
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Komik
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227 Chs

CH4: Exploration in the depth of human energy

"Robin?.. are all okay? am I okay? are we okay?" I half ask half mumbled.

"Yeah.. all good.. haha, I guess your'e really turning into a man. I'm happy, ... but maybe a bit sad, or maybe just mesmerizing you ... as my boy" she say, while laying her back on the sofa's back. I watch her, but to not make it any more awkward, I did the same, sitting down, and laying my back on the sofa.

I couldn't see any more energy-thingy from her, and I didn't want to speak about it now when the atmosphere gotten weirder and kinda depressing, so I thought maybe I should try raise it from her, make it bloom, so I ask her "Hmmm, Robin, If I was your boy, and now I turn to a man, so it means I am now ... your man?".

She move her greenish eyes toward me, wide open, with a smile on her face, going " HAHAHahah ....", *sight*, "hahhhh", *breathing heavily*, "I guess your'e right", *exhaling air longingly*, "Your'e now my man".

I smile happily hearing what she just said. I put my head on her shoulder, while she move her hand from the right side of my body, behind my back, till the left side of my body, making my head rest on her hand, while she start combing my hair with her fingers, or more like making a mess out of it, together with the mess of thoughts that ran in her head.

I just stay quiet, in hope for her to just show again that energy thingy, wanting to explore what just happened, and if that was what really led to all the things that happened."Robinnn... Do you think... Can you tell me what you think right now?" I try to somehow pry her open.

Robin hand start to move more gently on my head, her fingers massaging my scalp, and after a few quiet moments she speaks, "What do I think? hmmmmm , I think about a lot of things, too many things, so if I got to say 1 thing, soooo, maybe, that it's you? yeahh, I'm thinking about you. Now you tell me, what do you think right now?".

"About you, obviously. But it's probably not right now, because I think about you a lot, so maybe I'm thinking right now 'what Robin think about me'... does it count as thinking about you or is it considered thinking about myself?" I talk to her, and finally won her heavenly-gentle giggle, while her caressing-hand turn to a hug, her head lay upon my head, and finally some energy, but bluish-energy steam-like energy this time, start to move around her.

I immediately focus myself into it, but it doesn't turn to a stream, nor a branch, rather it becomes a cloud. The cloud keep on growing, and soon it's touching me, surrounding both of us, and it make me kinda sleepy. I hear Robin breathing deeply, feeling her turn mushy, and when I look at her she was on the verge of falling asleep.

As much as I wanna join a night hugging her, as happened a lot over my life, I still wanna explore those energy-like things, so as soon as the bluish cloud was as large as the sofa, and Robin kinda asleep, I move her from sitting next to me, to lying down on my thigh.

As Robin fell asleep, I start to try different things.

First of all, I notice the cloud turned bluish-white, while it kept a size who surround her, and when I stopped focusing, it just disappear right back into her, but if I keep my focus, it keeps me in it.

Secondly, the color can change by the way I move, touch, or she touch.

Thirdly, and not surprising really, I had sexual thoughts toward Robin. I could barely hold myself from touching her, thinking more and more about exploring 'what a women is' rather then 'what this energy is', like my focus on my own redish energy pollute me, and soon enough my hands quietly moved by the power of a force, clearly against my brain acceptance, on her chest, exploring her breast.

It is heavenly jiggly. She have a bra on, so I can't be really sure how it truly feels, yet 'if it's that good right now, how good will it be to actually caress it bare handed? is there a higher heaven?..'.

When my hands got to the middle, on her nipples, I try to feel them a bit, and slide one hand under her bra to get a better feeling.'Well, I feel like I'm truly am climbing to a higher heaven', as I hold the best fluffy thing I ever knew existing.

When my fingers reach her nipple, right in the middle of the jiggly breast, it was soft, but turn hard pretty quickly, and I can see the cloud-energy-thingy turn pinkish around where my hand touch her.

'Is my hand made the color change? or is it her who made the color change? .. and I can only assume now that red color is sexual. I bet that white is wonder. Yellow is probably surprise. blue, I guess it's dreams, or sleepiness, or some other thing..' ... I keep an instant log-book in my mind, learning what is happening.

My hand never left Robin's fluffy clouds, my fingers scrubbing her nipple back and forth. The pinkish-colored-energy grew a bit, but nothing more than that, so I thought 'I guess I need to explore the depth of human energy... let's explore...", and while keeping one hand in heaven, I start to move my other hand around Robin's body.

First, up, from her greenish-black hair, massaging it for a bit, to he plump cheeks, then her ears, to her neck, while my fingers on the back of ears. Short-quick-streams of redish-energy rose from there, but after less than a minute it stop.

I can feel the whole cloud turn more pinkish, yet it was too subtle.

I move my hand downward to her shoulder, hand, waist, hip, and to her thigh.

