
The Power Of A Bloodbag

The war has been going for too long. Country against country. Town against town. Schools against schools. Our transmigrated protagonist finds himself in a body of a young man. Not any man. But a blood bag. A breed of humans with a special bloodline. A bloodline for humans. A human for a vampire. A source of food for the vampires to fight the other races. In a race against other races. It’s a fight for the land they stand on. Who will win the fight for the holy land of mana? (Disclaimer: This is a project that can go on and off, depending on how I feel. Updates will be weird and scrambled. This is also for me to improve my writing skills, so do not expect high quality writing)

Applejuice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

Horned Rabbit Kebab

I feel depressed. I wanna...never mind, I don't want to die just yet. Though if the woman I saw before was there, then I guess it wouldn't mind going.

When I had finished talking and answering the questions about my race from other people, nightlight glowed from the two moons above us and we went to bed with our dinner being hunted rabbits in our area.

I had learnt that everyone that was summoned here was all from my class, so I knew most of us. For some reason, my previous friends were avoiding me. I wouldn't blame them. We were in a once in a lifetime situation, experiencing it wouldn't be nice if you shared the experience with a bloodbag.

We were all still worried about the whole monster thing, so we all were worried about Haruka when he went out to hunt.

So when everyone was sleep from the tiring day, Haruka had volunteered to stay up to protect us if anything had happened. Or at least warn us. We were all weak so all we could do was run from dangerous things.

Most of the girls had tried to oppose him but considering that he was probably the strongest ones, they met him do it.

The snores weren't the only things that kept me awake that night. I guess having the highest VIT or vitality gave me the most stamina out of everyone. Also considering that I had slept through the dangerous parts. I guess I had the best state out of everyone.

But I guess that was too unfair to god and he didn't let me sleep. So I got out of the circle of sleeping bodies around a warm campfire. A Haruka was sleeping beside Miss Prim and I rolled my eyes. Shameless.


I entered the forest with nothing but pants, leather boots, a sword and the moonlight guiding my path.

I was wondering what would happened when I could kill something. When Haruka came back, I used 'Observe' on him again. His experience had increased, so I wanted to gets some extra kills to level myself up.

As I continued to walk through the forest, careful to know where I came from. I don't want to get lost.

With time, the darkness of the forest almost felt peaceful. With running water filling the sounds of the forest, it felt nice and comforting. Like the pitter patter of rain outside, you would sleep with a satisfied smile on your face in your warm blanket.

I sigh. I was never a nature person, but I guess it's not that bad.

Walking among the shrubs and overgrown grass, passing twisting trees and large, I had marked trees and stones to make sure I could find my way back. Then I had entered a unending grass plain.

I gasped.

Without the obstructing leaves from the towering trees, I could see the multitude of scattering stars in the sky. With the shining stars, accompanied with the two moons, it truely felt like I had been summoned to another world.

Because I didn't experience any of the events shared by Haruka, it felt unreal. But now it felt real. It was truely sinking.

The night couldn't have been more colourful in my eyes.

I think I should get out if the house more. I'm missing out on a lot.

I sat down beside the grass not too far from the entrance of the forest. I just laid there. I felt like I needed it.


My shirt became wet.

I hadn't noticed that I was crying. I touched my face with my hands, wiping away the tears. But it didn't stop the flow of the tears.

My heart was in despair. Whilst being excited to be in a new world. I guess all of the grass isn't always green on this side.

My heart was still with my loved ones. Highschool was like a hobby. But at home, I truely felt like I had belonged there. With the welcoming smile from my mother. The encouragement from my dad. The cheekiness of my mischievous little. And the warm smell of home.

I miss it.


I stopped crying after awhile.

I guess I just have to get over it.

But no matter what, I won't forget them. Getting over it won't stop me from remembering them.

So I got up from the ground and walked back to camp. I guess this journey, instead of getting some Exp, had turned really depressing.

None of us had had a second thought of coming back to our original world, it felt strange. Was this the interference of something or someone?

I sighed. There's nothing I could do.

I remembered the words of the woman saying that with strength, an adjudicator could own the holy land of mana. Could the holy land of mana be my answer?

I guess I could never know if I don't get stronger.

I patted my butt, wiping off the few dirt and grass on my pants.

I turned back to the forest in reluctance, and entered back into the woods. Crossing marks from the sword in had, I had nearly got back to camp.

But in front of me was a rabbit. Not any rabbit, but a horned one. I don't know the difference between a normal and horned. I just guess it's more rare and valuable?

So when it interfered with me walking back to camp, I hadn't even initiated to attack it, yet it was already charging towards me.

