

Mrs. Miller didn't say much and only

gave the doctor an eye. It was probably to tell him to shut his mouth.

Upon realizing that the doctor won't speak in Mrs. Miller's presence, neither Cole nor William dared to ask anything further.

The whole process only took about half an hour. When they finished the check ups, Mrs. Miller pressed a button near the door.

Within a minute, two guards came running. "Take the kids back to their dorms", Mrs. Miller instructed them.

When everyone was almost near their dorm, Henry walked a bit in the front and opened the door saying, "Hey! Merry! We are back!", a bit loudly.

She immediately stood up and came running. "Hey!"

Other than Cole, it hadn't been long since she met Henry, William and Katie but she was equally worried about the others.

Merry was restless waiting for everyone. Even though she didn't do anything while waiting for them, she felt like her whole energy was drained.

"Thank God, you all are safe", saying that she hugged everyone.

She felt a little relieved when she saw them all safe. This was a place of uncertainties and nobody could be too sure about anything. She had already lost one friend who never came back.

After leaving them there, the guards made themselves scarce.

Merry was curious and had a lot to ask her friends. But, just as always, Henry beat her to it.

"You know from now on, we have names", Henry said while taking a seat in his usual chair.

He had brought his chair from the dining and kept it in the living room.

"You had name way before today, okay!" Katie mocked him for being too excited over just that.

"But, it's kind of official now. Also a person can be happy about it, can't he?" he replied with a grin.

All of them were sitting down but as Merry was dying to know everything, she was standing in front of them.

"Come on, sit down. We will tell you everything", Cole said pulling Merry next to him.

Cole, William and Katie told her everything turn by turn. Henry also added a bit here and there but they didn't let him interrupt too much.

"So, you guys are going to train from tomorrow. Didn't they tell you what type of training it is?" Merry asked Cole.

All the others had just walked towards the kitchen to find something to eat.

"That's what I am worried about. We don't know a thing, what type of training it is or its purpose anything", Cole said frowning.

Even though she too was scared, she tried to put his mind at ease.

"There is definitely a purpose behind all of these. Until then I think, they won't harm us."

"Yeah, hope so", Cole replied with a long sigh.