
The Breather

"So what's this?" I peered into the glass box with wide eyes, taking in the intricate details of the little robot arms assembling another robot. Or whatever the square slab was. "Is this what they call a motherboard?" 

"Kind of? It's the base of what a motherboard will be one day, or specifically in seventy-two hours." Jason looked at his watch so he could confirm. "Yep." 

"And this is going to go in there?" I pointed toward the beginnings of a plastic shell casing for a GreenHouse PGD. 

"It goes in there first." Jason redirected my vision towards a lineup of black plastic squares that were being filled with a lot of things. For a thirty year old, I didn't know jack shit about the inner workings of technology, I only used it to suit my purposes. "Then we assemble the smaller details like the buttons, screen touch response and so on. After all that is done it goes in the shell."