
The princess with a Birthmark

Wraindel is one of the two kingdoms in a world of shape shifters. Actel Fahlgren, is the princess that was banned from her world and sent to Earth. Two years after, she was asked to come back, and forced to follow her destiny as the woman in the prophecy who will unite the two kingdoms of her world. In the process, Actel experiences different emotions such as love and betrayal.

BlackCatusky · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Two

Thankfully today's Saturday, I didn't have to wake up early or worry about school and assignments.

I woke up late in the morning around 10:00 a.m. Since skipping meals is not part of my daily routine, I forced myself to walk out of my room and prepared my breakfast- a very late one.

I was still stirring my coffee with my eyes closed and tried to convince myself that I was actually doing something important. I was making an excuse for myself to take a rest for a minute or two since I was still feeling tired and my limbs felt heavy.

When it finally felt like I used too much time on a single coffee, I opened my eyes and turned around to put it on the table where the recipe for my delicious breakfast sat on. My cup of coffee crashed on the floor when my eyes landed on a pair of blue-ish green eyes digging deep into my soul.

This cat had been actually following me the whole week. It would randomly appear wherever I go. There was this Wednesday night when I just stepped out of a grocery store. I saw this black-furred creature sitting under the streetlight that was on the street side across me. I decided to ignore it and turned to my left, which practically led to my place. Then I suddenly heard some purring, it was that mysterious cat, again. It was walking a few steps behind me towards the same direction I was going, although it was on the other side of the street.

The sound of a fallen wooden chair brought me back to reality. The cat who was sitting on top of my kitchen table had already landed on the kitchen floor carrying my meat with it.

On cue, I ran towards my open window and closed it as quickly as possible. I turned to face the thief while both my arms were still behind me, covering the window. The furry creature that was about two meters in front of me just tilted its head, looking at me as if thinking I was stupid.

"That. Is. Mine." I told it, emphasizing every word while I motioned my head to its mouth as if I were speaking to a baby and expecting it to actually understand me when I knew it wouldn't.

This creature narrowed its eyes in response, challenging me. If it could speak I'm pretty sure it already said "Then come and get it." It stepped to my left so I also stepped to my left, blocking its way. Then it stepped to my right so I tried to block it again. We continued this routine twice before I ran to it and tried to grab my meat from its mouth. But the cat was so strong, it felt like I was playing tag with 3 grown men, it wouldn't let go.

"Let this go you filthy cat! I need this meat for my freaking breakfast. You can't just trespass in here and leave me hungry!! If you want I can feed you when the food is already cooked." I said desperately while I pulled harder and harder.

My butt kissed the floor when the stupid cat suddenly let go of the meat while it said "Alright then."

What?! I blinked at the sudden revelation.

"D-did you just talk?" I stammered, while I slowly took off my right slipper and pointed it to the creature in defense. Ready to hit it the second things would get out of hand.

"Oh come on little girl, of all the people in this world you should know better. I believe, you already know what I am." the cat purred and came closer to me, jumping over the meat it dropped awhile ago.

"Don't you even dare move an inch you filthy cat!Take another step and I swear I'll beat you to death!" I shouted in fear. I took off the other pair off my slipper and pointed it at the creature, giving it a hint of how serious I am.

"Now now, this cat has a name. I go around with 'Logan Spear'. And please, I am not a cat and definitely not filthy." It responded, amusement clear on its eyes.

Then it clicked! He's a shape shifter. An animal shifter to be exact. In Wraindel there are many kinds of shape shifters - animals, plants, elements, persons, and things. All kinds of shifters could turn into anything or anyone as long as they have enough knowledge of the shift they want to be.

"You shouldn't be here." the words came out unexpectedly harsh from my mouth.

I put my slippers back on and picked up the meat that was dropped earlier and moved past him towards my kitchen table.

Logan's now wide eyes expressed how I caught him of guard.

"Those are the last words that should come from you, princess. On the matter of fact, I am here to bring you home."

"Don't ever call me that." I snapped and turned to look at

Logan but to my surprise I am now faced to his naked human form.

"You may have been banished from Wraindel but you are still our princess."

"I have left all of that behind, I chose to forget what and who I am the second I left our world. And for Pete's sake cover yourself!" I blushed, my gaze fixed on his face.

"But of course, forgive me for my rudeness" Logan smirked before he went up the stairs.

After a few minutes, Logan came back with my blanket wrapped all over his body.

"Before I convince you to come back to Wraindel with me and everything else, I believe you owe me some food." Logan grinned at me sheepishly.

"Well then, do yourself a favor and take a seat. It will take some time before breakfast is ready." I pulled out the seat beside me for Logan to sit on before I started to make the pork chops with creamy mushroom sauce I had planned to cook for breakfast. It's a low-fat and a low-protein food so it's perfect for a 17 year old girl like me.


"Move your lazy ass Logan, I don't have all day." I complained as I pushed him into another men's store.

We've been roaming the mall for hours, jumping from one store to another.

After breakfast I convinced Logan to come with me and buy him proper clothes. He hesitated at first but I told him I had extra money and it was fine for me to spend them since he needed them. I wasn't planning to go back to Wraindel anytime soon, well not ever for that matter.

"Oh dear, don't look at me like that. We only have your underwear left to buy and we're good to go." I smiled at Logan when he gave a tired and disbelief look, before I started looking at the displayed underwear.

"I think we already bought enough though. And I don't have any plans on staying much longer. I'm here to take you back, not to experience human life." Logan whispered and stared at the ground like a kid waiting to get a scolding.

"I don't know Logan. It's hard for me to go back. I was abandoned and rejected, what happened may be years ago but it still hurts. I have a life here now. It may not be that extravagant nor exciting but at least it's peaceful." I confessed.

"I'm sorry" Logan gave me a wry smile. Those were the last words he said all throughout the shopping and the ride back to my place. He would just nod whenever I show him some underwear that he liked.