
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 8

Olivia looked down at the peaceful face of the man she loved, she didn't want to betray him; not after all the affection he's given her ever since they met eighteen years ago. She glanced at the clock on the night stand right before it struck 1.00am.

She didn't know how to handle the situation and that made her even more agitated.

She needed someone to talk to, someone who can relate to her problem; but where would she find that someone?

She swung the covers aside and her feet was next, sliding unto the soft rug As she carried herself out of bed, he reached into the wardrobe and grabbed whatever she laid her hand on and draped it around her. She sauntered out to the balcony bare toes and all; she stood there with both elbows resting on the balustrade while staring blankly into space transporting herself back to the last time she saw her mother and daughter.

She couldn't forget the look of disappointment in her mother's eyes and the pain as she begged her to stay for the sake of the baby.

''if you won't do it for me then do it for your daughter Olivia.'' The skinny woman cried, Olivia's bags were already packed. ''I am old Olivia and I am sick,how long do you think I have?''

Her mother was a fighter she knew that and courage is what it takes to stick around for your own child especially when you're a single parent; her mother had done that for her, she stuck around even when the going was tough.

''mother can we please not talk about that, I already told you I'm not ready to be a mother, I'm only nineteen and I still have a whole life ahead of me and that tiny thing over there is going to make me look old.'' Can't believe she actually said those words but too late, her mother's fist landed hard on her face.

''how could you, did I raise you up without a heart? That's your child you're reffering to as a 'thing''' tears welled up in Olivia's eyes but she stood her ground. ''how can you live with yourself knowing how heartless you are do you think God would forgive you for this.'' They both cried. ''I wish you'd thought of this before allowing yourself to get pregnant.''

Olivia sniffed, then wiping the tears off her face with her sleeve she took her bag and made for the door. ''I'll come back for her when I'm ready.''

''if you walk out through that door,'' her mother called and she stood rooted at the doorway. ''you're admitting that you've given up the right to this girl.'' That was an emotional blackmail Olivia was sure of it but her mind's already made up her mind—she's leaving without her daughter whether the woman likes it or not; no one's going to stop her, not her mother and definitely not her daughter.

And as she took that final step out of the house, the girl bursted into a loud cry as if she knew what her fate would be from that day on.

And Olivia, ignoring her cries hopped into the cab that had been waiting for hours. And as it drove away, she didn't glance back the rusty traditional house that was her home.

She was startled by manuel's deep voice as he said her name. she sniffed then quickly wiped the tears off her face unable to face him and let him see that she'd been crying.

His face was etched with concern as he made toward her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and whirled her around to face him.

''Are you okay?'' he asked searching her brown eyes she sniffed once more and his eyes narrowed. ''have you been crying?'' she stared into his eyes, those eyes that made tears threaten to blind her once more.

She shook her head wearily.

''my love—''she melted into his arms in a series of sobs; crying her heart out into his firm chest. ''Olivia…''

''don't talk manuel, just hold me.'' She cried. ''just…'' she trailed off.

Manuel tighten his arms around, it was the only comfort she needed.