
Chapter: 22

Ye Jun came home, and his dad welcomed him with a glare.

"Don't glare at me, please."

"Then what? Should I pat you? Praise you? You know how busy I am, but still-"

"Why is everyone in my life so busy?" He mumbled, and walked past his dad.

His dad went quiet, he had no reply for what Ye Jun said. It was true, whoever Ye Jun values in his life was too busy to reach out to him. 

He was sunk in his deep thoughts when he suddenly came out and yelled.


"Coming!" Ye Jun quickly answered and his dad smiled.

No matter how many hardships Ye Jun had, he never held grudges or never was upset about those things, and that is what Jung Ji liked about him. Ye Jun was too calm and joyful as compared to anyone of his age. 

Soon Ye Jun came out wearing a black pyjama with white stripes on the sides and a black shirt with a white caption.

They were eating silently when suddenly his dad said, "She looks pretty." And Ye Jun choked.

"Eat slowly."