
The Hunger Games: The Orb of Worlds without Limits

Jacob, a young man burdened by tragedy and adversity, discovers a magical orb in his darkest moment of despair. This discovery sets off a chain of events that will lead him to uncover unimaginable things and embark on a perilous journey filled with dangers and revelations. After experiencing an unjust betrayal, Jacob finds himself immersed in despair and darkness. But one day, while wandering through the forgotten corners of his tiny world, he stumbles upon a mysterious glowing orb that emanates supernatural energy. Known as "The Orb of Worlds without Limits," the orb grants Jacob the ability to travel to different worlds and unlocks unknown knowledge within him. In his quest to uncover the truth behind the orb and his own purpose, Jacob encounters a truth he never could have expected. Throughout his travels, Jacob will experience otherworldly encounters and learn to appreciate his own existence in ways he never thought possible. [Make your choice!] "[... World A: The Hunger Games Difficulty level: 3 ... World B: Apollo 18 Difficulty level: 4 ... World C: Blood Red Sky Difficulty level: 3 ... World D: Sweet Home Difficulty level: 5

SrCuervo · Movies
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243 Chs



As Jacob listened to the information provided by that monotonous voice, he stood in the middle of a white room. Every detail of that space was a prelude to the future, a future where technology and simplicity merged in harmony. The walls, impeccably smooth and dazzlingly white, seemed to flow organically, as if they were alive. There was no trace of decorations or unnecessary elements, only a minimalist purity that invited exploration of the possibilities the future offered.

As Jacob examined the room, he realized there were no visible switches or outlets. Instead, bright and uniform lighting emanated from panels integrated into the ceiling, emitting a soft and warm light that filled the atmosphere with serenity. The air, fresh and pure, circulated invisibly, without the need for visible fans or ducts. Temperature control seemed to be in tune with the occupants' desires, providing effortless perfect comfort.

In the center of the room, a futuristic sofa seemed to float above the floor. Its ergonomic design and gentle curves invited Jacob to take a seat and enjoy unparalleled comfort. But Jacob had no time for any of these trivialities, as he was currently living out a rather realistic dream.

"[... Generating introduction to the roulettes.

There are three types of roulettes in which the owner of the orb will have to participate before embarking on a journey to a different world, and they are referred to as world, time, and equipment...

Roulette number 1: World Roulette...

The World Roulette is the first roulette you will use when entering a new world. This roulette will allow you to choose one out of four random worlds. Its function is to determine the scenario in which your adventure will take place. Each time you start the roulette, one of the four available worlds will be randomly selected.

Imagine the World Roulette being divided into four equal sections, each representing a distinct cinematic world. Each section will be marked with the name of the corresponding world. Upon initiating the roulette, it will spin excitingly and come to a stop in one of the sections, revealing the world you will immerse yourself in.

Example of the four available worlds:

World A: A fantasy world full of magical creatures and breathtaking landscapes.

World B: A futuristic world filled with advanced technology and gleaming cities.

World C: A post-apocalyptic world, desolate and dangerous, where survival is paramount.

World D: A historical period world, with castles, knights, and medieval mysteries.

By randomly choosing one of these worlds, the magical orb will transport you to the corresponding location, immersing you in its unique environment and preparing you for the next phase of your adventure, if not before spinning the remaining two roulettes.

Roulette number 2: Time Roulette...

The Time Roulette will determine the duration before the main plot begins in the world to which you have been transported. This roulette benefits the owner of the orb as it allows them to have additional time to prepare and adapt to the circumstances of the new world.

The Time Roulette is composed of different segments, each representing a certain amount of time. Each segment has a predetermined duration, which may vary according to the system's needs. When activating the roulette, it will spin and come to a stop on one of the segments, determining the period of time you will have before the main plot fully unfolds.

For example, the segments could represent:

Segment A: 1 hour of additional time.

Segment B: 3 hours of additional time.

Segment C: 6 hours of additional time.

Segment D: 12 hours of additional time.

Once the roulette stops and reveals the selected segment, the host of the magical orb will have that additional time to physically, mentally, and strategically prepare themselves before the main plot of the world begins...

Roulette number 3: Weapons Roulette...

The Weapons Roulette is responsible for providing you with the items and weapons you can carry with you in each cinematic world the magical orb sends you to. This roulette will grant you three main weapons and three support items, randomly selected, to face the challenges and enemies that await you in each realm.

The Weapons Roulette has a variety of weapons and support items available, each with unique abilities and characteristics. When activating the roulette, it will spin excitingly and come to a stop on three specific main weapons and three support items."

Example of weapons and support items: Main weapons:

Fire sword: A sword that deals additional burning damage.

Magic bow: A bow that shoots arrows imbued with magical energy.

War hammer: A blunt weapon capable of knocking down enemies with its great strength.

Support items:

Healing potion: Restores part of your health when consumed.

Smoke grenade: Creates a smoke cloud that allows you to escape or distract enemies.

Warning: These support items and weapons vary by world.

