
Chapter: 92

'Dad knew only Se Jeong as my friend.' Ye Jun's mind was trying to find out the girl Yeon Jae had talked about in his letter. 

Ye Jun wondered when he saw Se Jeong's red and puffy eyes. He knew she was worried for him. 

When she caressed his head lightly, he unknowingly compared it to what he had felt earlier when he was unconscious. 

'It was you? But why doesn't this feel like you?...'

"Are you hungry?" she asked in a whisper and again he compared the voice with what he heard earlier. 

It sounded soft and peaceful too, but it nowhere matched what he had heard.

Frowning he looked in front. He didn't know who was in his mind to whom he was trying to compare Se Jeong with. 

'What is this happening? Why do I keep comparing her to someone unknown?' he wondered as it kept begging him.

When Chan Woo realised that Ye Jun needed some space and he asked Se Jeong to go home with her. That was when Ye Jun's mind concluded.