

Previously: Lucas shook his head and watched as Rias stood up and began forming a magic circle on the floor where everyone was standing, ready to transport them.

"Wait, him?" Lucas asked Akeno.

Right as she was about to speak, the group was transported away to wherever Rias was taking them.


Wherever she was talking just happened to a dark and creepy forest... somewhere.

"Where are we?" Issei said, looking around with slight fear.

"We're in a magical forest filled with Familiar, silly," Akeno answered him.

Lucas closed his eyes and took in a breakthrough his noise and was assaulted by a multitude of scents. So may that it was impossible to tell what any of them belonged to, so he went a different route and circulated his ki.

The trees here were much more menacing than the ones in Kuoh Park thanks to the reddish hue, and their canopies were completely barren of leaves. The trees looked dead in all but name, but Lucas could now feel life all around them.

"Well, I'm sure there are probably some Familiars that would be tempted to eat us," Rias said, making Issei and Asia shiver at the thought of being eaten alive. "But we're devils so that should the majority of them away. Only if we anger some of the older ones would we come across trouble."

Lucas then felt something sorta out of place in the forest, but also seemed to be a part of the forest, it was weird. He didn't notice Koneko look at him with wide eyes as he looked up at a certain tree.

"Well, who do we have here?" A voice up in the trees suddenly said loudly.

"Hey, who's there?!" Issei tried to sound tough but couldn't hide the fear in his voice.

Lucas was already looking upwards, standing in the tree was a middle-aged man with a lanky appearance. He has neck-length red hair tied in a low ponytail and has brown eyes. He wears a white top, black shorts with a green sweater wrapped around his waist, white socks, brown sneakers, black fingerless gloves, a dark-blue cap, and carrying a yellow backpack.

"The names Zatouji, Master of the Familiars."

Both Lucas and Issei looked at the guy with skepticism.

"This guy?" Issei asked no one in particular.

The guy continued like Issei hadn't said anything.

"If your goal is to find Familiars galore, you've come at the right time. That's for sure. The full moon is out to help you decide, and I'll be the one to act as your guide!"

Lucas gave the man a blank look, thinking this guy must have more than a few screws loose. If he keep on trying to rhyme then he planned on finding his own Familiar.

"Now, how can I help you, tell me your wants and desires. A strong one? A fast one? One that likes to breathe fires?"

"If you couldn't already tell," Akeno said to Lucas and Issei "Zatouji really likes to rhyme."

Lucas nodded his head, not quite believing this guy was for real.

Issei spoke up and of course, he asked about sexy Familiars.

"So you have any Familiars with really big knockers? Who really likes nerdy Japanese guys?"

Fortunately, it seemed the Familiar Master didn't like that midset as she shut Issei down immediately. He shook his fingers back and forth negatively to show that his question wasn't appropriate.

"This is why amateurs always annoy. If you're seeking something more than a toy, then you need to utilize your other head my boy. You need to find the Familiar that will be the best fit, look for best personality, not the one that has the best tit."

Asia spoke up, having to take his words to heart. Her hands were clasped together in a pray-like fashion and she was smiling up at him, having gotten over the odd behavior of the Familiar Master.

"That makes sense. I'd like the one that's cute and fun to be around."

Lucas stopped looking in a certain direction to look at the blonde in confusion, not understanding who she'd choose one like that. Sure, the choice fit her personality but wasn't the Familiar supposed to be a companion and help them in fights and other activities. The hybrid looked towards Rias, hoping his look converted his unasked question, but the redheaded beauty just shrugged before looking back at the Familiar Master. Lucas just shrugged himself and kept looking towards the east. He keep feeling something pulling in that direction and he planned on finding out what it was.

"Fun?" he asked with a smile, "Done and done!"

Aia jumped up and down repeatedly in joy.

"And what for you young man? Maybe one that can help you get out of a jam?"

Lucas barely paid attention to the man, but he knew the Familiar Master was talking to him so he waved a hand, letting him know he was fine.

"I'll find you guys later."

Lucas didn't wait for them to say anything and with his ki enhancing his body, he immediately jumped onto a branch right across the Familiar Master and hopped into the dense forest, and in just thee leaps, he was gone from sight. Leaving everyone except Koneko was had her head down in deep thought, staring at where Lucas was just moments ago.

"Umm... is that... alright?" Kiba asked, scratching the back of his head, now looking towards Rias.

Rias let out a sigh and shook her head. Her Pawn had just left them to go off on his own into an extremely dangerous place. The King looked towards the Familiar Master, only to see even he was shocked.

