


|4 years ago|

(Scarlett: 14

Hunter: 17)

It was past midnight. My parents were out of town so I was spending the night at the Adams's.

I looked over at Megan who was peacefully sound asleep beside me. I kissed her cheek before quietly getting out of bed and tiptoeing outside.

I fidgeted nervously for a while before finally gathering up the courage to knock on Hunter's door.

I could hear the sound of footsteps on the other side. The door slid open after a few minutes. I was greeted by a sleepy Hunter.

His hair was tousled and he was wearing a white tank-top with black basketball shorts.

When he saw me his expression changed from sleepy to concerned.

/"Everything okay?/" His voice sounded husky, probably due to the fact that I'd woken him.

My cheeks felt like they were on fire. /"I can't sleep./" I finally managed to murmur.