
The Red Means I Love You

Toga is totally not obsessed with her celebrity crush (AKA soulmate) Uraraka Ochacko, so she devises a plan to give her the best gift ever to win over her one true love. Slightly darker than it seems.

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I'm Excited When I See You Around

Himiko knew it was her from the second she walked past.

Toga was sitting outside of a quaint café, sipping quietly on her milkshake, when she saw her.

Ochako Uraraka.

With her beautiful rosy cheeks, chestnut brown hair and small, lithe hands, she was the epitome of perfection. Of course, currently her perfection was obscured by the plain black mask covering her face and the hat hiding her luscious hair.

She was a singer, the best singer ever-her voice was said to make one feel as if they were weightless, and Toga was a fan.

Correction, she was her number one fan. Having memorised her walking and breathing pattern, she was able to spot Uraraka beneath the disguise, and it made her feel warm inside.

What would she order? Her favourite fruit was strawberry, but they didn't serve strawberry drinks here. Maybe the peppermint? Himiko hoped she didn't order that, the taste of it was like chalk, and Ochako had a soft palate, she wouldn't want her mouth to hurt.

Thirty-two singles, twenty albums, eighteen of which debuted at number one, each song was roughly three minutes and forty seconds, and took about a week to write, music and all (Uraraka would never sing some other person's song).

Unmarried, currently dating the lead singer of the biggest idol group in the world, Izuku Midoryia (their new song 'Take My Hand' as good, but nowhere near as good as her darling Ochako's), this was puzzling to Himiko, as he just wasn't right for Uraraka. Their hands looked stupid when clasped together, her hands were dwarfed by his.

So, there she was, five foot in front of Toga, and she wanted to say something. Not just something, it had to be so mind-blowing that the brunette would write a song about her.

Once the singer had grabbed her drink (chestnut boba, which would now become Himiko's favourite), she began to make her way down the road.

Thinking quickly, Toga skipped up to the shorter girl, tapped her on the shoulder and then swooped into a ninety degree bow, clasping her hands with her drink between them, and proclaimed with a giggle "Uraraka Ochako, I love you!"

Obviously flustered, the brunette straightened her back and scanned her surroundings and then met Himiko's eye. "Oh," she paused before continuing, "I'm flattered! I love meeting fans in public. Thank you for your support!" Uraraka's face was a lovely shade of pink, but it seems she had misunderstood Toga's words, but before she could correct the other, the singer had disappeared.

It was then that Toga decided what she should do. A gift to show her love, an undoubtable gift of devotion. So, she got to thinking.

She hadn't always loved Ochako.

At first, she hated her. Hated her looks, her music, her personality, but Himiko remembers stumbling upon a stream of her concert a few months ago, her most famous concert.

A few hours in, some simpleton must have decided to make themselves go 'boom' and failed, but the look on Uraraka's face as she clutched her head with her hands- the colour rapidly draining from her cheeks, the sweat forming on her brow, the disbelief and horror in her eyes-it was magnificent. Even just imagining it in her mind sent a tingle down Toga's spine.

That's when she was intrigued, and Himiko often found herself rewatching the clip of those few seconds, when the shaky camera flicked to the singer's face.

Ochako then went on to do loads of charity work with some charity that helped bombing victims or whatever, and had since released many heartfelt ballads about the experience.


Red was Uraraka's favourite colour, so that's the colour of the gift that Toga decided to get her.

It was hard, and took weeks to complete, but Himiko was thrilled with the results. It required her to do quite a lot of acting, something that she was extremely passionate about.

Sure, she got some very odd looks while collecting the items she needed, but she ignored them. Himiko was lucky, she had friends with connections who could help her get what she needed when she wanted them.

At last, she had gotten everything she wanted, and Toga laid out everything on the kitchen table.

"That's quite an…unusual gift." Her heavily scarred friend Dabi remarked.

Giggling loudly, she responded "It's not even done yet! Go back to wherever your boyfriend is."

The black haired man flipped her off as he headed towards his bedroom.

Cracking her knuckles, Himiko stared down at her soon-to-be present and tried to figure out how to go about making it.

Toga pulled out the box she was using, as well as some pink paint, and began to decorate. Once it was dry, she attempted to ruffle the silk, and, after getting frustrated, just left it as it was. Finally, she placed the actual gift inside of it. Himiko wanted it to be perfect; she arranged all the pieces multiple ways until it was to her liking.

Hands stained red, she glanced at her masterpiece, proud of her work. It was beautiful, quite abnormal, but beautiful nonetheless.

Opening her laptop, Himiko did a quick search for Uraraka's home address (Toga already knew it but she wanted to double check) and upon finding it, wrote it down on a slip of paper.

Toga considered getting the gift delivered, but was afraid that it could get damaged. And so, two nights later, she ventured out of her house dressed in an unquestionable disguise (a primary school teacher, maybe around thirty-what? She liked giving characters a backstory, it helped her be convincing) and made her way to the singer's house.

They lived near each other, but Uraraka lived right on the top of a hill, which was a pain to climb in heels. Eventually she arrived at the brunette's front door. Ochako lived in a quaint little house doused in flowers and plants. Placing the box down, she pulled out a little card and pen and began to write.

At exactly 11 pm, Ochako heard the distinct melody of her doorbell and approached the large, wooden door at the entrance to her house. Pulling her dressing gown tighter to her body as she stepped into the cool night's air, Uraraka glanced at the box at her feet.

She was used to fanmail at this point-Ochako had received everything from a painting of herself to a collection of used underwear, but the box looked simple enough to be harmless.

Glancing around, she quickly picked up the brown box and scanned the note attached. 'To My One And Only Love' it read-kind of creepy, but she was used to it, and Uraraka smiled as she opened the package.

Upon seeing the contents, her face was drained of its usual pinkness, and her eyes widened in horror. Her heart began to slam rapidly in her chest as her heart pounded. Gagging, she froze as she realised what had been gifted to her.


It was a box of human hands, shaped into love hearts.

The skin was pristine, the majority of them being peach-coloured, but there was something about them that seemed so odd. It was unsettling, they seemed to be covered in intricate detailing, yet something was just off. They looked almost…real.

Her eyes were drawn to the small pool of dried blood at the base of the box, and her nose was assaulted by the pungent smell of human flesh. Grabbing at her hair frantically, Ochako collapsed to the floor in terror, beginning to hyperventilate.

Those were people's hands, she didn't know how they were sourced, but the only thing she could think about at that moment is that some creep had sent her human remains. Coming on to all fours, she felt bile build at the back of her throat, and her entire body lurched as she released the contents of her stomach rather violently onto the gravel.

What sort of sick freak would send her such a thing?

Not so far away, a certain blonde was giggling at the thought of her idol's face.

this is inspired by 'The Red Means I Love You' by Madds Buckley, it's one of my favourite songs.

Thanks for reading :)

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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