
The princess with a Birthmark

Wraindel is one of the two kingdoms in a world of shape shifters. Actel Fahlgren, is the princess that was banned from her world and sent to Earth. Two years after, she was asked to come back, and forced to follow her destiny as the woman in the prophecy who will unite the two kingdoms of her world. In the process, Actel experiences different emotions such as love and betrayal.

BlackCatusky · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Chapter Three

Although my place is small it is still very livable.

As you enter my house, to its left is the living room with two small, side by side sofas and a little round wooden table in between them while to the right was my kitchen and kitchen sink with a small square table and four chairs. Directly across the doorway is the stairs that led to the second floor with only one bedroom and bathroom.

My bedroom is not that spacious either. It only has one single bed and a cabinet for two on its right while a table is on its left.

I was arranging all of my clothes on one side of the cabinet to make room for Logan's stuff that we shopped earlier.

Logan on the other hand was sitting on my bed, folding his clothes.

"Done! Now we can finally start with your clothes. How would you like them to be arranged?" I happily jumped and smiled at Logan.

"Just leave that to me, these are my stuff after all." His voice almost as soft as whisper.

My eyebrows met hearing his words. "You'll finish faster if you'll let me give you a hand, you know."

"You've done enough, princess." Logan gritted his teeth, trying to sound as calm as possible yet his eyes told me how irritated he was now.

"Call me princess again and I'll kill you, chop your body into pieces, and then feed them to the wolves in the closest forest that I will find!" I grabbed his collar tightly in anger. This jerk was starting to get on my nerves. My eyes were now shooting daggers at Logan.

This guy was impossible! What was wrong with making sure he would stay in my house with comfort? Was I being too nosy?

Logan stared at me and raised both his arms before he sighed in defeat.

"I just don't get you, Fahlgren. Why did you have to buy me all these stuff? It seems like you're trying to keep me here"

Inhale. Exhale. Remember, wise decisions and actions are done when you're calm, I told my self.

I looked at him intently before I let go of his collar and sat beside him.

"If you want me to come back with you to Wraindel you have a lot of convincing to do. And I'm pretty sure that won't happen soon. You haven't even told me why you think I should." I answer him truthfully.

Logan nodded slightly in agreement. "You should probably get some rest. I'll sleep on the floor." He stated as he stood up then patted my head.

"But it's col-" I was cut off when Logan shifted back to his cat form and laid on the floor.

I sighed. Looks like I'll have to get my answers tomorrow.

"Goodnight." I whispered to him before I tucked myself in my bed.


I was brought on my knees and in an instant my tears raced down my cheeks from the horror before my eyes. I looked at my mother's pale and lifeless body lying on the pool of her own blood, on the floor. The air was cold and I was freezing. My hands were wet but they felt warm. I looked down and saw them covered in blood. In a split second I knew without a doubt whose they were. It was HER blood. I clenched my chest in pain and saw my white night gown painted red. I screamed in terror but no sound came out. I only felt my throat hurt and I could only hear the beating of my own heart. My chest felt heavier by the second and I could hardly breathe. I couldn't take it anymore. I need someone's help, anyone. I frantically looked around for any person in the halls of the palace. The hallway was empty, gloomy, and dark. The lightning was its only source of light. The sound of the thunderstorm resounded loudly all over the walls.

I was about to call for help when suddenly, I heard a loud gasp behind me. I turned my head to look at the direction where the sound came from. It was my mother's attendant. Her horror was evident as she fell on the floor - a few feet behind me, trembling. I opened my mouth to say something but stopped when I saw how the attendant looked at me. She stared with accusing eyes. She saw me not as her princess but as the murderer of her queen.

"W-wait, this is.." I trailed off as I stood up in panic and rushed towards her.

She hurriedly stood in a flash at the sight of my approaching figure and splinted towards the direction she came from.

I ran after her and turned to the corner she had taken but was stopped in my tracks by five palace guards who were now blocking my way. One of them immediately held my arms behind me while another tied my wrists together with a thick rope.

"What are you doing? Let go of me this instant! My mother, she..she's" my voice cracked as I shouted while struggling to get free from the guards that held me captive. I was so confused at their behavior. This is not the time for this. I need to get help and find my mother's murderer. "Take her to the dungeon," their commander ordered.

No, this can't be happening. I'm running out of time. Every minute wasted is every minute the murderer gains to successfully escape. The two guards who were holding me started to drag me so resisted by I putting weight on my legs.

"You insolent guards, how dare you! You can't just tie me up and dra- ". I was cut-off when one of them held me up and placed me on his shoulder. My head was now facing his back. They were not listening. I started to get hysterical and kicked my feet in the air.

"Hey Actel, wake up. It's okay sweetie, you're just having a bad dream" I felt warm hands gently shake my arm to wake me up.

My eyes slowly open as the same hands wipe the tears off my cheeks. The room was dark so I couldn't make out of where I was. I only felt the sheets that covered the soft bed and the body of the man who was laying beside me. I looked at him to see his face but saw nothing. The room was too dark.

The man then kissed my forehead and I felt myself relax. He hugged me tight and I snuggled closer to him.

"Shhh that's right, you're safe here with me." He cooed and my heavy eyes shut down as I fell back into sleep.

I sprung up from my sleep, sweating and feeling awfully tired. What the hell was that? In my dream, I was having a nightmare of what happened to me in Wraindel. But who was that man in the dream who comforted me?