
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH5: A really Happy birthday

While my hands on Mia back, who's sitting before me in lotus position, on a yoga mat, and I'm trying to find what energy I can pull out of me, Mia start speaking "Ayn, say, how long do you think will you need me? I kinda left some chores I wanna finish before lunch..".

I stop searching my energies, looking at her for a sec, but my eyes were stuck on her, because there was something new. 'She has a purple energy now? what's that?', and as my thoughts questioning that energy, so is my whole focus on it, trying to pry on it.

Since I haven't spoken for a minute, Mia speaks again "Ayn? I wanna help you all I can, so can you just give me a rough estimate, so I can arrange my time?".

'Hmm, it barely grow, I guess I need to communicate with her?', I thought and open a chat with her, instead of answering straight, "Mia, is my technique has now any use? it's my first time trying it, please help me, and say if you feel anything".

After another minute, where nothing much happens, Mia says "nothing? what's suppose to happen anyway? what are you trying to do?". "Nothing much, just exploring some technique, and if you can't feel it, it's probably fake or I'm just doing it wrong", I say, but think 'that purplish energy doesn't grow, it barely stay there, what can I even do to pry it out?'.

"Mia, what's on your time today?" I ask, deciding to pry any way I can to see what can trigger it.

"I gotta finish laundry, then clean a bit, lunch, and probably arrange the workers coming to the garden and food deliveries. ya know, taking care of the house as usual" she says, and my mind is floating in shock, as purplish energy, water-like puddle, is created under her.

'It's like she's sitting in a purple puddle, hah, and it happens as she talk about her job? I need to pry more', and I follow my thinking with a question, "so Mia, how is it being a maid? or maybe I should call it a housewife? haha".

She join my laugh, "Haha, I guess it's kinda the same, just I get the hard part without the husband? but anyway, it kinda fun, and it feels it's my home, so I guess I'm happy?", and I thought 'but I'm not, why the purple energy disappear back in?? what did I do wrong?', and spoke "Mia, so, is being my maid is a good thing?". *fwishh* purple -energy appear, and even goes and flow toward me. 'HAHA, I got a lead, let's see what happens'.

"It's the best, Ayn, your'e a cute young master to serve" she says, and I retort "Young master? is it my formal attire name in your head?". "Hmmm, yeah, sure, that's the education I got where I grew up.. Why? are you shy, Young Master?", she speak to me half mockingly half respectively.

'The purple energy turn a bit white? and even fade a bit? I better find what that purple energy means somehow', and try asking "IF I, young master, ask you for something, how high is that request to you in your view?" I ask and look at the purple's response.

'WOW, it gets bigger, I think it's kinda submissive thoughts? hierarchy?'.

"Hmm, I'll do what I can young master, got any request in mind?" Mia asks, and I decide to go all-in, saying "I just hope you serve me for ever, I love you Mia, so maybe I just want you near me all the time".

'The purplish energy gets wider, but now it looks like it flow all over her, getting purplish stains all over her', and I try to touch one of those stains, as my hands were already on her back, moving them a bit up, to where her heart was in the back.

'Hah, it grows like an aura spreading around her', but my thoughts were interrupted by Mia, saying "Of course, Young Master, I promise to always be there for you, I love working for you too".

She turn her head to my direction, and I can see her smiling happily. We have a moment of gazing at each other, gazing at her brownish-deep-eyes. As I can see a bit of tiny pinkish-clouds-energies float out of her head, my gaze move down from her eyes to her plump red lips.

*Creak*, The door opens, "Ayn, I'm free now, still need help with your training?" Robin asks as she walk into the training room.

Me and Mia move our eyes to Robin, looking at us sitting on the yoga mat in the corner, and before I can answer, I can see most of Mia's energies fade away, her body back to orangey-colored, and she and Robin look at me.

"Yeah, sure, I guess I failed with Mia, so why don't I try train with you, and let Mia back to her work. Thanks, Mia, you were a great help, I appreciate you, as always", I say my decision for now, and Mia goes "Sure, my pleasure", and stand up, smile to Robin, and walks away, as Robin comes near me and sit down, same as Mia was, in lotus position with her back to me.

"Ruby... we kinda fell asleep yesterday in the middle of our talk, and you never answered my question... care to answer now?" I ask Robin as I put my hands on her back, watching if I can see energies in her, who were kinda white, but as soon as I end asking her it turned pinkish.

"Hmm, I was kinda drunk, so sorry, I don't remember clearly, remind me what was your question?". She fidget a bit from my touch, like we're, or me, or she, doing some thing wrong, and she want to shake it off, but I stay still, and ask "How do you see me in your mind?".

