



Hunter's head snapped in Tristan's direction, who'd been standing quietly in a corner up till now. I could practically feel the waves of fury rolling off Hunter, Tristan must have felt them too because his whole body went rigid when Hunter addressed him.

/"What the fuck are you talking about?/" Ryder demanded his furious gaze trained on Tristan now.

/"I swear I have no idea what he's talking about./" Tristan's voice was laced with panic.

As if on cue the door swung open.

All of a sudden there were police officers everywhere.

/"Everyone! Hands where we can see them!/" One of the cops ordered.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see someone else walk in.


What the hell is going on here?

Is all the blood loss making me hallucinate?

Jace's frantic eyes finally found me and Hunter and he started to rush towards us but one of the police officers held him back.