
Revenge is sweet. (Chapter 34)

I ran to the bathroom and washed my mouth out countless amount of times. I hate him! I hate Kion. I had to wash the lies out of my mouth. My tounge burning at my words. I had my answers, and my opportunity for revenge. But I had unintentionally just jeprodised Ryan's safety. Even if Damien is dead, I couldn't loose my brother too. It was crystal clear..I was trapped.

"MY -LADDY -MY -LADY!" Lucy pounds in the door. I open it. "LORD KION IS COMING-" she says frantic. We hear the knock and simultaneously look at eachother. Mika jumps at the intensity of the knocks chewing on her nail. I start to move to open the door. "My lady don't! Run away go! We can handle the punishment! Please my lady don't give in to him!" Her cries made me angry. Kions fear dominated over people's life. Lucy was trembling. I hated what power he had over her. She had to live in constant fear all because of him and no one should live like that. His tyranny will come to an end. Tonight.

"Mika Open the door." I smiled an eyebrow raised. Her eyes perplexed. But she did what I asked. The door opened revealing an unwelcome guest. Kion.

"Every time I see you Karina, I'm almost ready to take you. I guess now is the time." His eyes latch onto Lucy instilling his fear she turns to leave.

"Um Lucy, Mika, actually I want you to see this." I smirk.

"What's going on?" He asks as he is ready to turn violent. I Muster the Dark forces and slam the door behind him. I stick him against the wall, sprawled out like a painting. I hold him there. Lucy's eyes are wide stuck on him in shock. Looking to and fro from me and Kion. She did not expect that. Yet I can see she is enjoying it.

"Kion the rumours you heard were right.. I am Rovara. But one thing was wrong, you do NOT own me. I will not be trapped." I use the Dark forces to choke him slightly. "You treat women like shit because you believe you have some kind of superiority because you were born with a dick!?" I see his face turn blue, but I can't stop the anger was too much. Everything he has done to me, every piece of love, dignity and strength he has taken from me I want it back. I was gonna make sure he feels it. He shouts in pain as I use darkness to make his insides squirm. He begs, and begs for me to stop, but I can't I'm just getting started.


"Aghhhhhh you stupid BiTCH!! Let me go!" He screeches as I make his nipples burn. "What do you say Lucy, should we do something about that mouth." I make his lips grow and sizzle until he has no energy to scream. I had reached the darkest place. I couldn't get out. I was falling deeper. My darkness was demonic. No redemption in sight. I twisted his balls with magic until he screamed for help. "Please Karina stop I'll do whatever you want please-"

"Look at you, bastard! You cause so much pain to everyone, you torture for fun and won't show mercy, but yet, you have the audacity to ask for it..you should be ashamed of yourself." I make his ears ring a brain shattering screech as he howled in anguish. "You took my dignity, my pride and my love. YOU STABBED DAMIEN and made me watch! You claimed me as yours but I told you I will never be yours. You didn't listen! You abused me, threatened my brother. I'm getting revenge. And guess what, you can't do shit if you're dead!" I stimulated the pain of a knife driving into his gut, he couldn't breathe as he shook foam forming in his mouth. "You never stopped to think about consequences. You never understood that sometimes the prey fights back. And well I'm not stopping till you're dead." I didn't want to stop, not until he was dead. But I heard Damien's voice in my head. His face appeared. Just his eyes instilled light into me. I stopped. He drops too the floor, clutching the floor gasping for air. I walk over to him, and squat next him, making him look me in the eye.

"I want you to remember that it was me, a WOMAN of shadows, that put Kion Shade in his place. Me, Princess Karina Darvos..The Queen of Darkness." I whisper. He looks up at me terrified nodding his head. "I will not become you like you. I will never love you. You hurt someone I love, so you hurt me. But now I will hurt you. I am going to rid you of all titles, all power over everything and anything. By the time I'm done, people will spit on you." He gazed at me, dumbfounded at my bravery. I was not scared of him. He was scared of me.

"I want you to apologize to Lucy." He looked at Lucy, I smacked him hard. Just to let him know I was serious gritting my teeth.

"Sorry Lucy." He says. I smack him again. Just for fun. "Now who owns who?" I chuckle. He looks at me still terrified. I get up and make my way to Lucy. She gleams looking at me with such admiration. I wink at her and she giggled twisting with joy. But it soon faded. Her eyes suddenly went wide, as her eyes looked to the back of the room. I turned around to see Kion had a knife to Mika's throat.

"You see Karina, the reason why I'm better than you, is that I have the guts to do what's necessary to stay at the the top. And if it's through fear, the so be it." Blood draws from Mika's neck. "YOU never understood.. Having loved ones makes you weak, and you have such a selection. All I had to do was press Ryan and you came running to my arms., and I got to kill a lightning in the process." He smirked. Mika squealed, my throat tightened. "You should've killed me when you had the chance." He said.

"No but I will." I heard something glide through the air and stick into flesh. Kion dropped to the floor screaming in immense pain clutching his leg. I look up to the doorway. My heart fluttering and I feel like I may pass out. He was standing there. His eyes latch onto me not blinking. I froze as I recognized the eyes, the voice, the body, the hair. How could I forget. Damien. Alive. He came for me. Literal peace and tranquility flowed through me.

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