Some places got a bit of tiny-pinkish-streams, but barely, so I just move my hand allover, but when I 'mistakenly' touch around the middle of her body, it wasn't a stream, it was rather a steam, red steam energy moving from Robin to the cloud.

By the time my hand were sliding between her thigh to her stomach, and back, it was like 60's century steam train. The whole cloud turns pinkish, making me feel like I'm in a fog, dreamy sexy fog, like I'm sexually awake in a blue-dream, and I can do whatever I want in this dream, enjoying that dreamy sexual feeling.

Suddenly, as the cloud were really pinkish-like, Robin body being to fidget a bit. she spread her legs a bit, letting my hand move freely between her thighs. I move her dress, raising it to her stomach, seeing her black lingerie underneath.

I move my hands on the edges of her black lace underwear, each finger stretch to the sides of it, touching her thighs, while one finger sliding in the middle, each time sinking a bit, soaking in her wet dream.

After a few minutes, her lips start to break apart, while her breaths becomes quicker and sound deeper. I gave her heavenly fluffy boob one more squeeze before I leave it to touch her lips.

I could feel my finger sinking softly in them, but they barely move, feeling how lips are kinda a dry thing, so I put my finger inside her mouth, dip it wet, and go back to slide it on her lips, all the while my other hand dance in the middle of her body.

After dipping my finger a few times in her mouth, I felt Robin's tongue looping around it, so I try caressing it also, and it really did turn to a pinkish steam as well.

Right now I can barely call it pinkish-cloud-energy, as it turned rather redish-colored, and more than that, Robin's body made intoxicating smell all over the sofa, spreading all over the room.

'I love that smell. I know that smell. I wish I could just drink and eat that smell'.

While I'm half-awake in this sexual fantasy-reality, Robin's body start to shake, together with her rapid breath. My right hand finger getting really wet in her mouth, and my left hand soaked, and starting to drawn, in a her watery juice, and I feel she's on her edge.

Suddenly, the whole redish-cloud-energy start to sink back into her lower stomach, till it all went in and then *BOOM*, explode.

I suddenly panic, and quickly move both my hands to 'normal' position, one behind her head, the other on her stomach, and move her dress down.

I use everything I got to try act asleep, panicking of what's about to happen, and suddenly I could see bluish-cloud coming out of me. I hurriedly put my focus on it, and I really did feel I can almost fall asleep. Just then, Robin's shaking relaxed, and instead, she start to move, as she just woke up from sleeping.

'WOW, I CAN SEE WHILE MY EYES CLOSED?!', I went BAZINGA! in my thoughts, amazed that I could 'see' energy-like existence, mainly robin's body, and a bit of myself, could be seen as a mixture of colors painting it in front of my closed eyes.

Robin's body was mostly pinkish, with a red streams painting her white-bluish head into pink. It was like her sexual explosion rose to her head, and moments after that long-thin-redish-streams of energy went out of her body.

I focus on them, which made them turn to my direction. I can feel her body move, acting like she just woke up, while fidgeting, and I guess she discover about her sexual explosion as her hands were moving downward, touching the puddle she made on the sofa.

I keep my focus on my bluish-cloud, while trying to shove her thin-redish-streams into it. I do not know what will happen, yet I feel it is what I want to happen. Robin's breath went from being short, like she just ran a marathon, back to deep breaths, as soaking in the air she barely had a moment before.

Her eyes suddenly had redish-cloud energy, and when I focus on it, I could feel it sending wisps of it into me, or rather into my bluish-cloud-energy.

While I watch my cloud, feeling I had a red-steam covering the middle of my body, near where Robin's head were nestled, and as if Robin could feel it as well, I feel her turning her head to my body direction, like her mouth facing that red-steam, breathing it into her lungs, and moments later my blue-cloud went pink, covering both me, Robin, and soon the whole sofa.

I feel Robin mouth opens, gently put on the middle of my body, right on the huge bump on my pants. 'Heaven. Wow. This feeling... this feeling is so good...I...I'm in love in this feeling...hahhh...' my thoughts keep my joy rising, not stopping, while all I can see is a redish-cloud-energy, and feeling a soft bites running up and down my pant's bump.

It reached such a height, it just all went into the middle of my body, and right then it explode, making my head dizzy, my whole body relaxed, and in my vision all I could see is red, who slowly turn blue, right before I fell asleep.


"Wake up Ayn. Wakey wake up", I hear Mia voice near my ear, behind me, while slowly opening my eyes. "Goooood Morning Ayn. HAPPPPPY BIRTHDAY!" Mia gleefully speaks, and land a wet kiss on my cheek. I hear her footsteps walking away, as I stretch my body and my brain start to function again.

'WHAT? What happened yesterday?? was it real? where's Robin? was she here or was I dreaming all of that?', My thoughts keep running all around, trying to grasp last night. I feel my underwear stuck into my body, a weird, kinda disgusting, feeling, so I decide to just hit the showers.

