
One and a Half Years Old

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Hao Ren took the shopping list that Vivian gave him and headed to the market with Lily and Lorissa following suit. As usual, Lily's eyes busily darted about her surroundings the whole time. Lorissa had shapeshifted into a human, and the sight of an earthling's daily life aroused curiosity in the cloned mage empress. Unlike Lily, Lorissa was more restraint. She observed quietly. Everything seemed to be new to her.

Hao Ren looked back at the two, feeling a little funny. He asked Lily, "Didn't you want to counsel Beanbag?"

"Don't worry about it. That guy has been out on the street for half a month anyway," Lily said while waving her hand. "It's not like Lorrisa can come to Earth very often. I should accompany her shopping."