*****************************************Line Break****************************************************

Lucas was enjoying himself as he let his ki flow around him, running, and jumping from tree branch to branch. He was passed some creatures he had no idea even existed and made sure to keep clear from those that his sense told him to. With him being able to pick up everything within a mile around him clearly, Lucas didn't have anything to fear, though he did have his claws out, leaving claw marks on each piece of wood he touched for a couple of reasons. One, because his nails were just that sharp, and two, so he could find his way back, even though he could just teleport back to Rias, but he had no idea if something could stop him from doing that, so it was always good to have a backup plan.

It took Lucas almost ten minutes of no stop running until that feeling had come back full force this time and he came upon a scene he wouldn't expect in a hundred years. Laying in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by five massive red and green huge tigers was a white and red fox with nine tails. The fox was huddled in on itself and shaking in fear, whimpering as it looked back and forth, looking for any way to escape its fate. Lucas could the fox, holding one of its front legs to its small chest, and a coppery smell laid on the wind.

Lucas didn't wait for one of the tigers to decide to jump on the little fox, so he hopped off the tree branch and flipped through the air while summoning his Sacred Gear. When he landed in front of the fox, he already had his twin pistols in each hand. The Tigers weren't expecting the appearance of something else and they jumped back and growled and roared at Lucas. Pissed off for their meal being interrupted.

Getting a good look at the beasts, Lucas knew these weren't ordinary tigers, not be a long shot. While they may look like tigers they all had four eyes instead of two, one pair on each side of their head and they seemed to have an overbite. A row of sharp yellow teeth could be seen coming ver their lower jaw. The hybrid could feel the malice and hunger of each beast.

A whimper came from behind him, which made Lucas turn to see that the little fox had laid down and was losing a lot of blood. One of the tigers took this chance to pounce on their new meal. What it didn't expect was for Lucas to already have his right-handed pistol raised, aimed right for the tiger, even though he was still looking at the fox.

Lucas pulled the trigger and a blast of blue magic power engulfed the tiger, killing it in one shot. Lucas immediately holstered his right-handed pistol and fired with his left. He was surprised that the four tigers left dodged a couple of his shots, but he had a solution for that. Now, using both pistols, he shot his left pistol at the ground at one of the tigers, already knowing they were going to dodge, and quickly killed them with the bast from his right gun while they were in the air.

After a full minute, there was only one tiger left and this one decided to cut its losses and find something else to eat. The gray-haired hybrid watched as the tiger slowly backed away and turned his back to it before bending down. He laid one of his pistols on the ground and watched as the nine-tailed fox's breathing was becoming slower. He gathered his ki in his right hand and placed it on the fox's wounded leg. Through the fire that was once white was now red with blood and Lucas could make out a piece of bone sticking out.

Even though he was directed his ki into the fox, healing it, albeit slowly he wasn't stupid. He knew turning his back on the beast would only get it to attack him, especially when it saw him put his gun down, but what it didn't see, thanks to his tails was his left gun positioned under his right armpit, and once the tiger tried to pounce on the 'defenseless' Youkai-Devil hybrid.

Lucas felt the tiger's ki change from fear to anger and moved one of his tails, the tail that was hiding the barrel of his left-handed gun aiming right behind him, and squeezed the trigger. He felt magic leave his body and a concentrated blast of magic blasted the last tiger. Only leaving the smoking remains of a tiger, some of its body being torn off from the power of the blast, just like its other four friends.

Not sensing anything else close by, Lucas placed his gun in his left holster before placing both hands on the little fox and sending his ki inside its little body with his eyes closed.

He had no idea how long he was sitting in that clearing, healing the nine-tailed fox but once he felt something wet run a little up his palm, he opened his eyes to find the red eyes of the fox looking up at him, its front leg fully healed. Lucas smiled and stopped gathering ki in his hands.

"You ok?"

The fox yipped and walked around as if trying to show its leg was all better before walking up to him and jumping on him. Lucas caught the fox at his chest and looked down, receiving a lick that made him chuckle. Holding the fox with one hand, Lucas picked up his other gun and placed it in the holster before standing up. His ear twitched on top of his head, he was trying to see if any more enemies were coming near because of the smell of blood and burnt flesh, but he didn't pick up anything.

"Do you have a home to get back to or are you coming with me?" He asked the fox, he figured it was time to go back and meet up with the others.

The fox looked at the wolf before looking at one of the tigers, opening its mouth, and a white flame shot from it. Lucas watched as the white flame hit one of the already dead tigers, barely making doing anything. Using his ki, Lucas was able to sense anger and sadness from the fox and could guess what happened. Though from what he read, nine-tailed foxes were extremely powerful, it would take more than those five tigers to even want to fight it, let alone kill a full-grown one.

