131 Xavier, The Alpha Of His Kingdom 1

His tall frame cast a shadow on the ground as he watched the huge gates staring back at him.

A small smile spread on his lips as he stood there. He never realized how much he missed this place until he got here.

Home, indeed, was different from any other place.

The guards standing by the gates noticed the figure by the side and when they realized who he was, they instantly stood straight and saluted him.

"Morning, Great Alpha!" they chanted at the same time.

"Morning. At ease, soldiers," Alpha Xavier smiled.

The soldiers dropped their hands and parted for him to pass through.

"How are you all doing today?" He asked.

The soldiers looked at each other with confusion, none of them knew how to answer the question.

Did their Alpha just actually ask about their welfare with a wide smile on his face?

Who was this person in front of them? They were beginning to doubt now.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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