
Chapter 12 (updated)

When Lyla's eyes fluttered open panic settled in to her body. She wasn't in her room, she was in someone else's.

Her eyes darted to the walls and she wheezed in relief. She was laying in Jesse's bed. She was in his room.

She swung her legs to the side of the mattress only to tumble on to the rough carpet of the floor.

A horrible throb pulsed through her skull, it felt like screwdrivers were being stabbed into her temples.

"Ugh!" She grunted, but it sounded more like a pathetic attempt of a whine. Her throat was severely dry and scratchy.

The door shot open as soon as the sound went out of her mouth.

Jesse was nearly sprinting toward her.

His eyes were wide and animalistic bouncing around the room frantically before settling on Lyla.

He approached her like he was afraid to break her by too sudden of a movement.

She immediately noticed the dark purplish circles under his eyes that made his cheeks look sunken in.

The shade of his skin was like bleached wheat, a color that made him look sickly.

He got to his knee's, curling her in to his arms and resting her gently back on to his bed.

Lyla patted the spot beside her and after a moment's hesitation he sat next to her.

"Are you ok?" Lyla touched his cheek with the tips of her fingers.

If she was told a few weeks ago she would be locking eyes with this dark haired angel, she probably would have laughed.

"I'm fine." He ogled at her with extensive concern.

"You should be resting." His knitted brows.

"Are you kidding? I've been sleeping for like three days!" She exclaimed.

"Actually it's only been for a night" He said with a grave expression. He looked beyond the point of exhaustion, like he hadn't slept in years. His eyes were hollow, almost empty.

"Oh..." She murmured, inching herself backward to brace herself against the wall.

"What happened?" She tugged Jesse's pillow on to her lap, resting her hands on it.

She vaguely remembered the creature from the library, as well as the conversation between him and Regina.

The most significant detail that resurfaced was the strange things she saw through his eyes.

"It's kind of hard to explain." He let out a harsh breath.

"Something bit me." She interjected. Another strand of images popped out her brain and she inclined her head.

"Yes." His jaw tightened almost as if the occurrence infuriated him. His eyes flared with detestation.

"Am I going to be ok?." She gulped.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked toward the ceiling cursing under his breath.

When he lowered his head he roughly ran his hands through his black shaggy hair.

"We don't have as much time as I would have liked." His sterling silver eyes held hers. They were eerily still, she didn't have to be told that Jesse was his most frightening self when he was quiet.

The black that out lined the color made them breath taking. Like lightening trapped inside of his irises.

The muscle in his jaw contracted as he swallowed.

"I.. I don't understand." She stammered. Fear was slowly spreading through her veins like powder poured in to water.

She felt a deep wild pain in her chest. Trickles of anxiety dowsed her skin.

His eyes softened, and his hands cupped her face.

"I would give all the blood in my body if it meant protecting you."

Her heart stuttered, she knew he would. The look in his eyes were fierce and unwavering.

He sighed, placing his hands on each side of her hips, leaning closer to where they were staring deep in to one another's eye's.

"I would die a thousand deaths before I'd let anything happen to you.." He looked away closing his eyes.

A face that carried a thousand years of sorrow replaced his beauty.

He swallowed the emotion that was wedged in his throat.

Lyla had never seen him so vulnerable, and it just made her want him even more.

He got onto his knees in front of her, hesitantly taking her wrist.

She cringed when he slid his thumb over the mark that was etched into her flesh.

She then realized something. It no longer burned when he touched her, there was no longer any discomfort when they had contact.

Instinctively, she brought her hand up to inspect it.

The air wheezed out of her chest.

Instead of the lonely oval that once decorated her skin, there was now two circles that were linked like a chain.

"Allow me." He gestured for her hand.

He yanked up the sleeve of his leather jacket, showing an identical mark on the opposite side of hers but in the same place.

He pressed his arm against her's and the marking illuminated. One a luminescent blue and the other an electric turquoise color.

"The bond is complete..." His words trailed off.

Lyla cocked a brow.

"So what does it do? You never really explained what it does."

