
The Revenge Of The Young Miss and Her Encounter With The Young Master

Wang Xiu Lan is a cardiologist and the heiress of Wang International, the biggest medical conglomerate in City A and the whole of China. They control 70% of all medical businesses in the city including hospitals, medical schools, home cares, retirement homes, medical equipment manufacturing etc. Her father and mother divorced when she was still very young. Her stepmother moved in to the Wang Household along with her daughter. Eventually Wang Xiu Lan found out that his long-time boyfriend is cheating on her with none other than her half-sister. She vowed to pay them back with revenge. But with her accidental meeting with the Young Master of the Li Corporation, her life is bound to become more complicated. What lies ahead the Young Miss and the Young Master? Read to find out :) - ⚠️WARNING⚠️ This novel contains some swearing and some mature content. - FRIENDLY REMINDER This novel uses Chinese names and is set in China but is not 100% accurate when it comes to information and scenarios. So please bear with me :) - Original cover image by: SuitedBadBoy666 @ zerochan.net

Aryusirius · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 11: 5 years

- Zhao Mansion -

It was a very awkward atmosphere at the Zhao Mansion. The Wang family arranged for a meeting with the Zhao family to discuss about the collaboration of the two families. It was Wang Lei who broke the silence.

Wang Lei: "It can't be helped that both our son and your daughter fell in love with each other".

Fei Mingli: "Fell in love? I would believe it more if you say Miss Wang Fang right there seduced our son"

Fei Mingli said those words in such a calm manner but the digust in her voice cannot be hidden.

Ling Min: "Watch your mouth Mrs. Zhao. You might be the mother of my daughter's beloved but I will not tolerate disrespect"

Wang Lei: "Now, let's all talk this out in a manner befitting of our statuses. Shall we?"

Wang Lei gave a quick glare at his wife. He understands her point but right now, what's more important is to discuss the collaboration instead of throwing blames at each other.

Zhao Longwei was also silently in agreement which is why he never joined with the two women's discussion.

It is crucial that this issue be fixed before it affects both their companies greatly. Scandals are quite detrimental to big companies such as the Zhao Corporation and Wang International. After all, rivals in business are in constant look-out to find faults in them.

Wang Lei: "I believe there is no problem in proceeding with the collaboration. After all, this was supposed to be a plan to unite the Zhao and Wang family. It was not about Wang Xiu Lan and Zhao Jun alone".

Zhao Longwei was not dumb. He got the hint right away. Wang Lei is saying there are two ladies in the Wang family and that changing from Wang Xiu Lan to Wang Fang won't be a problem.

Zhao Longwei: "The people will talk Wang Lei. Everyone will brand Miss Wang Fang as a mistress. It is clear this is not good for neither of our company's reputation".

Wang Lei: "Which is why I will issue a statement. Wang Xiu Lan has been so busy with her work since she started managing Wang Medical Group. She barely has time for Zhao Jun and thus they both naturally drifted apart".

Fei Mingli: "So we are going to trick people? Lie to the whole China? We are not such people Wang Lei!"

Zhao Jun: "It is not a trick mother"

Fei Mingli: "What did you say?"

Zhao Jun: "It is not a trick. Xiu Lan and I really did fall apart. She was too busy. It was then that I started to notice Fang. I tried to break it off with Xiu Lan but she refused"

Fei Mingli: "You better be not lying to your own parents Zhao Jun"

Zhao Jun felt a bit of pang in his heart. He has always been an obedient son but to get his revenge on Wang Xiu Lan he needs to lie to his parents.

Meanwhile, Wang Lei was happy with Zhao Jun's actions. He expected him to tell his parents the whole plan but he ended up tricking his parents too. Truly impressive!

Zhao Jun: "Mother, when have I ever lied to you and father? I really tried to break it off with Xiu Lan but she just can't seem to let go. We all know how deep her feelings are for me since we were kids. I was the same too. Until I felt neglected and somehow got closer to Fang"

He then gave a sweet look to Wang Fang while holding her hands. Wang Fang felt very happy at the moment. She felt so giddy that they can finally do sweet things like this in front of their parents.

