
Chapter: 95

Se Jeong was stunned. She had never known that Ye Jun wouldn't ask about her thoughts and directly contact her father for their marriage. She slowly took her steps forward and stood beside her father.

"Are...you alright?" she asked with hesitation as she looked at him. 

He genuinely nodded while looking at her. She wondered how he could be so calm when her heart was going crazy from the nervousness inside. 

"Okay then, let's decide the venue and date." Myung Du smiled brightly.

She nodded slightly and hesitantly looked at her father. She smiled a little, anxiously. 

"Uncle, I want this to happen as soon as I get discharged from here." 

And Se Jeong gulped at Ye Jun's suggestion. 

Myung Du laughed lightly.

"Of course we can do that. You will get discharged soon within the next two weeks. So let's prepare from next week." 

He added.