"Well, for a danger magnet like yourself. it can be useful. Before the bond was complete I could mildly sense your emotions. But now I can feel them like they are my own. "

He smirked.

"Emotions?" She blushed.

That must have been why he found her so quickly in the library. Hopefully he wasn't able to tell when the way she felt for him burned her alive.

"Your sense of danger, sadness... Desire."

He sucked on his lower lip with that last word and gave her a look that made her insides fall in to pieces in a good way.

A fuzzy sensation rushed over her. Her temperature had risen a few points when the gravity of what he said hit her.

"What's the bad part?" She inquired.

"Anything that happens to you affects me on a deep emotional and/or physical level." His face blanched.

"Elaborate please.." her interest piqued. The part of her that loved learning took over her senses. She was beyond fascinated.

"If you were to get a gash or something, it wouldn't inflict just you. It would be on my skin as well. The emotional part is hard because it will be hard to decipher my feelings from yours. Think of me as a prisoner of love." He smirked unamused.

"What about if I don't have feelings for you?" Lyla said half teasing.

"Our bond runs deeper than our own DNA. That would be like telling you not to breath." A barely there smile hid behind his teeth.

Lyla felt her navel flutter.

"So... What did you do to help me when I was bitten?" She asked, sticking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I shared my life force with you. That's why it strengthened the bond, we shared energy." He twisted his lips as he thought about our conversation.

He laid back and drug her down with him, intertwining their fingers like a jigsaw puzzle.

It took her back to the first time they had touched.

"The first time we touched... When you caught me when I was falling.. My arm felt like it was set on fire. It was so strong I thought it was going to melt off. Now it feels unbelievable." She admitted sheepishly.

Jesse frowned and his eyes glinted with confusion.

"That's strange. That's how it feels for my kind.. but I don't think that's how it would be for a human." He mused.

"Maybe somewhere in your bloodline you have realm Walkers DNA." He said thoughtfully.

Lyla felt herself yawn. All of what's happened in the past few months had worn her mental stability to the edge of insanity.

"Is it okay if I sleep?"

"Of course." He tugged her onto his chest and within a matter of seconds she was soundlessly asleep.

"Are you feeling better?" said Dee, shaking Lyla softly on her shoulder.

She was sitting beside lyla with a chocolate muffin extended toward her.

She felt herself smile. It was a small gesture, but it was a pure one.

"I am. Thank you." Lyla simpered.

She sat up and began nibbling on her sweet treat.

Dee returned a dazzling grin.

"Well, I'm glad. I've decided I like you too much to let you die on me." She grinned.

Lyla rolled her eyes.

As always, Dee had to be overly dramatic about every situation that came across her. She did wonder what Jesse or Regina had told her about her absence.

"Can you help me with our math assignment? It's driving me mad. Mad I tell you!"

She produced on command crocodile tears and sobbed uncontrollably in her hands.

Lyla was impressed, perhaps Dee's calling in life is acting.

She shook her head smiling.

"Of course I'll help you."

"Okay. I'll throw up if I have to do one more problem. Can we please go have fun now?" Dee said bringing her joined hands under her chin and poking out her full bottom lip.

Lyla quirked a brow up in good humor.

"Does that usually work on people?"

"Eh.. not really. Well except for Jay." Dee shrugged.

Lyla herself was tired of looking at math equation's. What's the harm in taking a break for a bit.

"Look what the cat drug in." Stacy sneered as Dee and Lyla entered their terminus.

Her guard dogs were to both sides of her, scrutinising Lyla, looking for weakness to attack.

Lyla rolled her eyes and continued her conversation with Dee. She had thought if she seemed immersed in their chat Stacy would back off.

But as usual that wasn't the case.

"Excuse me!" Stacy stomped her foot like a toddler.

Her hot pink blouse shimmered as she moved, it reminded Lyla of a Barbie doll's attire.

"What Stacy?" Lyla massaged her temples. She really didn't have the mental strength to deal with Stacy today. Her life was already spinning in so many directions, she felt dizzy by the overwhelming events.

