
The Princess of Saiyans

Bulla Briefs, daughter of Prince Vegeta, runs away from home. She was brutally rejected by her long time crush, Son Pan. Now she finds herself at the headquarters for the Galactic Patrol. Join Bulla on her journey of self discovery, and her desire for power. And of course, being a reincarnation helps her since she just so happens to be so knowledgeable…

Shane_Dalton · Komik
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

I quickly arrive in the dining room for my breakfast, eating very fast. Everyone just ignored me though, since this is my routine. It is time to train, and I've dilly dallied long enough. Once my food is devoured, I quickly teleport to the gravity room. While I didn't actually teleport, I still moved extremely fast.

I tap the entry button to the gravity room and step inside. I transform immediately into Super Saiyan, and set the gravity to 100 times Earth's gravity. I breathe slowly and start my warm up. Simple running basically, with a couple of flips included. Gotta loosen up to train properly after all. Energy stimulation on top of muscle stimulation before stretching is my motto.

I've also created a series of punches, kicks, and blocks to help with my warm up. Simple forms, but effective for a warm up. I do this every day, and then I activate the weapons to simulate actual battles. It works pretty well for experience. Father does make me go out and hunt though. He said If I want to be an accomplished warrior, I must be able to kill if needed. No softness here, I guess.

After about three hours, I stopped what I was doing to prepare for the party. Just as I turn everything off and step outside the gravity room, I duck a ki blast. Dad is standing beside the door with his finger pointing at me. He isn't even looking at me, and starts blasting. I continue to dodge, and I start retaliating. Once I start getting the hang of the rhythm he set, he vanishes. I look behind me only to receive a fist to the face. As I skid on the ground, I suddenly flip up, snapping a fist out. Dad catches it easily, and just nods. He drops my hand and vanishes away. All I can do is sweat drop.

Well, that was a super short exchange. Guess he was just testing me a little. No matter, I must go and get showered and dressed. I swear, I take at least three showers a day. I also brush my teeth whenever I take a shower. I hope this party is fun. Though, I do plan on a confession as well. My best friend will be there, Son Pan, daughter of Son Gohan. She is super tomboyish, but she is amazing.

Pan is also stronger than me right now. She is obsessed with fighting, and achieved the same transformations that I have. I've tried to catch her but she reminds me of Kakarot, a genius in fighting. I swear, she is going to also be my rival. I at least achieved the transformations at a younger age than her.

I could honestly care less though. This party is going to be a stepping stone, where I hopefully get the girl. So, after my shower and prep, I walk downstairs to the living room. Pan is already sitting on the couch, eating snacks grandma made. She easily notices me though, and smirks. I blink and realize she just hit me, twelve times to be exact.

"Happy birthday, princess. Get enough beauty sleep? Food? Or are you gonna be grumpy for no reason today," Pan said.

I just scowl, "I'm fine, thanks. Slept great, ate enough, and I'm not grumpy. Just bored," I grumble. Pan just smirks again, rolling her eyes. "You are always bored, unless you are getting beaten up. Are you a masochist, Bulla?"

I feel my eye twitch, wondering how I ended up with a crush. Her eyes widen comically, and I frown. "What is it? You didn't leave a bruise did you," I ask her while flipping out a mirror. I see nothing wrong and go back to looking at her confused.

"Bulla, you aren't blocking your mind. You projected your thoughts," Pan murmured. Now my eyes widen and I feel a blush spread. Well, so much for confessing later. 'Crap, I'm still not blocking,' I think embarrassed. Pan narrows her eyes, flicking me in the head at the same time.

"Oi, you know I'm not interested in relationships, right. Especially with a girl. I just want a good fight. Beat me in a fight first before you start being perverted," she said. I wince at that and just mumble an apology. She rolls her eyes and goes back to her food, watching the television.

I sigh internally, depressed a little. I shake my head though, and go out back where my parents are. The party is set up, and most of the guests are already here. I will contemplate what she told me later.

4 Hours Later

The party is pretty nice, with a bingo tournament. Dunno why we do this every year, but the dragon balls are displayed as one of the prizes. I would get two wishes if I could just win this blasted round of bingo. Even Beerus is participating this year, which is weird. As my mom calls the next number, I grumble because I didn't have it. I've already lost nine rounds.

Mother calls another number, and I sigh, feeling defeated already. I have the number, but it didn't give me a win. Suddenly Beerus stands up, and casually says, "Bingo." I sigh again, and wonder what he will wish for. Hope it isn't anything crazy.

Suddenly the dragon shoots up into the sky, because Whis already summoned Shenron. "Speak, and I will grant you two wishes," Shenron states. Beerus walks over to me, with a gleam in his eye.

"Bulla. Im going to base my wishes on you. I already know what you desire, after all. I am a God," he says with a smirk. He turns to the dragon, and speaks clearly, and dangerously. "I wish for Bulla to have the ability to live forever, in peak form, only capable of dying by someone else's hand, and the ability to continue growing stronger will be enhanced for the second wish."

I stare, mouth agape. 'Why did he wish for me,' I wonder. And even though I wanted eternal youth, I don't remember telling him. Shenron's eyes glow red, and he slowly nods, "It shall be done… Farewell."

Just like that, I have eternal youth. I don't feel any different, but I do know it worked. I look at Uncle Beerus, still wondering why. He starts speaking in a deeper tone, "I know of your desire to become an actual Goddess. Not to defeat me, or anyone. But just because. An interesting goal, one I am wondering if you can accomplish. You will be training with me and Whis starting from tomorrow. Always bring good food of course. You can finish your spaceship in your spare time. Now, be ready by the morning light tomorrow."

He turns away and puts his hand on Whis, vanishing abruptly. I sweat drop again for the second time today. "What just happened," I mumble confused. 'Why does he want to train me,' I think, disturbed at the sudden change.