'Her energies goes blue-red-white-yellow, and even turn to a few more colors, not settling on anything, like a painter's paint board falling down, making all the colors mix together, sort of an abstract art by itself', I thought that it's a nice painting idea, laughing to myself, but Robin was still like a broken traffic lights, or even a disco ball party light, and I wait quietly to see what will happen.

"I... I don't know what to answer to that, I love you Ayn, please be more specific what you wanna ask", she says, her energies all go transparently white, and I feel 'the ball is back in my court', while Robin kinda ain't waiting, nor wanting, for me to answer that.

I put my hands on her shoulders, saying "I got something to tell you, let's go for walk? get some fresh air". I stand up, followed by Robin standing up, and we both start walking to the back of the house, stepping on the road of the small forest we got behind the house, who lead to the memorial-hill.

As we went on the wooden-deck-path, entering the mini forest in the back of the house, we reach the sakura trees area, where the memorial hill for my late-mother is. I take Robin hand into mine, and change direction to the feet of the hill, finding a broken tree trunk to sit on, clean it up a bit, and direct Robin politely to sit, as I sit beside her, holding her hand in mine.

"Ruby... I got few things to tell you..." I say as I sit, meeting her green-wonder-eyes, and keep talking, "...since yesterday... maybe because of the fruit father gave me... there's something that happens to me".

I breath heavily, continuing nervously to talk, "Maybe you'll find it hard to believe, but I can sense sort of energies, kinda 'see' them actually, and not just from me, till now I can sense them from you, Mia, and father, as well. I tried to explore them a bit, finding if I was just drunk yesterday, but I now know they're real. Do you believe me, Ruby?".

Robin gaze upon me turn to a smirk, then a smile, looking happy, as I think 'she knew all along that it will happen? or not? huh? she laugh at me?', but her next words shock me, "Of course I knew it would happen. It was obviously a 'Devil Fruit'. so, what does it do?".

'Is she talking about that fruit in that anime 'One Piece'? am I missing something here?', and as if she can hear my thoughts, she says "Yeah, like that show, or more like that show is based upon reality in some parts of it. You can think of the author as someone who actually came from that place, and know lots about it?.. Your father is co-creator of it... but I know you don't watch it, or television in general, so let me tell you...".

She keep explaining abstractly,but my mind focus on her, as clouds of energies circling her, mostly gray, making me feel sad, some white, like a wonder, others black, not telling me anything, or I just don't get that energy, and there was a bluish vibe in all of them, like a distant memory or a dream.

'Energies are so hard to read' I think, as I hold her hand tighter, staring at her talking, and she continue to tell me things, till she asks again, "So, what does that fruit you ate did to you?".

I answer "I kind of see energies in human body, and I can kinda influence it a bit, even spreading energies from you to me, or from me to you. It feels like I can see, and even touch, feelings".

Her eyes gazing at me, and her mouth was opening, as she was about to speak, but didn't, closing it again, just to open it once more, but yet not speaking, so I added, "Like yesterday night, I could see energies in you, when we were in my room, and it sort of 'bloomed'? and then it kinda 'went out' and we did what we did?".

She again start moving her mouth as speaking, but didn't, and after a minute mumbled "...so that why it all happened".

I squeeze her hand in mine, saying "I don't think I can create those energies, more like pushing them to the outside, making them bloom... so ...", while speaking I see pinkish streams, like an ocean spreading from her body, so I focus on it, and continue speaking, "Like right now, I 'see' like a pink ocean going out of you? I dunno how to even describe that energy thingy", and I can see how the cloudy ocean energy surround both of us in it.

"Ayn... there's so much I need to tell you, but I don't even know where to start...", she says as she also squeeze her hand which I hold, when suddenly she bend her head close to mine, giving me a kiss on my cheek, really close to my lips, and says "Let's take our time. Now come, let's make this day a really happy birthday".

She stand up, shake all her energies away, dragging me up as well, and we walk hand in hand around the mini forest, circling the sakura hill, enjoying the flower's rain.

I pick few flowers and tie it to a pink flower crown, and as she knew what I was thinking, she bend her head, and I place it on her head, and we continue our walk.

After some time, in a remote dark shade of a tree, she stretch her hand on me, pulling me to a hug, with my head deeply in her bosom, and whisper "Let's just stay like this for a moment".

Few minutes later, I whisper to her "I... I think my feelings I have for you is the same feelings you have for me, Ruby..". She squeeze me harder into her, then release me, and plant her lips straight onto my lips for a mere second, before she again take my hand in hers, and we continue to walk.

All this time I can barely see energies out of her, feeling that I am far too novice in all this new experience, and I'm so happy right now I barely even care.

