
The Promise of Forever

Olivia came to the city to forget about her disgraceful past, but one think she doesn't know is that the past will always find its way back to the present. Indira is an 18 year old budding designer who dreams of becoming like the successful Olivia battles with her own identity after finding out that everything she knew about herself was a lie.

Maricruz_Rosales · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 10

Antonio led the horse back to the stable, after he'd guarded it to its shed and braced it with a plank, he whirl round to find Jeremy lay sprawled on some stacks of hay.

He glanced wearily at him and turned to go. He stopped when Jeremy called.

''pretty huh, the boss' muchachas?'' when Antonio glanced back at him, he was sitting against the wall.

''what do you mean?''

''don't you find them pretty?''

''la Mari macho or the lady in the flowery dress?''

''both. What do you say we hook up with them?''

''I'm not interested.'' Antonio told him flatly. ''besides, they're not my type.'' He began to leave.

''I think la Mari macho suits you better.'' Antonio paused at that, scoffing at Jeremy hilarious match-making before taking the remaining strides out.

Much later after they'd freshened up, Indira took a walk into the fields. The land was vast she couldn't see the end and the sun wasn't so hot now.

She treaded the grids between the rows of coffee trees; its deep green leaves were damp. There were no fruits yet, only delicate white jasmine-like blossoms which she plucked and sniffed its highly scented fragrance.

She smiled to herself and then proceeded deeper into the plantation. She saw the worker at intervals prying out weeds from underneath the coffee trees; some stopped to greet her while others cared less.

As she went deeper, she pried her way through clusters of tree branches, her boots sinking into the muddy earth. With both hands, she pulled away the last branch and found herself starring at the enormous waterfall; she grinned widely, she hasn't heard the side of rushing water in a while and hasn't seen its veil-like surface that was as white as a wedding gown.

She closed her eyes, and imagined a dress in the form of a waterfall cascading on the ground below. The cool breeze fell smoothly across her face. She opened her eyes and went closer; resting against a large tree with roots the shape of a mandrake.

And then she saw him again—Adonis, and he appeared to be taking his clothes off apparently getting ready to dive in. instead of looking away, Indira stared wide-eyed at his strong masculine back; strong enough to carry ten sacks of coffee beans.

Her heart was thumping violently in her chest; it was a weird feeling. And when his fingers began to work on his burlap pants, she gasp, surprising herself.

She wasn't ready to start having nightmares about naked guys especiallynot her father's foreman.

And as if he heard her gasp, Antonio whirled round almost immediately but she'd plastered herself against the tree panting heavily as if she'd ran a marathon. He resumed skimming the last piece of garment and Indira not wanting to see anymore bolted away; he looked back to see her cream colored jacket before she disappeared into the coffee trees.

Indira closed her eyes and breathe out a ragged breath while placing her hand over her chest; her heart still beats faster—maybe it's shock, she thought.

When her eyes flew open, she found herself face to face with a worker who looked like he had not taken a bath for a week.

''hello beautiful.'' He grinned, showing off a set of yellow teeth that was probably tobacco stained. Indira opted to walk past him but the path was too narrow and his broad bare chest seemed to take up all the space.

''not so fast'' he tsked.

Isn't it too early to be getting herself in trouble?

She balled her fist, waiting. And as he made for her, she swung that little fist across his face numbing her knuckles. And a kick in the groin was all that she needed and she made away to her freedom.

She ran as fast as she could while panting for breath and hoping to get out of the fields soon as possible.

But it wasn't that easy. She found herself running straight into his steel-band arms. He held her shoulders, immobilizing her in his grasp; his fingers dug into her sleeve.

''not so smart now eh?''

''get your filthy hands off me!'' she fought against him to no avail; he was too powerful for her.

Soon she was facing the sky, the sun was too bright for her eyes and she felt her back sinking into the muddy earth. She fought hard against him, beating her fist into his chest.

''let me go!'' she yelled at the top of her lungs. She heard a ripping sound

She has to get him off her even if takes all her strength, she has to—

Indira felt his weight being lifted off of her, she lay still trying to regain her composure.

She could hear the sound of fist crushing bones and groans of pain. Then it went quiet and a figure loomed above her, although she was unable to make out his face.

The figure stretched out his hand which she took and he helped her up; her shirt was all crumpled up and the ripping sound she'd heard before was her sleeve tearing.

''are you okay?'' his deep masculine voice was etched with concern and she looked into his face.


''I'm f-fine.''

His voice was filled with concern but he's got these deep set of eyes that were shadowed which she described as cold.

Now looking up close, he was more handsome than when she'd seen him earlier on. The mouth beneath his straight and narrow nose was firm, wide and almost stern and he looked like an animal from the zoo with his long black hair and the cluster of dark beard across his pointed chin. And then she realized that instead of thanking him, she was checking him out. She finally muttered.


He said nothing but crouched down and retrieved her hat from the mud but it wasn't that bad so he placed it back on her head