
The Red Demon and the Devil

I sighed, “Why does it feel like I’m being watched all the time?” “Maybe it's because you are." A cool voice came from the other side of my room. I froze. How did someone get in here without me noticing? Who is this man? I don't recognize that voice. I felt too terrified to turn around, but I forced myself to. Across the room, near my bed, stood a talk man. He seemed well built, quite muscular, and had black hair. He had fair skin and handsome features, but the most noticeable feature was his eyes. They were a golden-red colour. He wore all black clothes. There was something ominous yet intriguing about this man. "W-who...? Why..?" I was at a loss for words. Wait, was he from another assassin core and sent to kill me? I quickly grab hold of my sword from where it sat beside my desk and this time, with more confidence, I asked, "Who are you and why are you here?" The man slowly walked toward me and I tightened my grip on my sword. Then he disappeared. I quickly looked around but couldn't see him. "I don't think you'd like to know who I am, but I'm here because you have brought much interest to my kind and now to me." The man had appeared behind me and whispered into my ear. I whip around and quickly move away, but this seemed to amuse the man. "Why wouldn't I want to know? And what do you mean your 'kind'?" Why am I asking questions instead of getting rid of him? "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you who I was." He replied simply. I just stared back and him and he seemed to be thinking. "Fine," He said, "my kind are demons. I myself am a high-ranking demon, but there is talk amongst all since you had encountered one. As for who I am..." He trailed off as we began walking closer to me. There was something about him that made me freeze. Then he was gone again and before I realized it, he had knocked my sword from my hand and had grabbed my chin to tilt it toward his face which was very close to mine. My heart was racing and my face felt hot. He looked even more attractive up close. The man smirked. "I am the Devil." ——————————————————————————— Nyx is your average 20-year-old, full-time university student, but she also has a trivial side job. She’s a hit-woman. An assassin. And she’s good at it. But something, or someone, has taken notice of her. Something that it not human. Something with an evil side, and he knows something that she doesn’t. However, with him having taken notice of Nyx, so have other non-human creatures. Her life is about to get a hell of a lot more dangerous and filled with an unexpected, long winded series of adventures. ——————————————————————————— Warning: Violence, suggestive content, sex, murder, suicidal ideations Thank you for everyone that reads!! Feedback is always appreciated! It means the words to me!

redpheonyx · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs


"How are we going to do that?" I asked. He wants to figure out why demons are after me, but how?

Asmodeus stood, thinking, for a few moments. I then had an idea. "The core's elders might know. I could talk to them."

Asmodeus looked at me. "No, that wouldn't be a good idea. I'm sure your core has been informed of your situation and they might do something to you." I said in a serious tone.

"Well, I don't necessarily have to talk to them. Tyler could." I shrugged.

"So you wish to put your brother in danger?" Asmodeus questioned.

"How else are we going to figure this out? The elders know everything. They might be able to tell us." I protested.

Asmodeus sighed. "Fine, but we need to be quick about this. If we go into the city, there is a higher chance of you being found by both demons and your core."

"I know. Don't worry." I smiled in an attempt to reassure him. With that, we left to my former home to find Tyler.

When we arrived, I knocked on the glass balcony door and moments later Tyler appeared. He looked surprised and worried as he unlocked the door and slid it open.

"You shouldn't be here. What are you-" He began.

"We're here for your help." I quickly said as I pushed past him and into the apartment, "I need you to talk to the elders about my situation, about if they know of any prophecies, anything. We need to know what's going on." I begged.

Tylers gaze darted from me to Asmodeus, who stood beside me, then back to me with a worried expression on his face. He sighed, "I'll do it. For you."

"Thank you." A content smile rested across my face. Tyler went to his room to change into his formal attire before leaving to meet with the elders. I looked around the apartment from where I stood and my heart began to ache. I don't want to leave everything behind.

"Ew. You're so weak as to feel such an emotion?" Asmodeus mocked, "Your smell of you sadness is so intense that it's making my nose burn."

I ignored him and inhaled deeply to calm myself. Then, a soft voice came from behind me.

"I wondered when you two were going to show up here. Don't worry, I'm not here to do anything. I'm merely here to help you, brother."

Both Asmodeus and I turned around to find his brother Almos standing there. Asmodeus nodded at him, "I understand. I want you to follow her brother when he leaves. For protection, but I also don't trust him. Do not make your presence known to him."

Almos nodded. "I can do that. I'll wait outside."

I turned to Asmodeus, a bit angered. "Why don't you trust him? He's my brother! He'll do anything to help me!" I snarled at him.

He just started at me with a straight face, "Anyone can betray you, even your own blood." Moments after he said this, Tyler exited his room and made his way over to us. He wore dress pants and a dress shirt, all black. His hair was combed neatly.

"I'm ready." He said, only addressing me. He gave me a quick hug. He was going to drive to the core, which was thankfully only a 20 minute drive. I watched from the balcony door as he drove away.

"It's not safe for us to stay here." Asmodeus said from where he sat on the couch.

"Well, we need to wait for Tyler to get back and tell us what he finds out. I'm not leaving." I said, still staring out the window.

"But your scent that is attracting the demons has grown stronger overnight. Yet, it smells a bit different..." Asmodeus said as he stood up. I turned out and looked at him confused when it hit me.

I bolted to the bathroom and, sure enough, my period had started. Well, fuck.

There was a light knock on the door as I rummaged through the cupboards for my little menstrual cup. An absolute life saver. "Is everything okay?" Asmodeus spoke from the other side of the door.

"Uhh..." I said as I fixed the situation. I opened the door, feeling a bit embarrassed as Asmodeus stood in front of me with a confused look on his face. "Yes, I'm fine. I just... uhh... I got... I started my period." I said sheepishly.

"Ahhh, that's...." Asmodeus looked away from me, seemingly embarrassed and a bit flustered. "Do you need... stuff?" He asked hesitantly.

I chuckled nervously, "No, I'll be fine."

"Okay." We both stood there in an awkward silence for a moment before he walked back to the living room.

After some time, Almos barged I'm through the balcony door. He also dragged Tyler by his hair into the apartment. I jumped up from the couch, absolutely furious.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I screeched at him. I was preparing to lunge at him when Asmodeus put his arm across my chest to stop me.

"I told you, you can be betrayed by your own blood." He snarled, locking his eyes onto Tyler's writhing body as he tried to escape from Almos's grasp.

Almos nodded, "He is right. Tyler wasted no time in turning you in."

I was still infuriated, but now at Tyler. He had stopped moving and looked at me with guilt in his eyes. "Is he telling the truth?" I asked, gritting my teeth. Tyler only looked down, but that was enough of an answer for me.

"What the fuck Tyler? I trusted you! You're my brother-"

"I'm not your brother!" He blurted out, sounding angry but also hurt.

"What are you talking about?" I snarled back. Was he trying to disown me? I wanted to strangle him and to make him bleed.

"Mother and father aren't your real parents! They killed your real ones and took you in since they felt guilty leaving you behind. Everyone wants you because you're a half-breed! Half demon, half angel, but it seems the angel side is being suppressed. They can't sense you yet, but they will. The demon presence is growing and they're going to notice." Tyler shouted all of this at me and my head began to spin. Has he gone mad? Is this all true?

It was too much information for me to process and everything became blurry. My legs felt wobbly and I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist to hold me up.

"We should go." Asmodeus's voice sounded so distant. I then felt him lift me up to carry me. I looked at him but my eyes couldn't focus on his face.

"Are you okay?" His voice still sounded so distant but I nodded. Then everything went black.