"I want you to stay away from Jesse." Her catty attitude made Lyla's blood boil. It was moments like this she wanted to rip her sleeve up and show the world that her and Jesse belonged to eachother. But she knew in her soul and that was good enough.

Lyla shook her head with exasperation and continued walking past her.

"I wasn't finished!" She reared back and pushed Lyla, jerking her forward nearly sending her to her knee's.

Lyla drew in a blistering breath, she squeezed her fists so tight that she could feel the blood welling out of the wounds her nails created in her palms.

Stacy had a wicked smile plastered on her face. Lyla knew if she acted on her impulses Stacy would win.

"Go away Stacy. I'm not in the mood for your child-ish games." Lyla groaned, covering her eyes with her hands.

She was pleased with her self-control.

Dee shot her a muddled look at their hostile exchange. Lyla herself didn't understand Stacy's hatred towards her.

Stacy followed them like a fly to the set of folding chairs that were to the side of the pool table.

"You know he thinks you're a joke." She tossed her hair back with her hand before placing it on her bony hip.

Her fingernails were painted a bubblegum pink, her entire image screamed perfection.

Its too bad her beauty was only on the outside. On the inside she was as gruesome as a two headed snake.

"That's funny considering I'm not the one that throws myself at anything that'll take me." Lyla spat.

"Stop trying to act like a goodie two shoes. Trash will always be trash." She grinned with triumph.

Her bleached ringlets bobbled with her head as she laughed.

Lyla couldn't condone her pathetic attempt to arouse her wrath any longer. She simply removed herself from the situation that was sure to invoke a demon inside of her.

She paced back and forth around the sidewalk of the girls' dormitory.

Her heart was racing viciously, trying to let the monster inside of her out. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"You ok Lyla?" Miles said, causing her eyes to flicker open.

"I saw what happened." He offered a sympathetic smile.

She was glad to see Miles. She enjoyed his company from time to time.

"I'm fine. I just wish Stacy would find a new target."

Lyla chewed on the inside of her cheek.

Her very name made her taste bile.

The bitterness slithered like a snake down her throat.

Taking the higher road was much harder than she had anticipated.

Miles looked thoughtful as he answered.

"Jealousy makes people do strange things."

Lyla laughed unamused.

"Jealousy?" She scoffed.

Miles scratched behind his ear and his dark chocolate cheeks tinted with an even darker red.

"You obviously don't see the way guys look at you." He cleared his throat.

Lyla suddenly felt awkward, she twisted the hem of her shirt between her fingers and looked away.

When she looked up again, she was astounded to find Miles lips had crushed into hers.

Without thinking she struck him against his cheek, the sound of her skin colliding with his made her stomach twist.

"You had no right to do that!" She snapped.

A look of overwhelming hurt and regret flashed across Miles's face.

He rubbed the darkened spot that her hand had struck. As if he could wipe away the sting.

Lyla turned on her heels and retreated to her room.

She found herself pacing even fiercely than before, her stomach felt hollowed out like her guts were carved out with a spoon. What is Jesse going to think? How do you explain something like this? And then an even more grotesque thought entered her mind, what will Jesse do to Miles?

She flopped onto her bed and smothered her head into her pillow. When did her life become so complicated?

Dee slung the door shut and then trudged inside. Her eyes were bloodshot and her skin was as pale as a ghost, her face glistened with sweat.

"Woah... Are you ok?" Lyla said, rushing toward her friend.

Dee held up her palms and lyla stopped before she reached her.

"I.. I'll be okay. I get this strange fever every couple of weeks." Dee said with an unamused smirk.

"I'll be fine in a day or two."

Dee said throwing herself on to her bed.

Lyla creased her forehead with concern. She didn't think a fever every couple of weeks was even remotely normal. She suddenly felt afraid for her friend.

"I'll cover you up." Lyla grabbed Dee's comforter and tucked it around her, forming a cocoon of material around her. As Lyla leaned over her crystal fell out of her shirt, lighting the room like a sunrise.

Dee's eyes widened.

"I've never seen a pendant like that." She said weakly.

"It looks like there's lightening trapped in the stone."

Lyla shushed her and fluffed her pillow beneath her. Her hand grazed Dee's forehead and her breath hissed between her teeth.

