
The Otherworldly Drift

A reincarnated teenage boy who ended his life due to the abuse of his past life wanting to lead a happy life in his new life... But can he

kowshh_23 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

I Felt Nothing

The menacing grin left a mark on all the adventurers gathered there, a mark of fear which will remind of what happened today, after enjoying all their fearful faces like the sadist I am, I turned to Lara.

"hey Lara, what can I do to go back to being an adventurer again", I asked Lara who was still shocked not only about the 'incident' that happened but also how am I acting so calm after doing a murder in an heartbeat.

"hey Lara you in there", I called her as she snapped off from her thoughts, "ohhh ye-yeah I am, I'll renew your adventure codex",  'codex huh, so that's what they are called', I thought to myself, when suddenly I remembered something and quickly called out to Iris, 'hey iris I wanna ask you something', the moment I called her the feminine AI voice invaded my mind, 'yes master what is your doubt' she asked me with confidence that she could answer me anything, 'why did you called the adventurer card a pass, when here they are calling the codex', I asked with a doubtful tone to her whether she made a  mistake or something, 'master the adventurer pass has been rebranded to the adventurer codex 200 years ago as the 3rd period begin, before that, it was called the adventurer pass, the way how you misinterpreted the codex to a pass actually strengthens your identity as a returner', I was happy that I got a smart AI like her, so I can't let her act go for a waste, " umm a question why are you calling the pass a codex", I asked Lara with a confident tone, where lucia had to interrupt her and answer my question, "the pass has been rebranded as the codex 200 years ago, so you might have not known since... You spent all your time in the dungeons"

I was having this situation dancing in my palm, of all the novel's and manga I have read, the biggest disadvantage for the main characters are the lack of knowledge like how their skills are strong but their knowledge to use it makes the power mediocre, unlike them, I have all the power in my hands, I have all the knowledge of this world, it is only how I am Donna use it will determine the potent of my power, after I renewing my codex, I and Lucia decided to party up to take down a horde of crosts, which were invading a space in the roads, raiding every humans to their very last drop of blood, "hey Lucia how long will it take to reach there", I asked Lucia as she was familiar to these roads than me, "we're actually only two minutes away, I'd say we're really close", just as I was about to ask an other question, we didn't realise we actually came to the horde, it was a crosts camp, a camp was filled with the same type of monsters I have slaughtered in the past few days.

Though there was another thing that intruiged me too much, there was a big sized monster in their group, it was a really big one compared to the other cross, it welded a weird kind of club, which emmited green light, I wanted to ask Lucia about the monster, but thinking it would raise suspicion I decided to ask Iris, 'hey iris what is that big monster over there', iris started to compile the data to a window simplifying the data as much as she can.


Crost lord (mutant varient)

A mutant species which is born the chances of one in a 100, this mutant species is a born leader of a small Crost group, unlike the other crosts, Crost king has the power to think, although it is not comparable to humans, it is still dangerous

Resistant to: Nature Magic, Water Magic

Vulnerable to: Fire Magic, Dark Magic


"Hey lucia, I think I will handle it", I said with a confident look trusting iris, "what..... Are you crazy, that's a Crost lord, I know you're ancient but still, isn't this too much", I think i should've asked the power level of this world and whe she is shocked about my words, 'hey iris why did she react like that', I asked iris with a curious tone, 'Master, killing a Crost lord takes at least 3 B-Ranks in this world, due to the lack of dark magic which is exclusive to only the Jester and the Undead syndrome, it is hard to take down a Crost lord, Fire magic can be developed by anyone but it is not strong enough to kill a Crost lord, but in your case master, it would be easy as stealing a candy from a baby', yeah I don't know how but I can sense a evil grin from Iris, which is freaking me out, "don't worry I can deal with this", I was thinking about a good reason, 'I have to make up something again', I sighed and made another lie to Lucia, which I hope turn out to be True, "back in 300 years hunting crost lords were a beginner level task, and I don't think it will be any hard to finish it off", I lying to her again, honestly if I keep lying like this I might start to feel bad about it.

"are you sure about this, I don't want you hurt you know", Lucia asked me with a concerned look, I honestly don't know how to answer that... But I think I can show her, I had a creative idea,

'hey Iris can I use dark magic to walk through shadow, is it possible' I asked Iris knowing how dark magic can use anything which has a connection with darkness as it's catalyst, and shadow is fully made of darkness, so there is a possibility, 'Affirmative, Master you can use the modify skill to modify a skill and turn it into a branch skill, it will take 5 ram points which is all you have left, would you like to use it', iris asked me wanting to confirm my choice, 'Yes'


Obtained Modify Skill

Modifying dark magic skill....


Modification successful

Obtained the Branch Skill: shadow walk (Lv-1)


My eyes widened seeing this skill, it was the skill I saw when I opened the shop, I never would've thought, who would've thought I would get that expensive skill so easily, if I remember correctly, the initial distance was 5 meters, that was good enough, since we were really near the camp, I silently whispered "shadow walk" and suddenly disappeared and stood behind the the crost lord which startled Lucia, "huh how did he-" before she could say anything I used my signature move mana threads killing all the crosts except the crost lord, the mana threads wasn't enough to kill it, even with it's big body, it could move faster than I thought, "Lucia I can't hold my own, can you do something to immobilize it", Lucia immediately jumped in the field and used Ice magic to freeze the ground freezing the crost lord legs immobilizing it, "whatever you're gonna do, do it fast, I can't hold it down longer", lucia said it while struggling to hold the collosal monster, I quickly ran around the crost lord covering it with mana threads imbued with Dark magic, after about 4 rounds I stopped and signalled Lucia to let go of her magic, I pulled my fingers slightly


Blood splattered everywhere as the crost lord's head fell down, as it stood headless slowly collapsing to the ground as I walked to Lucia with a bloody face, it was my first time doing such murders and I felt nothing at all, it felt..... Numb as if I was doing it for a long time

"dude that was soo cool how did you do that, you make it look like it was so easy", Lucia asked me with so much excitement filling her eyes she got. A little too exited she didn't realise how close she was, she kinda reminded me of a small kitten, "Lucia too close", I put my hands in the air moving a bit back, "ohh s-sorry I didn't realise", she was literally making a cute cat face, "it's okay Lucia let's leave to the Guild", I said as we left the field and walked towards the city

"oh my, i don't get visiters much how are you my dear friend", a demonic voice came from the side of the forest, lucia and I were startled by the sudden voice

"now now don't need to be shocked" the owner of the demonic voice came out with a scary grin

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