"You should have told us you're coming here then the three of us could have..." before Wang Fang could finish Wang Xiu Lan interrupted her.

"Sorry I have an important meeting so I really need to go now" Wang Xiu Lan said.

"Mm. Okay, go ahead. We'll see you inside" Wang Fang awkwardly replied.

As they watched Wang Xiu Lan walk away and headed for the door, only then the couple realised that there are guards lined up just before the entrance. This must be why the reporters waited at the driveway instead of the entrance like the usual. They couldn't get through.

When the couple saw the guards pave a way for Wang Xiu Lan, they decided it's also time for them to go in. They started walking towards the entrance. Only instead of being allowed to pass, they were stopped by the guards.

"Sorry Mr. Zhao, Miss Wang, you are not allowed to enter past this point" one of the guards said.

"What did you say?" Zhao Jun paled a little bit. What kind of embarrassing situation is this! This is the first time in his entire life that he has been rejected entry! And a restaurant, at that.

"I'm sorry sir but Imperial House is fully-booked today" the guard answered.

"Fully-booked? Did you know that I don't need a reservation to step foot in this restaurant?" Zhao Jun said somewhat annoyed. He can't believe he had to explain himself to a mere guard.

Wang Fang was also starting to get embarrassed. They were just standing there being denied entry while there are many reporters around.

"I'm sorry sir. My words came out wrong. I meant to say, the whole restaurant has been booked by a guest. Therefore, other guests are not allowed to go in" the guard calmly explained.

"What? Who would..." Zhao Jun was about to say yet another complaint when he heard a commotion.

A car can be seen approaching the driveway. No, three cars. They're all Rolls Royce Phantom. The reporters are in a roar. They are about to gather towards the car. Only, instead of driving into the driveway like the other cars. These 3 luxurious cars drove into a path just beside the driveway and straight into the door entrance.

How did I never see this path before? Where did this path come from? Zhao Jun wondered. He then realised that this was no path few minutes ago, it was only grass! When he looked, the three were already at the door entrance. When he looked back to the path, it has gone back to the usual grass.

Impressive! This must be a VVIP guest if Imperial House goes to such extent to protect the guest's identity. Zhao Jun was curious about the guest. He quickly looked at the door entrance again to see who it is.

A man in charcoal gray suit came out and walked briskly to the door followed by 4 bodyguards. More bodyguards came out from the other cars but they stayed outside to guard. It was only a few seconds but he can already feel the man's strong presence. Even from this distance.

He is definitely powerful. It makes sense that such a man is capable of booking an entire restaurant for himself.

Wait. Himself? Didn't Wang Xiu Lan go in? Impossible.