"Dee you should see a nurse!" Lyla exclaimed.

Dee smiled a frail smile and slid her hand on to Lyla's.

"Your a good friend. I'm going to sleep."

After lyla had exited her first section of classes, she was relieved to see Jay lingering in the hallway while the other students went to lunch.

She had went to the cafeteria to bring Dee a bowl of chicken soup. She wondered if he knew Dee wasn't feeling well?

"Hey Jay, have you checked on Dee yet?" Lyla said hopeful.

She was greeted with a pair of cold black eyes that lacked the capacity for emotion. she clenched the bowl tighter so she wouldn't drop it.

"No." Jay answer in a clipped tone.

A cold chill raced up her spine, lifting the hairs on the back of her neck.

"Were you planning to?" She cleared her throat.

Jay slitted his eyes at her, pure loathing gleamed in the black pits of his eyes.

Lyla felt her body quiver. She needed to get away from him, she couldn't imagine how Jesse and him remotely be friends. Then again, she hasn't seen him near Jesse. The only mention of their friendship was by Dee.

"Okay.." lyla breathed.

Even after she turned she could feel his venomous stare at the back of her neck.

As Lyla turned around the corner that lead to her dorm room, Jesse appeared out of thin air. Her hands flew up and the soup went tumbling down but it never reach the floor. Jesse's cat like reflexes saved the floor from being scorched with the hot liquid.

Lyla glared at him.

He bit his lower lip to hold back a smile. But it faded just as fast when he saw her reaction.

"We need to talk.." Lyla said, remembering Miles violating her personal space and driving a wedge between their young friendship.

Jesse rolled his eyes.

"No worries about Miles princess. You took care of it for me." He smiled a malicious grin that made him look as deadly as a panther. A panther with wild silver eyes.

Butterflies exploded into her stomach, and her cheeks flushed.

Jesse stepped a little closer, raising her chin so she was looking into his eyes.

"You've been anxious all day. I want to take you somewhere tonight to ease your mind." He pecked her lips.

Lyla eased herself into the room and closed the door quietly.

"I'm awake.. you don't have to walk on egg shells." Dee muttered.

Lyla propped Dee's head up on her pillow and began feeding her.

Dee was so weak she was barely able to move, not even to lift her head.

Lyla protested her decision to stay in bed instead of seeing a nurse.

But she knew Dee was going to do what she wanted, regardless of Lyla's reservations.

She grabbed the thermometer she had received from Regina and checked Dee's temperature.

"Well, at least it's not 104 anymore." Lyla muttered disapprovingly.

"I told you I'll be fine." Dee croaked.

Lyla rolled her eyes. If Dee wasn't so sick she'd have half a mind to slap some sense into her.

"Well, I may have scored some movie's from Regina to keep you occupied." Lyla said, sliding in Sweeny Todd.

Dee was fast asleep, so lyla thought it was the perfect time to prepare for her outting with Jesse.

She grabbed a white baby doll summer dress out of her drawer and a short blue jean jacket to cover her arms.

She yanked her hair out of the sloppy bun she had thrown it into that morning and let her auburn waves trickle down her back like streams of water.

Jesse was leaning against the stairs with his baseball cap shadowing his features. She loved the way the curls on the end of his hair curved against the fabric of his hat.

His white v-neck shirt was thin enough that she could see the ridges of his muscles through it.

He looked up at her and smiled wide, his teeth sparkled like diamonds.

He must of felt the growing desire that was swelling in her chest.

As soon as she descended the steps he placed his hands on her waist and pulled her in to a kiss.

"Your are the definition of perfect." He purred into her ear, sending warm shivers over her skin.

"So, where exactly are you taking me?" Lyla said as they started on their way.

Jesse flashed a sly smile and his raven black hair fell into his liquid silver eyes.

"You'll see." He winked.

He led her behind a large oak tree that's width was enough to conceal the both of them.

She felt her body being lifted and cradled into his arms so fast it she shrieked in surprise.

He pressed his mouth against her hair and whispered.

"Shh.. we don't want Regina coming out." He smiled mischievously.