I sloppily unsheathed my sword and held it in my hands. Gripping the sword hard, I prepared to strike the incoming horned rabbit.

As it came closer, I struck down with my sword at the rabbit. But it had sidestepped and avoided my sword.

Because I missed, my sword sunk into the ground. It vibrated and I could only let go in reluctance.

Without a weapon, the incoming rabbit hastened it's hops to stab me.

With my slightly above average perception and reaction time, I could clearly see it coming at me. But I guess my reflexes weren't good enough.

I had sidestepped backwards, so when it did stab me, it could only slash my thigh.

As a young boy living in Japan, I guess I hadn't been inflicted with pain enough to know how powerful a slash would've been. So when I did get hurt, I could only fall to the floor in surprise and pain.

(300/320) -20

I was definitely was caught off guard. So when I suddenly fell in pain, the horned rabbit was already preparing to attack me again.

I could only crawl away. Turning my back to it, which was a terrible idea, I was on my knees coming to my legs soon,

As I walked back to my legs, the horned rabbit had sprung and launched itself at me. Caught off guard, the rabbit had rapidly approached my chest and plunged a hole in it.

(180/320) -120

"AAAGGHHHHHH!!!" Damn, if that simple cut had me on the floor. This definitely would've killed me before I had actually had died, The pain was like a sudden pierce you would've notice, yet after a while it would show it self and suddenly rock your world with pain.

With getting hit, I was launched to the ground. I touched the hole in my stomach and was really stupid. It caused more pain, but I was prepared and gritting my teeth.

The ground seemed familiars where I was knocked to. Looking around, I saw my sword in the ground.

This one seemed to have been a bit more easier to pull out than the real one. So I grabbed it and brought myself up with it.

My legs were shaking and could've probably stopped working a few seconds ago if this wasn't my original body.

The blood on my hands stained the handle of the sword and dripped down the sword's blade. A magical red aura had now surrounded the sword and I heard a *DING*


Skill Acquired: Bloody Sword lvl 1

Description: The blood of mana had stained a sword. Now stained, the sword was powered with the mana in the blood. With this blood, the sword is strengthened and sharpened.

Effect: +5% Attack Speed, +10% Attack Sharpness

Mana Cost: 100 Mana, 10 Health


I smiled at the screen that appeared in front of me. I guess you can discover your own skills?

I no longer pondered the thought and focused on the rabbit.

It was preparing to charge again. So I readied my sword again. This time I had a plan.

As the rabbit launched itself to me again, I swung down at the rabbit. As it did previously, it side stepped. Luckily I had predicted this and the swing was a feint.

So I quickly pulled back my sword and swung down again. My sword met its horn and my sword vibrated again. This time I had held onto my sword and kept it with me.

I readied myself and noticed that the horn on the rabbit was slightly chipped.

Since I had heaps of stamina, I was prepared for a long battle.

We continued battling like this. But after time the rabbit had changed its tactics and started circling me before attacking me. I always tried to meet the horn with my sword whist occasionally swinging for the body. Yet the rabbit had somehow still struck me multiple times.

(170/320) - 10

(156/320) - 14

(122/ 320) - 14 - 20

[+ 1 Constitution]

I guess you can train these stats. But I hadn't noticed as I was fully focused on the rabbit.

Eventually the chipping became bigger and bigger. The cracks were ever more so visible. I continued and the rabbit and I had fought harder and harder.


The horn had broke. I broke out of my trance and unleashed wave after wave of swings.

The rabbit laid defenceless upon the strikes that I kept swinging. Accompanied with the boost from the 'Bloody Sword' skill, my attacks were getting more ruthless.


The rabbit squealed as I firmly hit its body. The sword sunk into the flesh of the rabbit. I pulled back my sword and the rabbit limped away.

But before it got too far, I stabbed it through the eye.


Level Up!!!

Rewarded 5 attribute points

Would you like to allocate 5 attribute points?

Y / N


I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I fell to the ground in exhaustion or adrenaline. My blood was pumping and my head was dizzy. I clutched my head and massaged my forehead to release my headache.


The smell of alluring meat surrounded the campfire as it crackled once again. The fire smoked the meat and cooked it to perfection. Everyone in the nearby surroundings woke up smelling a delicious meat that they would've hopefully have.

But as soon as the open their eyes, they found a man instead.

His short hair was a deep blood red and his eyes were an interesting white.

A blood hole was on his chest, though he seemed undisturbed by it.

He wore only pants and boots showing off his top with a 6-pack and broad and muscular shoulders.

He was eating something in his hands.

A kebab...