
The Redemption of Asher Blackwood

Asher is a young man disheartened by the world he finds himself in. He joins a guild to build fame and fortune for himself, but discovers he has a power to absorb strength from fallen monsters. Over time he will discover his powers and his family's role in the world.

FrojoBaggins · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

New Accomodations

Asher was led to his new room by Colin. He had waited on Leah to be shown to her's before following the secretary.

It wasn't exactly a plush palace that he had walked into, but it was better than sharing a room with a hundred other people. It was a decent sized room, big enough to fit a bed and a dresser comfortably into. He tested the mattress and it was softer than the bunk beds he had become accustomed to.

Asher pulled a footlocker out from under his bed and stored a couple of personal items in it. He hadn't really collected much over the years, but it was nice to have somewhere to store the money he had received so far.

By Asher's guess, his average payout from then on would be about half a silver coin. It was definitely an upgrade from the mere fifteen bronze on average he had started at.

He laid down on the bed, sinking into it. He only laid there for a few moments before he passed out. When he awoke, it was morning again. A new day to make a name for himself.

Asher smirked at the thought that the ranking above had heard about Leah and him. They had been tearing through contracts and Asher could feel himself becoming stronger. He could only imagine how far he could go now that he was on to a new class of job.

Asher ran down the stairs into the guild hall. He had never been up the spiraling staircases until the day before. They went up each side behind Colin, leading to the rooms for the D class adventurers. Asher guessed that the guild was done upgrading his living situation. He'd end up having to rent or buy anything else he wanted, which would be easy enough considering every time he went up a ranking, the payout increased exponentially per job.

He took note of the D ranking board with quite a few job postings. Asher saw Leah coming from the opposite side he had, she was still stretching herself out and waking up. As she approached, Asher picked out a duo mission, the same as usual.

He hadn't told Leah yet why he was so suddenly effortlessly flying through jobs. In a way, he almost wanted to tell her. At the same time, it almost seemed like something he should keep to himself.

"I see you slept well," Asher remarked.

Leah nodded vigorously. "I haven't felt a bed that comfortable in a long time."

"Same here," Asher agreed. "I don't see us ranking up anytime soon, so we need to work hard to gear up," he stated.

With that, they proceeded to do job after job. They each had about ten silver after it was all said and done. Leah had purchased a talent book to make herself more versatile with some magic. It was only a simple fire spell, but it was better than nothing.

Asher on the other hand was more interested in upgrading his actual gear. He had purchased a set of studded leather armor so he was still nimble while having more protection on his body. He would buy a new sword whenever the opportunity came along to buy one with enchantments. Asher doubted he would have the money for a very long time.

With each upgrade Asher and Leah made to themselves, the jobs became easier. Asher had been eyeballing a job for a while that was going to take a full party. Before they went on the job, he wanted the two of them to be in as good of shape as possible. That was why he was pushing Leah to do as many jobs as they could.

Asher purchased a second steel sword to keep on him just in case his first one broke. He tossed the iron sword, as there was nothing at his level that the iron sword would really be useful against.

Asher had made two more purchases for himself before they applied to join the party for the big job. He had bought a talent book for himself. One to muffle his footsteps.

Colin looked at the application for both Asher and Leah to join the party and almost immediately accepted. Asher was almost ecstatic at the job prospect. They were going to be on a hunt for a minotaur. There was a special prize as well. Whoever killed the beast would receive its hide to do with as they wished. In addition to that, the reward was ten silver.

The job had such a high payout because it was high risk. It was technically a rank C job, but there was a group of about fifteen rank D guild members going on the hunt. Asher just hoped it would be enough against such a strong creature.