"Close your eyes, if you don't you'll get sick." The ghost of a smile embellished his lips.

Lyla tightly squeezed her eyes shut.

She felt like she was falling out of a plane, crashing toward the ground.

Like she was drowning and spinning and laughing all at the same time.

Her stomach lurched with butterflies.

And then the sensation suddenly stopped.

"We just teleported." Jesse said with a slight arrogance. It was just enough that made it attractive instead of annoying.

"You can open your eyes now." Jesse's tone hinted at amusement. And though her feet were planted firmly on the ground, she was still wobbly.

"You know I would never hurt you. I don't like pain as much as you'd think." He chuckled.

Lyla swatted at his shoulder and his bark of laughter exploded around them.

Lyla opened her eyes and her mouth dropped.

They were at a beautiful crystal clear lake.

Fireflies hovered about the surface of the water, causing them to look like twinkling stars in a transparent mirror.

There were wild flowers circling the border of the small lake, each a different brilliant color. The atmosphere was filled with the sweet floral scent.

On the far side of the lake was a weeping willow. It's dropping branches kissed the body of liquid as if they were drinking from it to replenish their thirst.

"This is..." Lyla breathed.

There were no words that could describe the rollercoaster of emotions she felt.

"Everyone has their own miniature world in the realm of creativity. I created this one for you." He said, gliding his lips across her cheek.

Her heart pounded wildly, it took all of her will power to refrain from pouncing on him, holding him hostage in the dampened grass.

She took his hand and lead him to the bench beneath placed beneath the willow.

She pushed him backward making him fall into the seat.

She moved her hair to one side and placed her legs on each side of his hips, straddling his lap.

She leaned her faced down just a small distance away from his. Her hair fell forward, acting as a curtain, hiding them away.

"You.. have no clue what you do to me." He said breathlessly.

She could feel the pulse of his blood buzzing beneath her skin as if it were her own.

"I think I have an idea." She swallowed the desire that was slowly climbing up her senses up.

She snuck her hands beneath his shirt and let her fingers explore his perfectly sculpted abdomen.

She followed the indents of his muscles and felt her body explode with goosebumps.

Jesse swept his hands up the back of her thighs, pressing her deeper into him.

Her mind wondered to what it would be like when they become one, what it would be like when she surrendered herself entirely to him, mind body and soul.

It was too soon now, but it was a welcome thought for the near future.

His hands glided over her hips and his grip tightened on the curves of her sides. Her body was humming with anticipation, and his eyes glazed over with dark desire that sent delicious sparks to her heart.

Jesse removed one hand, curving it against her neck to lead her mouth to his.

He slipped his tongue over her bottom lip and she reciprocated, parting her lips.

He tasted minty and sweet, she could never get enough of this feeling.

The feeling of being intoxicated by his touch, the feeling of his hands on her waist, the feeling of their hearts pounding in sync.

Their kiss lasted for what felt like hours, but she could never grow tired of the taste of him.

He swung her legs over and cradled her against him. She nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck and took a deep breath of his smell.

"There was a saying that my people often said."

Jesse said as he traced his fingers in a circle on her back.

"Love turns the weak into warrior's, love turns the broken into a whole, love chases away the dark of night and love is the character of a brighter burning soul."

He murmured.

Lyla smiled against his cheek. She loved learning more about his people, she wished she could take away the loneliness that must of consumed him for so long. The knowledge of being the last of his kind.

"Where did it come from?" Lyla asked.

"It's a part of our marriage ceremonies."

Lyla felt heat explode through her body and she quivered. She was high on the anticipation of their future.

Jesse squeezed her tighter, folding her into his arms like a protective cage.

She didn't remember when she had fallen asleep, but she caught small glimpses of the inside of her building as Jesse carried her to her room.

As he laid her down, she felt him lay a feather like kiss on her cheek.

"Wake up sleepy head!" Dee squealed.

Lyla had been so startled she fell off of her bed, her body slamming painfully on to the floor.

She glared at Dee who was buckled over in laughter.

"I think I liked you better when you were dying." Lyla growled.