Lucas held the fox closely to his chest and jumped up to the trees before channeling ki into his legs and making his way back, following the claw marks. He knew he was going to need some rest after tonight. This was the most he used his ki since his Youkai half was unsealed.

*********************************************Line Break*************************************************

Rias had pointed out different Familiars they came across in both Asia and Issei for reference. One was appeared to be a baby Hydra-like Familiar, another was a blue-haired fox-like creature with a snout like a pig.

But it was as the moon was starting to set that they finally had a breakthrough.

"Oh my!" The Familiar Master began. "Look high!"

As everyone, minus Lucas of course, since he was still gone, saw a blue dragon resting on a tree branch, munching away on some kind of shared meat.

Upon hearing the voice of Zatouji, the dragon looked all around before making contact with the traveling group. He jumped into the air and flew around, just observing.

"Aww," Asia said, "he's so cute!" She looked like she wanted to treat the dragon like a plush toy and cuddle him.

"Aye cut," Confirmed the Familiar Master, "But dangerous too. When they get angry, they have the power to shoot lighting that's blue."

Rias was looking around, hoping that Lucas would show up. She didn't feel that he was in any danger so that eliminated some of her stress.

"Wow, that dragon's rare, isn't it?" Kiba asked out loud.

"I've never seen one before," Akeno threw in her two cents, she was also worried about Lucas, just like her best friend, but she saw how he killed three Fallen Angels with one shot of his gun so she was confident he was ok.

Zatouki turned at Asia, "You should do it now if you want it ot be claimed. Once they grow up, these dragons can no longer be tamed.

Asia looked at everyone and they nodded in support. Akeno even suggested Issei try, but the Familiar Master said those types of dragons didn't like males so he was out.

"Alright, I'll do it." She said, determinedly.

For a moment nobody did anything but stare at the hovering dragon. He looked closely at Issei before shooting off a few sparks of lightning in the male direction. The pervert tried to jump to avoid the bast but he wasn't quick enough and took the bast head-on.

The dragon then landed on Asia's shoulder, nuzzling into her head and neck.

"Sprite dragons don't attack unless they feel they are in trouble. Which means in the Familiar world that that dragon and lovely lady should be together on the double." The Familiar Master looked up in the sky and saw the dwindling moon, "And that, my friends, is my queue. My time is just about over in your crew. Now gather round and put your Familiar on the ground and speak the words which will cause you chosen to be bound."

"Wait," Rias said towards the Familiar Master, "What about Lucas? I'm not leaving without him."

Before the Familiar Master could say anything a voice spoke first.

"I'm already here."

Everyone turned to see Lucas standing on a tree branch, his Scared Gear on his hips and it looked as if he was holding something to his chest.

Lucas jumped down and smiled at everyone, "Seems like I made in time."

"My, oh my," The Familiar Master said, walking towards Lucas, "Is that what I think it is, I thought they all went bye, bye."

Everyone looked down to see a white and red nine-tailed fox snuggled into Lucas' chest. It turned towards them and yipped at the gathering of devils before Lucas put the little guy on his head. Lucas looked at everyone and shrugged his shoulders at their questioning looks.

"Yeah, I found him surrounded by these weird black and green tigers. I took care of them and healed this little guy. I tried to see if he wanted to go somewhere but he just stayed with me. Now what?"

Rias smiled and explained, "It's really simple. All you have to do is say this: In the name if, your name, and devils everywhere, I command you to accept this pact and be my Familiar forever."

It sounded extremely simple to Lucas and Asia. Lucas picked up the fox from his head and placed him on the ground in front of him.

"In the name of Lucas Silver and devils and Youkai everywhere, I command you to accept this pact and be my Familiar forever."

The square rotating magic box on the ground under his fox was in was absorbed by the Familiar, sealing his acceptance of the pact.

The peerage including the King smiled, though she understood why Lucas added that extra part in his ritual since he loved his Youkai heritage, and now both Lucas and Asia now had their Familiars. Asia named her dragon Rassei and Lucas deiced to name his white and red fox, Kurama in tribute to one of his favorite animes.

"Hey, what about me?!" Issei yelled at Zatouji. Now that Lucas looked, he realized that Issei didn't get a Familiar. He guessed it was because Issei wanted a female he could perv at on.

The Familiar Master looked at him and gave him a pat on the back.

"Sorry kid seems your shit outta luck. Maybe next time you'll stop thinking about ladies to fuck."

Well, that confirmed his suspensions.