
The Restless Rich

How horribly a man has to deprive over his desires to be suppressed by the system or the society.. Can you imagine ? Will every man do hardwork to warna and get the life he desires or some do smartwork with quick elevator to it.. Anyways , Laufer Has to be the one who has been facing the dilema of any other next door middle class household is going through.. Is restless and anxious self makes one decision and it changes his life.... But will he be able to stand the change he asked for ? Let's walk by his story to reveal more..

Sandhya_17 · Urban
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2 Chs

1. Hustle

Laufer is not a only guy at his office who is dying out of doing overtime..

But he is fine, as he earns the money in heavy bucks in hand which makes him forget about everything else in front of his eyes..

He uses his money for vacation and trips at the week-end..

Not doing parties but staring at the sea for hours and hours and then diving in for a surf or a party night with feasty meal and fancy shopping..

Laufer : What a life man, I am living ( Someone calls ) What now ?

The staff : Sir, We might need you in an hour for the weekly meeting today is your presentation..

Laufer : Yes I know, I will be there ( Hangs the call and screams ) Aaahhhhhhhhh..

Drives back to his home sighing at the mirror while folding his cuffs..

And leaves to office, amidst of traffic and the bass playing in the surrounding was annoying him but he held it back..

At office, he came and started his presentation and at the end..

Critics : State one reason to invest in ?

Laufer : Reason ? Ain't you heard any of my words for so long staring at me while I was speaking ? you bloody egg looking man..( Bangs the table )

The CEO : Laufer, What nonsense is this ? I will fire you for this..

Laufer : Too late, Mr.( Throws his coat and leaves furiously )

He was walking by the street running faster as he walks himself..

Is when a person bumped into him,

She : Aaahhh Sorry , I am sorry..

Laufer : ( Closes his eyes controlling his anger ) It's okay, ( Leaves but his feet was tumbled ) Ahh

She : Hey, Hold up..( Held him by his left arm ) Fine ? I mean you are fine right ?

Laufer : Yes, ( His eyes was filled with tears and everyone was looking at him )

She : Hey, Don't you guys have your street business..? huh..? ( Held him by his waist side shirt and puts his hand over her shoulder ) "I hope you didn't fell for me here"..

Laufer : "How can fallen man fall for someone else when his own feets have met the numbness of failure"..( Smiles and she held him with her touch instead of his shirt )

She walked him by a park and bought him a bottle of water..

Laufer : Thank You ( He drinks the entire bottle which made her giggle )

She : You want something to eat ? wait I have an apple to make your day better..here you can have..

Laufer : Thank You once again.."I have been very ruthless for the amount of kindness you showed to me"

She : Really ? Was that anger I don't think so You were about to cry and it is not being ruthless it means being free and kind to yourself ( Giggles )

Laufer : ( He laughs and begins to tell ) I left my job or shall I say an year of enslavement which made me furious to an end where back to zero again..

She : Same I have just fought with my father and came here...."You must fight for what is right regardless of relations " has made me quite alone for years..but I love it..

Laufer : To fight ? or being right ?

She : Both at times..when they beleive in something and fail to see beyond it it hurts the other's belief but then I thought why should I believe and do? why can't I try to do and then believe to be something happened at least I would have a wayout to not get hurt..

Laufer : You are right, I have been escaping my entire life this word named "hurt" the wise say chose your pain "Exhaustion or Pain" Being Men I believed to chose exhaustion beleiving that pain would come by my side..

A minute of silence they exchanged an look of empathy towards each with a smile and acknowledgement

Laufer : ( looking at her papers ) You are looking out for investors ?

She : Yes, I want to do a startup but no one I know entrusts me as I am woman in working which would kill their pride..

Laufer : How much you are in need off ?

She : Hmm, Not very much but quite where I can buy a studio and other stuffs..you know..

Laufer : What if I invest in your startup ? how much return shall I expect..?

She : 25% ( He makes an face ) What ? that's even high because investors do nothing they just have money as their asset no brains no work they do..

Laufer : Fine, I am okay with it I will be your investor ( Gets up and gives it for a handshake )

She : Are you sure ? ( Surprisingly stands up ) ( He nods yes ) Ok, This is my neighborhood, Come tomorrow by morning and make a call..( Gives him a card )

Laufer : Sure, ( K-S he reads over the card he smiles but she left by then and turns back with an smile )

He went to his home, and sat down in front of his locker looking for his savings..

It was enough but he was nervous and lays there itself staring at the ceiling..

She was looking at the sky, sitting by her glass caged window..

Her father's word was repeating in her ears, "You can never be happy without money, and you must obey as I gave you a life to live otherwise being alone would be like a trashcan for you..and it's the harsh truth of the world you must agree to disagree..

She sighs and came over her bed to sleep..

Next Day..