
The Power Of A Bloodbag

The war has been going for too long. Country against country. Town against town. Schools against schools. Our transmigrated protagonist finds himself in a body of a young man. Not any man. But a blood bag. A breed of humans with a special bloodline. A bloodline for humans. A human for a vampire. A source of food for the vampires to fight the other races. In a race against other races. It’s a fight for the land they stand on. Who will win the fight for the holy land of mana? (Disclaimer: This is a project that can go on and off, depending on how I feel. Updates will be weird and scrambled. This is also for me to improve my writing skills, so do not expect high quality writing)

Applejuice · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

A Race of Food

Miss Prim had sunk her teeth into my neck. It was excruciating to not scream out in pain. Surprising I could only feel two sharp teeth in my neck, though that didn't lessen my pain. It felt more like daggers were digging through my skin. If those daggers were sucking blood of their victims.

I could only dig my fingers into my hands. I couldn't do anything to her with her 20 STR, so I had to distract myself with more pain. Though it sounds wrong, I wasn't in my right mind either.

From the corner of my vision I noticed my health slowly draining.




I started to try and signal her from drinking anymore, it was getting closer and closer and I didn't want to die at the moment. So I tried to push her off me. She responded with a tighter grasp around my body which made me appreciate air even more.




This time I was frantically trying anything to get her off me. The others seemed to have seen my desperate actions and had broken out of their statue like trance. A brave young man, green hair, pointed ears and yellow eyes. He must be an elf.

Rushing to where I was, he tried to pull her off forcefully. But she didn't budge under the measly strength of an elf. She continued sucking my blood.

This time, along with another elf girl, they had tried to forcefully get her off me. She didn't budge under their strength? Don't you only have 20 STR? Why are you so strong?




She stopped. She was dragged away from me by the pulling elves. I was dizzy and it felt like my head was getting drilled through. There was no control in my body. I could only lay down like a puppet with its strings cut.

Looking at Miss Prim, I noticed she had a satisfied face. Her cheeks were a bit red and her movements felt unnatural. She seemed drunk.

Some other people, rushed to where I was and I was very close to passing out.

"I guess my introduction is a little bit more interesting than usual. The names Quinn..." I could only speak a few words before I passing out.


Ugh, I'm never going to pass out again. It feels weird. Is this what passing out feels like?

I groaned. The bones in my body were stiff like I temporarily became stone.

Squinting my eyes, I could only reach out my arms to cover myself from the blinding sun rays of dusk. There was chirping and water running. I could hear footsteps and people talking. Where am I?

My eyes finally adjusted to the setting sun, I opened them up little by little. The first thing I saw was the orange and purple sky. I guess I'm no longer in the throne room. Looking around I noticed that the people that got summoned with me were surrounding a campfire.

As I got up from my makeshift bed underneath me, I felt a cloth that was on my chest, fall down to the ground. The cold air immediately wrapped itself around me, I want my original clothes. But I guess they were destroyed, remembering when Miss Prim had ripped my shirt open.

I tried to move my neck, but I felt like I had piercing needles in my neck. I felt paralysed, the more I moved, the more I was in pain. I touched my neck to feel a wrap of bandages on it. I moved my hands across my neck to find the injury.

I winced and I guess the others could hear me from the campfire, because the whole group had stopped what they were doing. They turned to where I was. I froze, I felt like I had stumbled into a trap?

Instead one came over to me from the campfire. He was the handsome young man that had saved me along with another girl.

As he drew closer to me, I subconsciously backed away. Seeing me back away, he stopped getting closer to me. Looking me in the eyes he said...

"Quinn?..." When did I say my na- ohhhhhh.


"Do you know who am I?" I looked closer at him. He looked noting like anyone from my class, so I guess he was summoned from somewhere else? But then again, these bodies could hide a person like Miss Prim.

Suddenly I felt stupid. I used 'Observe'


Name: Haruka Rai

Age: 16

Level 2 : (61/200)

Title: Adjudicator from Earth

Health: (227/260)

Mana: (230/230

STR: 15

AGL: 23

CON: 13

VIT: 13

INT: 10


Haruka!? Damn. It's not like he got massive upgrade from his previous looks. Before he looked too good, even some teacher would've fantasised about him, if they weren't ugly middle-aged men.

"Haruka?" He nodded to me with a smile. He then surprisingly sat down beside me I a relaxed manner.

"Yep" I sigh in relief.

"Do you know what happening? Did I miss something? Why are we outside?"

"I thought you were the shy type? Anyways, once the woman disappeared and you had been bitten, a bunch of monsters had rushed to where we were. So we had to run form the zombies. They were level 20s so we couldn't do anything. Eventually we got out of that castle like building. Once we got out, we were surrounded by the woods, so we just picked a random direction and bolted. Nothing much happened beside that"

I felt like I could sleep again. Monsters? I'm glad we're outta there.

"Do you know what you are?" I rose my eyebrow.

"What's with the sudden question?"

"Use 'Observe' on your name" He just ignored me.

I used 'Observe' on my name on my status sheet.


Name: Quinn EbonBlade

Age: 15

Blood Type: A

Race: Bloodbag


Hah? I looked at Haruka with concern.

"You gotta tell me, I can't read minds"

"Can you see my race?" He shook his head.

"No one can see each others race, what's yours? Mines a Flash Elf" Huh? I guess there's a lot of different races than the usual.

"What is that?" I was curious and it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"A Flash Elf is specialised with lightning and speed. They, like most elves, live in the forest. In this world, there is many different types of lands and biomes. The one where we live is the Thousand-Striking Thunder Tree. It's unique as the tree gets struck one thousand times over the course of a week. The thunder that strikes the tree gets absorbed and gives power to the elves living in it."

"Woah, that a lot of details. How come you know this much when we just got here?"

"Use 'Observe' on you race, it will give you information all about it" I nod my head before using 'Observe' on my race.


Race: Bloodbag

Description: The mutation from the race of blood sorcerers. The blood sorcerers specialized in blood control and blood area attacks. But a mutation happened and gave birth to the first of its race. The Bloodbags. You are the sole founder of this race. This race is undiscovered so there is not information about this race beside the allure of vampires to your blood. The vampire attracted to your blood would consider you a producing factory of food, so they will not kill you. When they have too much blood, they become 'drunk'

Effect: +10 VIT


I guess that why Miss Prim was so attracted to me. Does that mean she's a vampire!? I stopped this train of thought as I saw Haruka patiently waiting.

"So?" I turned to him and looked him straight in the eye.

"Do you really want to know?" A shine appeared in his eyes that weren't there before.

"Yes! Is it powerful!?" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Is anyone a vampire here!?" My shout interrupted the talk with the people in the campfires. But I guess they were already listening once they heard Haruka exclaim. Out of the people that turned their heads to me, only one raised their hands.

Miss Prim Rose. My home room teacher.

"You see her? She's a vampire right?" Haruka nodded as if he had already knew. I then looked straight in her eyes before turning back to Haruka.

"I'm her food..." Silence. No one talked or blinked. I swear I saw a rolling tumbleweed somewhere.

"""FOOD!?""" Everyone exclaimed at what I said.

"Yes, food..." I feel depressed.