
The Power of Ice

Our dear protagonist is obsessed with the power over ice. Whether or not that is healthy, remains to be seen. The fact is, that he is granted a chance to not only wield that power but to show everyone, that it is the most powerful one around ... at least in his hands. A Multiverse Fanfiction, starting in One Piece. He will travel from world to world, using the powers of Essences, which are given to him. He has no say in what he is given.

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Edd War

(3rd Person POV)

3 years have passed since Kuzan graduated from the Academy and became a Commodore. Since then the fame of Kuzan has risen in the world. He started to hunt pirates on the Grand Line and got into conflict quite a lot. He captured many pirates with bounties that were higher than 100'000'000 Bellies. And after 3 years he has advanced to Rear-Admiral, being very close to becoming a Vice-Admiral. Something that should have already happened, since he is stronger than most Vice-Admirals.

His strength has risen greatly. He has fought against many great pirates and pirate crews. As time passed and Kuzan grew more powerful he unlocked the advanced version of Kenbunshoku Haki. His future sight was at 5 seconds at the moment. Not that impressive but he hasn't fought against one of the truly powerful pirates just yet. 

Apart from future sight, Kuzan also unlocked internal destruction. He has gotten a lot of practice as the pirates in the Grand Line were another breed compared to the four blues. But Kuzan took all the fights he had as experience and a chance to grow stronger. And that is what he did. He has come to understand that there was another way to use Haoshoku Haki than just 'domination'. 

It was called infusion, but he had not yet achieved it. He was close though. To increase his strength, Kuzan used every opportunity. He even dived into the deep sea and fought against some seriously powerful Sea Kings. If he hadn't been immortal, he would have died many times already. But thanks to this inhuman training, Kuzan was now truly a powerhouse, even for Grand Line standards. 

A few months after he started pirate hunting on the Grand Line, Kuzan asked Garp to take him as a disciple. The result was the same as it did in the manga. 


"Garp-san. Take me on as a disciple.", Kuzan said.

"Take you on as a disciple? I like my freedom, thanks. Go learn from one of the Navy's instructors!", Garp answered him.

"Zephyr-sensei taught me all he can. I am ready for the next level. I already told you that I wanted you to teach me. Make me your disciple!"

"Get lost!"


Three months later, Kuzan asked Garp again and again. Until finally, he accepted. Garp would take Kuzan with him to a place where old ships would be left after they were broken or old. They trained using "punching ships", the same thing as punching bags, only they trained by punching the bow of scraped ships, leaving large indents in the ships they practised on. As a rule of the training, they were not allowed to use Haki or Devil Fruit powers, just raw brute strength. 

Kuzan quickly adapted to that training and Garp had to find new ways to train him. The more he pressured Kuzan, the stronger he became. Kuzan would do everything Garp asked him until Garp had to stop the training. Kuzan's limitless stamina was annoying for Garp and he was a bit jealous of it. Having limitless stamina was a god sent in this world, in any world where there was fighting. 

Garp didn't take a lot of time to train Kuzan and they only met a few times in total. But with time, Garp started to open up to Kuzan and saw him as something like a son. Garp would tell him about his son, Dragon and how he had become a Revolutionary.

(Flashback end)

Now, two years later, Kuzan is walking with Garp towards his Warship. They are heading to sea, to try to catch the Roger Pirates ... as per usual. Today, Garp has refused another promotion to Admiral. Kuzan was also a candidate to become an Admiral, but the World Government wanted to see Kuzan's 'loyalty' towards them and for him to stack up on achievements first. 

Kuzan understands that some things are going on that are kept hidden in the World Government and he doesn't trust them. The strong refusal of Garp to each of his promotions to Admiral is proof of that. Kuzan thought about whether he should also refuse a promotion. But then he concluded that he wouldn't gain as much freedom to do what he watned and who he could hunt. On the other hand, he wasn't sure why Garp, someone who loved his freedom refused the Admiral position. Kuzan thought it was because of the increased amount of work. He didn't know that as an Admiral, you would be basically a slave to the Celestial Dragons and this was bound to cause trouble, sooner or later. 


Kuzan was following Garp to his ship at the moment. It was decided that he should sail with Garp for this special circumstance. The World Government didn't allow Kuzan to be on Garp's ship for the reason that they didn't want him to become the same as him. They didn't want another of those they couldn't control. But now they had gotten intel, that Golden Lion Shiki and Gold Roger were about to have a confrontation in what would later be known as the Edd War. 

The Marines thought that it was smart to take advantage of the fight between those two pirate groups and eliminate them after they had finished fighting. 

"What are the weather conditions at the moment?", a Vice-Admiral asked. 

"It doesn't look good at the moment. The winds are getting stronger and according to our intel, fighting is getting harder.", Vice-Admiral Tsuru answered.

"So maybe Roger and Shiki's fleet would sink and attain enough damage to allow us to capture him even more easily?"

"No, I know Roger. He is a devil in slipping away from the Marines and the Oro Jackson would hold out fine. This storm won't do anything to him.", Garp says speaking from experience. He is the one who is the most annoyed about this. He really wanted to have a fight with Roger again. That seems to be the one thing he really loves doing. And no matter what he says, Roger and him are rivals if not friends by now. They fought side by side against Rocks.