Zhao Jun: "Despite Xiu Lan's refusal, I was still firm about my decision and stopped acting as if we we were still in a relationship. There really wasn't anything going on between us anymore for a while now"

Zhao Longwei: "Sigh. I belive you, son. I think we all see the new heights Wang Medical Group has reached ever since Xiu Lan started managing the company. I cannot start to imagine the amount of effort she put in for that. This is also precisely why we cannot accept Wang Fang as a replacement fiancée. Everyone knows she is out of favour from Wang Shu. She will never be the heiress to Wang International"

Wang Fang's happiness was short-lived. After hearing Zhao Longwei's words, it felt as if someone splashed water on her face. It was truly a huge insult to be compared to that woman.

Wang Lei: "The CEO, Wang Shu, is not going to step down from his position in a few years' time. I would say 5 years at most. Therefore, there is still plenty of time to change the heiress"

Fei Mingli: "And you are confident that Wang Shu would choose Wang Fang over Wang Xiu Lan if we wait 5 years?"

Although Wang Lei didn't like the mockery in Fei Mingli's voice, he continued to speak politely.

Wang Lei: "Wang Fang is an excellent doctor. That is undeniable. She will continue to achieve great things over the years. You may all already know that she recently got an interview from Medic Point. This is only the beginning."

Zhao Longwei: "One interview for Medic Point at the age of 28? We both know that's nowhere near impressive Wang Lei. Wang Xiu Lan had her first interview at the age of... what was it? 20? It seems Miss Wang Fang right here is 8 years behind"

Wang Lei: "Zhao Longwei, do not forget that Wang Fang is my daughter. She is my flesh and blood and I will not tolerate one more insult coming from your family. You have no choice but to accept this collaboration. Our downfall is your downfall."

Zhao Longwei thought about the consequences. Indeed, their families have been involved with each other for so many years now that a mere scandal breaking the ties between two influential families would deal such a huge blow into their reputation. They shouldn't show such fragility between the families' relationship.

If he rejects this collaboration now, the Wang family's reputation will suffer for Wang Fang being a mistress while the Zhao family will suffer because Zhao Jun dated both the Wang sisters. It doesn't matter when and how he cheated. People will just see him as an asshole.

There are currently no big rivals for the Zhao Corporation. Wang International is their biggest rival and also their biggest ally. Together, they are basically impregnable in the medical world.

After thinking, Zhao Longwei expressed his decision.

Zhao Longwei: "I will accept the collaboration"

Wang Lei, Ling Min, Wang Fang and Zhao Jun all sighed in relief. Wang Fang danced a little on the inside. Finally! She was finally accepted as the future daughter-in-law of the Zhao family! She was already cursing Wang Xiu Lan in her head when she heard Zhao Longwei speak again.

Zhao Longwei: "But only for 5 years"

Everyone was stunned. Even Fei Mingli who couldn't guess what her husband is currently thinking.

Zhao Longwei: "You said it yourself. Wang Fang will continue to achieve great things in the next 5 years. I look forward to that. Only when she has been officially appointed as the heiress of Wang International will then the wedding proceed. For now, an engagement should be enough, yes?"

Wang Lei was momentarily disappointed and upset with the condition but accepted in the end. After all, 5 years is a lot of time. There is still a high chance that Wang Fang will become better than Wang Xiu Lan and will then be noticed by Wang Shu. When this happens, making Wang Fang the heiress will not be far ahead. Thus, he placed high hopes in her.

But if that plan fails, he has other ways to make Wang Fang the heiress. Wang Lei has already started thinking of unpleasant things in his head. But before that, he first has to accept the condition made by Zhao Longwei to protect Wang Fang's reputation. Otherwise what was the point of hoping to make her the heiress when her reputation is already ruined.

First things first. He has to clear both Wang Fang and Zhao Jun's reputation.