
About Those Demon Hunters

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Regarding the new teleportation features that was installed in the MDT, there were simply too many items on the list for Raven12345 to go through individually with Hao Ren. He also realised from the tutorial menu itself that he really needed to learn the in and outs of the new feature. He was previously just a 'passenger', and compounded by the fact that he knew almost nothing of teleportation.

After some reading, he only realized how complicated things were on a higher level. That civilian-use teleportation cannot be done near any strong gravity fields, and that the two-way teleportation needs bilateral calibration on both end or risk a failure. The activation of a Type-One Sublight Hyperdrive engine would create frequencies that will prevent civilian-use teleportation. Gravity well generators will catastrophically interfere with all forms of teleportation...