
The Otherworldly Drift

A reincarnated teenage boy who ended his life due to the abuse of his past life wanting to lead a happy life in his new life... But can he

kowshh_23 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

She was Strong

A monster in the size of a human who was partially covered with blood came in front of us, it was a red skinned, monster with piercing purple eyes, and not to mention, it had a feminine figure, It was.....looking more of a human than a monster

"Shit, how unlucky can we be, we had to encounter an enigma, Lets flee shiro, they are vile creatures wo uses dark magic and also have the ability to partially take the form of their last victim", Lucia, who was cool and composed till now suddenly started to freak out, she had a horrendous face when looking at that Enigma

"oh why are you so mean sweetheart, has no one told you to be nice to OTHERS", the Enigma voice started to get more Angry as she walked towards us when she fired a dark flame towards Lucia, just by looking at her i can tell she is scared to the point she cant even move her legs, I quickly rushed towards her and pulled her to the side

when i turned to fight her, a slash of dark magic was focused towards me slashing my body in half, "ARGGGH", my mind ran into many thoughts at that time, am i gonna die, am i gonna die for real this time, will i survive...i was frustrated by what just happened, no i was more than frustrated i was disappointed in myself, of how can waste my life, how can spoil my chance to finally live a new life, it was nerve wrecking, when suddenly a voice in my head, which wasn't Iris echoed,

'The curse of chet is preventing you from dying'

it was very a loud echo, 'the curse of.....what', as soon as the voice stopped i was standing at the place where we finished hunting the crost lord, i was in shock about how i came here, i literally cried for a moment checking my body and it was whole, i looked at Lucia who was staring at me, "Hey are you good, you look pale like you saw a ghost", the only emotion when i saw her happiness, i was so happy to the point, my body moved on its own and the next thing i knew, i was hugging her, "Thank god...you're not hurt are you', i don't know how we survived that, but i was happy, that i didn't loose my life to that monster in that forest on the other hand, lucia was steaming up as she was blushing at me for hugging her, "w-what was that for", i am not gonna lie, she looked like a cat when she was blushing, "i was just worried about you, moreover do you know a way to the city other than the forest,

lucia who was in a flustered state, suddenly became serious and replied, "There is a way, but its a pretty long one, there is a bridge by the east", i don't want to get encountered by that enigma and die again, so this might be the best course of action, "can you lead the way Lucia, we will take that route and go to the city", lucia who was confused eventually agreed to my idea and we both left to the destroyed camp of the crost lord, "Hey shiro why are we going this path, why don't you tell me why we are going this path, is there something that way, something dangerous.....", she asked with a questioning way, "I sensed a enigma", I cannot say that I died and just came back in time to Lucia, it would be looking either foolish or absurd, "A WHAT NOW.....", I can't blame her for the shock, she wasn't even able to move her body in that creature's presence, "thank god we didn't face it, we would've certainly died", Lucia said with a sign of relief, I couldn't blame her, even i have to plan and think twice before facing an enemy after this, last time I survived was a sudden stroke of luck or a hidden power inside me, but I don't think it can always save me like today, so I better be careful with my way of handling things

"hey Lucia, I am thinking of creating a party, although we only temporarily made a alliance for this camp clearing, I would love to have you in my party,

My resolve was clear, she gives me a familiar vibes, she reminds me of my mother, and being an elf only means she is older than me, I couldn't help but see my mother in her

"of course shiro, I am not gonna lie but I have taken a liking to you, since I am an elf I have a lot of time to waste, I'll join your party, leave to big sister to back to back you up*, big sister huh, I hope you can always call me that but I can still see doubt in her eyes, well, I can't blame her, this is not some bull crap isekai where everything happens according to how the Mc wants, this is real life, if I want to gain her trust I have to earn it

"Thank you Lucia I will be in your care then", now I have to find members to build a party, I am not going for a party with more than 5 to 6 members in it, it never works out when the main character is in a big party, I will make it small yet a loyal party

I have been sent here to this world, to live my life like I want to, I will not give up on my dream

We went to the Guild a little late due to taking the long part, but hey, at least my life is still intact with me, ain't it

We went to the receptionist desk and delivered the proof that we cleared the camp

"Thank you for your hard work, please wait here miss Lucia, shiro, the Guild master is seeking audience with you, please follow me", I was a little shocked by her statement, 'shit what does the Guild master want with me', if I recalled correctly, In my past life almost all the Guild masters are associated with noble background, offending him won't end well, it's better to meet this man, 'Hey Iris', the moment I called my robotic partner in crime, she responded, 'what is it master', she was acting like she don't have anything to do with this, 'hey weren't you the one who said that I won't face any problem If I use my background to be a 300 year old lost adventurer as they are found very frequently in the forests these days, why am I being asked to see the Guild master', I asked her with a questionable tone

'Doesn't master not know you can't trust anyone, it is on you master', she suddenly started acting like a innocent girl, 'like hell it is, I asked you for help because I don't know much about this world, that's why asked you, how can you betray me like that', "I am sorry about it master, but you have to face the consequences', she wasn't even sorry about it, 'Damn you', I approached the door of the Guild master, talking with Iris, I didnt even realise that I came in front of his doorstep, 'There is no turning back now', I encouraged myself and entered the Guild master office, I opened the door to see a man with blonde beard and hair, a scarred eye and a delicate face, he looked like a scary man and a innocent man at the same time, although he looked very strong, 'Hey Iris can you appraise the Guild master'





Name: Xavier


Title: the General of Justice

Syndrome: Keeper (Boundless protector)

Skills: Flame mastery, situation mastery, pov manipulation, unwavering swordsmanship (Lv max)


'Damn, strong old man, he is one of the 4 people who achieved the 3rd class in their respective syndrome', though what interested me more is the girl sitting there, she was having a beautiful face, with feirce eyes and long black braided hair, all the adventurers were peeking from the door looking at the girl sitting before me 'Iris appraise her'





Name: Freya


Title: Queen of the undead

Syndrome: undead (Deathbound Embrace)

Skills: Resuruction, Undying authority, ???,???


'Question Mark!!, must be liked to my level of strength which is likely not, because I was successfully able to appraise the Guild master, who is stronger than her, must be some external object stopping me from seeing the skills', I was in thoughts as the Guild master's heavy voice called upon my name, "shiro, come and have a seat, I want to have a little discussion with you", I perfectly knew I screwed up by lying in the 300 year dungeon part, but I have to see this through, maybe he has some other reason to call me

Sorry for the delay, I was having exams for my past weeks I couldn't upload any chapters, I am deeply sorry about it

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