When I enter inside, I hear water noises coming from within, and when I come in, I see Robin's figure, with all it glory, basking in steamy water from head to toe. I gaze upon her, and when she move her greenish eye to stare back at me, I can feel her turn a bit more red, when suddenly a pinkish steam went out of her head.

'AH, it's real. So yesterday's night was real? We really did that to each other. Wow. Waittt, so what happened after I fell asleep?' I run-around in my thoughts, while gazing at Robin, till she says "Good Morning Birthday man", and her lips turn to a soft smile, "Congratulation. Wish you a Happy Happy year".

"Haha, Thanks. I'll be in your care, so please help me find that happiness?", I jokingly speak, "And I prefer a birthday hug than hearing you saying it, you know?".

She looks at me, while sending her hand in my direction, so I give her my hand, and she push me to her bosom, hugging me in it, while saying "Happy birthday Ayn", then give me a kiss on the cheek, push me in the shower, and left the shower.

As she went away, I can still see pinkish cloud steam going out of her head.

After a thorough shower, I go in my birth-suit into the dressing room, right next to the shower, as I forgot bringing a towel. Opening the door, I see Mia crouching near the washing machine, shoving fabric into it, when her stare moves to me.

By now, I only saw Robin's energy, so instead of moving, I try to see what will happen with Mia. She look at me for a moment, before turning back to the washing machine, but lucky me ... there's a tiny red-mist-floating-clouds all around her.

I choose to find a towel in the place nearest to Mia, wondering what can happen, and as I walk, I get a few quick gazes from Mia to the middle of my body, and as that happen, more and more red tiny clouds surround her body.

I decide to fry myself here, while getting more gazes, so I ask "Mia, can I eat your cake for breakfast? I think it's perfect for me".

Mia's head start to inhale some red-mist, 'I guess I created sexual fantasy in her head?' I think, yet she act normal, saying "Reallllly? first day as a man, and the first thing you wanna do is open the morning with a cake?".

'Hahhh', my brain exhaled, 'She's too high level for my teasing, I better fight such battles with more experience, but who knew there was so much more then just the words people speaks, or the way they act'.

"Ahh, Mia, I trust you. What you serve is what I'll eat. I'll go get ready. see ya soon", I spoke while putting the towel around my waist, walking back to my room.


"SO??, Best birthday gift ever?" My father voice hit me as soon as I got into the kitchen. "Best birthday present you ever gave me. Thank you" I told him the truth, while wondering 'should I tell him the whole truth?', then stare at him to see if I could see that energy thing, and I did.

'Why does he got so many colors?? and what is that black layer surrounding him? why does it seems there's a black misty transparent cloud, and he is in the middle of it? something is weird. I knew my father is weird, but he's way too weird even after I got that magical-energy powers'.

Like my father can feel my gaze, he joke "Did you just discovered how awesome your father is? HAHAHAH", smiling with all his teeth, coming to me, WHACKing my back with an open hand, shoving a piece of pie in his mouth, saying "Happy birthday, little man", and walk out of the kitchen.

"Good morning Roger", I hear my step-mom saying from the living room, "Going out?". "Yeah, I guess so, it's goona be a busy week again. see ya soon", I hear my father saying, and right after that the house's door opens and closes.

A moment later, Robin step into the kitchen, wearing red-open-shirt with short-black-jeans-pants, looking amazingly beautiful, sitting on a bar-chair next to me.

I give her a water glass, and soon Mia comes in, and we start preparing and eating breakfast.

"Any plans for today?" they ask me. "Not really? I guess I'll train. Can you help me? I think I got a new idea on what I should focus on" I answer them, wishing to continue my exploration in the depth of human energy. "Sure"/"Yeah", they both say together. We smile and keep breakfasting.

An hour later, while I did some quick speed and muscle training, the door opens and Mia walk in, wearing a tight white sport-training-clothes. "So what do you wanna do? I'll help ya" She says while walking toward me.

I stop what I was doing, dry myself with a towel, walk to a yoga mat, and say "Please sit down with your back to me. I'll try explore something, and later we'll do it backward". "Okayyy" she answer gleefully and sit in a lotus position with her back to me.

I start watching her 'energy', who was kinda orange-purple-white. 'I have no idea what it is. Is she always orange and purple?' I wonder, taking notes in my mind, tracking her energies, while putting my 2 hands in the middle of her back.

I look at myself, and I'm mostly whitish-energy, so I try push it away from me, letting it enter her through her back, and after a minute I can see waves, like water, flow into her body. after 5 more minutes most of her body turned whitish, so I asked "Do you feel any different?".

She turn her head, with questioning gaze in her brownish eyes, asking back "Am I suppose to feel any different?".

'I guess not?' I think, 'Or the mere fact she asked me a question back is the true wonder, the thing that is that white energy thing?', and I decide to find another energy to send to her back, 'I got a bit of blue energy, let's try sending that into her and see what happens?'.