Dee extended a hand to help her up.

"At lunch I expect a full report on everything I've missed." Dee said heaving her to her feet.

"Oh you'll hear it on the way to P.E." lyla grinned with satisfaction.

Dee's features shadowed with horror.

"Come on your highness we're going to be late." Lyla smiled.

She heard Dee mutter a few unladylike words and shook her head with amusement.

When they approached the field Lyla's whole body felt like it was going to combust. Rage and jealously lacerating her core.

Stacy was leaning over Jesse with an extremely low cut shirt and shorts that could hardly qualify as appropriate.

What upset her even more so was that Jesse had not sent her away.

Lyla walked with fury to the students lined up by coach Dawson.

She snuck another glance toward Jesse and felt like she had been stabbed in the heart with a knife, and Stacy was twisting it, slashing her arteries wide open.

Stacy was whispering into his ear and her hands were ever so slowly stroking his arm.

She jerked her head away and gritted her teeth.

Her heart roared in her ears, drowning out the noises surrounding her, even Dee's voice was muted by the hollow beating in her ear drums.

Miles stood beside Lyla and she could feel the awkward tension between them like a forcefield.

"Can we talk?" Miles said tapping her on the shoulder, he had leaned his head a little closer toward her than what she was comfortable with.

Lyla turned to him and put on a mask of serenity.

"Of course."

Miles took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry Lyla. I thought you liked me." He said a little sadly.

Lyla felt herself filling with guilt.

She hadn't exactly told miles she didn't feel that way about him, she just assumed it was obvious that she was infatuated with Jesse.

"I'm sorry too. I wasn't expecting it."

Miles sighed in relief.

"So friends?" He offered his hand for her to shake.

She grabbed it and squeezed.

"Of course."

After all of the students made it to the field, Coach Dawson began barking out instructions.

She was hoping that she would be paired with Miles again, or that maybe she would be lucky enough to vent with Dee as they worked their bodies into an exhausted pile of pulp.

Unbelievably, Jesse and her were paired. She felt Jesse stand beside her and lean closer to her ear.

"It's not what you think." Jesse said amused.

Lyla wanted to claw his eyes out. You would think for an advanced species he would understand that she was infuriated.

She didn't answer, she kept her eyes locked on the coach.

She heard Jesse sigh with annoyance.

Coach Dawson directed all of the students to the back of the Boy's facility, where a large wall geared for rock climbing was facing the wall of the forest.

Everyone would have their turn, but in the mean time they were to stretch and warm up.

"You know, your kind of cute when your possessive." Jesse said, jabbing her in her side. Sadly for him it would take a bit more than that to earn her forgiveness.

After they were done with their warm-up she walked toward the building and leaned against it, waiting for their names to be called.

Jesse yanked her by her waist and pressed her against the wall.

She felt her anger begin to dissolve, but she fought tooth and nail to keep it burning inside of her lungs.

Jesse cupped her cheeks in his hands and leaned her head back, forcing her to look at him.

"There is nothing on this earth or in this universe that could lessen my affection for you."

His eyes were like icicles, glimmering with desire.

"Why didn't you tell her to leave you alone. Or is this only some kind of game to you." She hissed.

Jesse's eyes darkened into a gunmetal gray, they scorched into her face.

"My soul is your soul. My flesh is your flesh, even unto the valley of death, your name will be whispered with my last breath."

Lyla shuddered, it was like his words were piercing into the depths of her being. Reaching into a secret place where only their souls connected.

He crushed his lips into hers with a bruising pressure. She could feel the stairs of their fellow classmates but she didn't care.

He broke away, melted silver glistened in his eyes.

"Now, if you would listen. I was trying to tell you, she's got the same mark Rex had."

Lyla felt the color wash out of her face. She was almost sure her emerald eyes were pale with apprehension.

"What are we going to do? It's happening more and more." Lyla's lip wobbled.

Jesse traced the back of his hand against her cheek.

"Don't worry. It's going to be okay."

"Daniels! Tyler! Rope up." Coach Dawson hollered and blew his whistle.

Jesse curled her hand into his and dragged her toward the wall.