
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · perkotaan
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21 Chs

Chapter 9

Indira and Jessica stirred awake and frowned while looking out the window of their father's van.

They were close, an hour or two they estimated on seeing the familiar tarred road lined with jasmine and blue bells on either side.

It was relatively quiet as usual and that's what they hate about the hacienda in the first place; they never wanted to be here in the first place but their father was insistent, saying that their mother misses them so much and that Las Vegas isn't a place for young girls like them.

But they're already eighteen and are high school seniors, what's young about that?

The sun was at its highest peak now. Finally, the stone gate way the shape of an arc was visible and above it the words: hacienda de Torres were engraved.

The entrance was lined with tall palm trees at the edge of a lake the color of the sky—a translucent blue. The main house was a traditional building made of agate with a direct view of vast rolling fields about ten acres, a stream pond and clusters of mature trees. The house itself was surrounded by broad meadows and woodland, ensuring complete seclusion.

When the van finally screeched to a stop in front of the stone house, the girls pouted even more, they didn't want to stay in Veracruz.

Las Vegas was better compared to a hacienda in Veracruz the middle of nowhere.

This was just a punishment from their dada they're sure of it. Leandro switched off the ignition and got out of the van to pull the door open for the two girls.

''you're going to like it here I promise.'' He assured.

''dad, this is worse than being in Wyoming.'' Jessica was the first to counter.

''more like a prison I'd say.'' Indira added.

''alright enough with the drama. Now go, your mom will be thrilled to see you two.''

They both grumbled hesitantly and Indira took regretful steps towards the enormous antique stone house when she suddenly stopped at the sight of Adonis himself on horseback.

Her jaws dropped.

He was shirtless and the morning sunlight made his tanned skin glitter like gold dust, the poised manner in which he sat on the horse made him look like a movie star.

And as the horse began trotting about, she couldn't help but notice the athletic masculinity of his lean body and a shockingly sensual biceps that could not be ignored and that, she described in one word—arrogance.

Long sleek black hair that fell on his broad shoulders complimented his oval face, the eye brows that bridged his forehead was thick and black as his hair, his strong, straight cheek bone and pointed chin were masked by a cluster of dark beard.

When he finally pulled the reins to a stop, a man obviously the same age as him handed him a glass of water. Completely unaware of the fact that she'd actually raised her hand to her neck, Indira watched the hard work of his Adam apple between his throat as he gulped then found herself tracing the water gliding down from his beard to his neck down to his broad chest, down again to his flat belly, down, down to his narrow waist and finally disappearing at the border of his pants; she couldn't bring herself to imagine what lies beneath that border.

Really now, has the years she's spent in LasVegas made her wanton?

''dad, who's that?'' she finally asked bringing Jessica's attention as well.

''that's Antonio, he's our foreman.'' Leandro replied.

''I am so liking Veracruz already.'' Jessica gushed aloud.

''it's good to be home.'' Indira muttered.

Graciela came running out to meet the tomboy Indira wearing her father's straw hat and the vain Jessica wearing a pink ribbon on her rich golden hair.

Graciela's arms flew over them both as she led them towards the house. Indira stole a glance at Adonis.

Graciela led the two girls up the wooden steps and through the black oak doors . The interior was well crafted with high ceilings and beautiful wood paneling . Aside from the life-like sculptures of people and horses alike, the entire room was baronial with its brown two seater sofas and a fire place with its mantel piece decorated like an altar.

''I missed my babies so much.'' Graciela hugged them both to her.

''mom, are you trying to smother me?'' Jessica croaked.

Gabriela withdrew almost immediately. ''oh I'm so sorry dear. But am so happy that you two are finally home.''

''but we're not.'' Indira interjected.

''why not honey?''

''it's too quiet, too boring and I don't see a single plaza around.'' Jessica said.

Graciela smiled in amusement.

''what's so funny?'' Jessica scowled.

''nothing. It's just that I can't believe you don't like it here because you can't go shopping. There are a few boutiques I know of , I'll take you girls there some time. And you honey, what's your reason for not liking it here?'' she directed the question at Indira.

''I can't sketch anything but trees around here.''

Graciela smiled. ''ooh.''