
The Restless Rich

How horribly a man has to deprive over his desires to be suppressed by the system or the society.. Can you imagine ? Will every man do hardwork to warna and get the life he desires or some do smartwork with quick elevator to it.. Anyways , Laufer Has to be the one who has been facing the dilema of any other next door middle class household is going through.. Is restless and anxious self makes one decision and it changes his life.... But will he be able to stand the change he asked for ? Let's walk by his story to reveal more..

Sandhya_17 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

2. Alley

She wakes up, and follow up her routine of getting ready in either black or something darker in shade suit..

After which a pile of household chores some to automate some to be done manually..

Finally after an hour from morning she made it to sit down for the breakfast..

With a sigh..

He was waiting by the alley, for her..he was quite nervous to stand straight and normal so he started to swing here and there....

She remembers about her meeting, so she did paused her routine of working and closed the laptop..

She went by the window, and saw he was already there she waves her hand but he kind of did not noticed..

She went down, but the lift was not working..

She : Woww, I did expected this..( While going down from stairs from 9th floor ) If not me then who else has to suffer such silliness..( Was about slip but ) ok relax..

She was running through her walk, as he turned she was not able to feel her feets..

Before she could lose balance he walked towards her and was about to fall so she held his wrist with her shivering hands..

Laufer : What happened ?

She : ( In short of breath she was sweating ) Sorry, I am just..

Laufer took her to the bench by the park around the building yard..

Laufer : Water, Show me..( touches her feets )

She : It's okay, ( Removes her heels and took the water from him ) I am fine..

Laufer : Okay, You must have called me ?

She : Really ? For which I shall have your number from next time then..right ?

Laufer : Oh, I am sorry..

She : ( Got up and wears her heels ) Never mind, here is the project details I have prepared for you so go through it and make sure to have a call conversation..( Holding his arm for support while wearing her heels again ) even if it is a no....Do call me to inform ( Shows him the number written )

Laufer : ( was quite intimidated to say anything but ) Thanks !

He leaves, finally the lift was repaired and she went to home taking off the heels and going over the bed getting her sheet up till covering face keeping the laptop over her lap..

She begin to design her work, and receives an call..

she picked up and with a firm voice said "Hello?"

Laufer : Laufer, My name is laufer we just met right now right? Miss..

She : Umm, Veronica..

Laufer : Sure, I'll call you later..

Veronica : Hmm,

For a minute they wanted to keep the phone on so neither of them hanged the call so she did..and he smiled at it something silly..

Later He went onto have a lunch at the nearby restaurant but then..

Messages her, If I need to invest in your startup I might need to save money but I don't know how to cook.. you know if you can..

After the message was sent he regrets and was about to delete it she calls him..

Veronica : What would you like to have ? by the way anything would work except for non-veg..

Laufer : ( Closes his eyes ) Fine, Works..Even it it is something I hate I think it works for my tummy..

Veronica : Good, See you then..

She adds on to extend her appetite for two with the same veggies curry, rice and salad fry with seasoning and rice wine..

Laufer comes but the lift was making him irrestiable so he walked up by the stairs and finally saw the lift so he entered but it went down and then up again..

Veronica opens the door to is exactly when he comes, she was smiling with an tease at his funky looking vibrant blue clothes and white pants..

Laufer was so hungry that he avoided greetings and sitting he walked inside by the table and begins to eat..

Veronica : ( Was eating looking at him ) Can I ask you something ?

Laufer : I am a virgin,

Veronica : Pftt ( Giggles ) No, I don't care about that I am engaged already and I am not a virgin..anyways my question was are you desparate to show off or you are like that as an..

Laufer : I am an restless rich, I have money to buy an entire supermarket with my few swipes but I can't cook, I can earn bucks and bucks but I can't save a single penny as my backup, I don't use girls to have fun I just stuff myself in food or Travel Like I shall never return to home..

Veronica was squeezing her dress to show her enotions on her face..

Laufer : ( Smiles Gulping his tears down ) By this meal is too great I never had an veg so tasty and spicy..

Veronica : ( Sighs ) If that is what you state, it means you are escaping everything even from yourself maybe.. don't you think it's quite dangerous to do so ?

Laufer got triggered that he leaves, and she sat still in the silence he left her with..