"So there is nothing we can do?"

"Hm ... maybe there is. What do you think ... Kuzan.", Tsuru asks the youngest among the current group. As a Rear-Admiral, he shouldn't really be here, but his strength puts him on par with the strongest of the Marines and so he of course is included in such talks. 

"You mean, whether I could freeze the sea and allow us to approach them?", Kuzan asks her.

"Yes, that's what I mean. Could you do it?"

"It depends. A small storm is no longer a problem but judging by the height of the waves ... I'm not sure. I could try though, if you want.", Kuzan suggested.

"... Alright. We'll do it that way. Kuzan, you will sail with Garp first and see whether you can freeze the sea to that degree, that it allows our ships to travel safely. Our other ships will follow along after and if you manage to do it, we'll advance. If not, we will have to wait out the storm on this island.", Sengoku decided. 

And so they were off. The weather was getting worse but Garp and Kuzan didn't really care about that. They were both very similar in a way and both were here to do what they were in the Marines for, to hunt Pirates. Kuzan didn't really care that much about the Roger Pirates. He thought that they were a rather good crew and didn't harm civilians at all. Such a group wasn't even a Pirate group in Kuzan's eyes. 

"Alight Kuzan. Do your thing!", Garp said and Kuzan nodded his head. He walked to the front of the Warship and then jumped into the sea. But as he into the water, it instantly began to freeze. Kuzan concentrated and began to freeze the sea from within. He knew that if he started at the top, the waves would break his progress constantly and he would fail. 

More and more the sea began to freeze and the tall waves turned to ice. Something like this would never have been possible for Kuzan in the story. No one had such stamina to accomplish this. But our Kuzan had no such problem. He continued to freeze the sea as a hole but the stain he felt was strong. It took considerable mental fortitude to fight against the forces that were unleashed in the New World. The weather was getting worse and worse. And the sea turned violent again. Even more violent than it had been. 

"That kid ... what a monster.", Garp remarked as he watched the violent sea freeze over as far as the eye could see. He smirked when he saw the progress of Kuzan. Thinking logically, Kuzan already possessed the strength of an Admiral, but he was kept back on purpose due to the World Government. Garp didn't tell Kuzan the truth yet. That was something he had to find out by himself. And he knew that Kuzan would accept the Admiral position, even if he knew. Just so he could change the Marines from within. 


The Great Battle of Edd War was still going on, but the powerful winds and the ginormous waves began to stop the fighting between Roger and Shiki. The Oro Jackson was holding on fine, but the same couldn't be said for the fleet of Shiki. The Oro Jackson was made of Adam wood, the strongest wood there was in the world. 

As the giant waves were crashing down on the ships, there was another thing that caught the strongest fighters' attention. Shiki as well as Roger and his Vice-captain, Rayleigh picked up something with their powerful Kenbunsoku Haki. The sea ... was freezing. They looked to the side where the ice was coming from and knew that this had to have been the work of one man. The rising star of the Marines, Kuzan. 


"Yeah, I see it as well. He seems to have grown very powerful over the years."

"If he is coming, that can only mean that the Marines are planning to take us out after we fight with Shiki. We should leave!", Rayleigh says. 

"Hm ... yes. Let's get out of here. The weather is getting stronger anyway, Rahahahahaha"

On the other Ship, Shiki was also seeing this and had an angry expression on his face. And it was in this short moment where his attention wasn't in the moment, that an accident befell him...


Kuzan was having trouble at the moment. He could feel that the wild sea was destroying what he was creating as fast as he was creating it. No matter how fast he was freezing the sea, the powerful waves were destroying it again. He couldn't make any progress. 

"Garp-san! If we want to capture them, we should do it now! I can't advance anymore.", Kuzan yelled.

"Then stop! I'll tell it Sengoku.", Garp answered and took his Den Den Mushi. He was frustrated about this. But in the end, it was better not to risk the lives of everyone on the ship. The storm was getting seriously powerful now. This of course was a problem. Now that they were already so far in, there was no island that they could go to for shelter. They had made a mistake. 

*Puru Puru Puru*

"Sengoku here."

"Oi Sengoku, the brat says that the storm is too strong. The ice is getting destroyed faster than he can freeze it again. We won't be able to advance.", Garp said.

"Darn it! Now we are so far in already.", Sengoku was angry right now. He had played a dangerous gamble and even though it was Kuzan's lack of strength that resulted in this situation, it was not his fault. Sengoku was the one who decided to go this route. And it was his operation. The only question now was ... what do they do?

"We could sail back and have Kuzan pave the way again like he did up till now.", Vice-Admiral Tsuru suggested. But this idea was shot down by Sengoku. 

"That probably won't work. Kuzan has been working till now. This ought to have cost him monstrous amounts of stamina. No matter how much he has, there is a limit to everything. And with the storm, the way it is now, going back is the same as going forward."

"Oi Sengoku, Kuzan says that he might be able to create a giant dome around all the ships to shield us from the storm. But the ships would have to get closer together.", Garp says from the other side. 

"Hm? That would be insane! If he makes a mistake, the close proximity of the ships would cause enormous destruction if the dome breaks.", Sengoku answered. 

"Eh, he says he can do it. I believe him.", Garp answered nonchalantly.