When we get back in the house it was lunch time, so we walk straight to the kitchen, where Mia was dancing elegantly to some classical tune playing. Robin shove me toward Mia, who saw us, smiles, take my hand in her, her other hand on my shoulder, my other hand on her hip, and we start dancing to the music, like we're in a ball in a middle-age noble European party.

Few minutes later Mia push me toward Robin, who also take my hand in her, her other hand on my hip, mine on her shoulder, and we dance to the music, yet more intimately, looking at each other's eyes. The song ended, and Mia and robin giggle a bit and act like nothing happened, as we go prepare for lunch.

Before we finish eating, they talk about what party we would have tonight, and decide it's going to be a pajama party in the living room. They threaten me not to come near there before they call me, and it will start with dinner, so I should be ready.

I went to train, shower, and read a book in my room till I hear Mia calls me to come. I quickly wear my best pajama I got, which was a black-bunny-suit, and I put the hoodie on my head, making me have 2 bunny ears.

Walking toward the living room, the house was really dark.

Only dim candle light comes from the living room, and when I enter, it's filled with candles everywhere. The sofas creates half a circle, between them was a soft rug, and in the middle of all was a low table full with lots of things, mainly drinks and foods. Lots of junk food from everywhere.

Suddenly, I feel from my right and left a touch, as hands holds me, and right then I get kisses on both of my cheeks.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY...", Mia and Robin sing.

I look at my right, and see Mia wearing a white and black dress, with a very revealing opening, who show her white leggings and white high heels on her foot, and it look more like a maid custom then a pajama.

When I look at my left, I see Robin wearing a black dress, a see through dress, with only underwear under it, and it barely got any fabric, making her legs seem to have wearing the most, with a fishnet stockings on her. They both had black high heels, making them even more higher than me.

I feel like I wore too casual pajama, but before I could do anything, each grab 1 of my arm, while also playing with my bunny ears, laughing, and sitting us on the soft rug, me in the middle of them, in front of the table.

"Maybe I should have made a carrot cake? or just give you a carrot Ayn?" Mia laugh and play with my bunny ears. Robin pour wine into glasses, gave us, and we raise our hands, clicking the glasses and drink.

Before I could move to eat something, Robin make a "Ahhhmmm" voice, holding a sushi in front of my face, so I go "Ahhmm" with open mouth and eat. Right after, Mia goes "Ahhhhmm", with a salad veggies in front of me, making me do "ahhmm", and eat that, and they continue doing so.

'I give up', I think as I lay my hands to the sides, and let them shove food to me. 'I'm super hungry, let's see how long can they keep it up, hahah'.

By the time we were eating desert, it was more of a food fight than dinner, as they just push the food on my face in purpose, not even hiding it. My face is filled with cream, and I can barely see.

Just before I move to clean myself, I feel a finger scrub my cheek, and Mia sounds "Hmmm, I guess the style of serving does make the food tastier, hahah".

Right then, I feel a tongue lick my other cheek, and Robin sounds "Yummy".

"I guess I'm just a plate for you" I pout, hearing them laugh "Ah, so you knew", and then feel from each side a mouth bite me, in my cheeks, like I'm a cake.

"AHH, I need revenge" I yell, clean my face with a napkin, and grab a huge pillow in each hand, announcing a start of a messy pillow fight.

"I won, Buhahaha, I am crowning myself as the new king!" I say, while I'm on my knees, Robin and Mia lie-down under me, with my knees between their legs, and 2 soft pillows in my hands, while I smack them gently.

I look down at them, and see the clothes they wear moved so much it barely cover anything.

Mia's bosom fully exposed, and Robin'a bosom are in a see-through from the start, and I also notice my upper-pajama torn apart, leaving me with only the pants.

Mia and Robin hands on me, shielding themselves, trying to stop me from plunging pillows onto them again.

As I straighten my breathing from the fight, and close my eyes, I see that we're covered in a huge pinky-cloudy-energy, emanating from all of us.

I open my eyes, seeing the atmosphere settle down, so I lay down between them, while each take a hand of mine and put their head on it like a pillow, half laying on my chest.

Robin give me a kiss on the cheek, saying "Just so you know, I let you win, cause it's your birthday", while Mia also kiss my other cheek, saying "So should I call you now my young master king?".

We all start to giggle, hugging tightly, basking in that intimate amazing feeling covering us.

They each put a hand on my chest, and a leg on my leg, acting like my blanket, while moving their fingers on me gently.

I turn my head to Mia, plant a kiss on her nose, saying "I love you Mia", and then turn to Robin, planting a quick kiss on her lips, saying "I love you Ruby".

They both kiss me again on the cheek, saying "I love you too", before we fall asleep together like that.