Remember that in each different plane, you will receive different and random weapons and support items, adding excitement and variety to your adventures in the cinematic worlds. These items will provide you with tactical advantages and tools to face the unique challenges you will encounter in each world to which the magical orb sends you..."]

"[Does the owner of the orb have any other questions?]"

"It's a bit confusing, but I understood perfectly." Jacob replied. In fact, even though the explanation is extensive and detailed, everything is very intuitive.

"[... As the owner of the orb has no further questions, the unique special assistance program will be initiated...]"

Suddenly, a white table emerged from the floor in the middle of the room, lights like rays appeared on the table, and three mysterious objects were peacefully resting.

"And what is this...?" Jacob asked with doubts.

"[... Generating response... These are support objects that you can take to the desired place.

Object 1: Advanced Artificial Intelligence Machine.

The machine you see in front of you is an advanced assistant technologically, but the highlight is its ability to manipulate itself independently in the form of a small ball. This unique feature allows it to have exceptional and detailed vision of its surroundings. Let me describe in detail what this assistant can do: Control of electronic objects, computer skills, tracking and recognition, natural interaction, and personal assistance...


The mass next to it is a weapon that evolves, taking different forms depending on the situation, and lastly, the black fiber is a tattoo that will help you evolve by fulfilling certain conditions...]"

"[... Make your choice.

"Once the main support is chosen, you cannot retract your choice in the future...]"

Jacob fell silent, contemplating these three aids he obtained and how each of them would help him in the world he was about to enter.

After much thought, Jacob chose the Advanced Artificial Intelligence Machine. Jacob chose this for simple reasons, namely that this support tool would help him in 90% of the worlds he goes to, not to mention that it's 100%.

This advanced assistant machine with small ball-shaped vision is an extraordinary technological device. Its capabilities range from controlling electronic objects and computer skills to tracking and recognizing objects, people, and patterns. Additionally, it offers natural interaction and personalized assistance. With this assistant at your disposal, you can expect a wide range of functionalities that will provide you with comfort, efficiency, and support in various areas of your life.

"I will take the advanced assistant..." Jacob replied slowly and very confident in his choice.

"[... Recognized... Initiating the world system...

Chosen world: The Hunger Games...]"

"[Selected time roulette!

Random result...]"

On the snow-white wall, a frame with different numbers appeared as a light gently illuminated them.

Jacob looked at the random numbers and stopped at the number 365. '365 seconds, minutes, or days?' Jacob thought to himself in a hurry.

"[... The owner of the orb has 365 days equivalent to one year before the main plot begins.

You will be sent with a suitable identity to be part of the main plot...]"

"[... Initiating weaponry roulette..."

At this moment, Jacob saw how the lights in the room changed color successively.

"[... Obtained: High-precision compound bow…

Obtained: Gauntlet with retractable blades…

Obtained: Electric smoke grenade...]"

"[... Generating support equipment…

Obtained: Advanced first aid kit…

Obtained: Tactical survival backpack…

Obtained: Optical camouflage device...]"

"[Weaponry roulette finished!

Chosen world: The Hunger Games.


In a dystopian future, in the country of Panem, the districts are under the oppressive control of the powerful Capitol. As a way to maintain their dominance over the population, the Capitol organizes an annual event known as 'The Hunger Games.'

Katniss Everdeen, a brave and skilled sixteen-year-old girl, lives in the impoverished District 12 with her mother and younger sister, Prim. When the day of the reaping arrives, a lottery where tributes for the games are chosen, Prim is selected as one of the participants. Without hesitation, Katniss volunteers to take her place and protect her sister.

Alongside Peeta Mellark, the other male tribute from her district, Katniss enters the ruthless competition. The tributes from the twelve districts are taken to an arena controlled by the Capitol, where they must fight to the death. Only one tribute can survive and claim victory.

Faced with deadly challenges, Katniss must rely on her hunting skills and intelligence to confront the other tributes, many of whom have been trained since childhood for these brutal games. As she fights for her life, she becomes a symbol of hope and rebellion for the oppressed citizens of Panem...]"

Upon seeing this, Jacob sighed nervously. The good thing about all this is that he has one year to prepare; a lot can be accomplished in a year. Furthermore, everything depends on what will happen later.

"Well, hopefully I'll survive in the Capitol..." murmured Jacob with a smile. However, the next moment, he froze.

"[... Generating missions to accomplish…

Main missions:

1: Participate in the 74th Hunger Games.

2: Join the rebellion.

3: Assault the Capitol.

4: Free the districts from the oppression of the Capitol.

Secondary missions:

1: Participate in the 75th Hunger Games.

2: Rescue prisoners.

3: Obtain allies from other districts.

4: Join a group of rebels...]"

When Jacob saw the missions, he felt his blood run cold, and a signal kept pounding his mind, telling him that if he attempted anything related to the missions, he would die.

"What happens if I don't complete any of the missions?" Jacob asked, feeling a bit uncertain.

"[... Generating response... You won't receive rewards upon finishing the world. Additionally, you won't be able to return until the main story of the world has concluded. Depending on your results, you may or may not be able to return to your reality...]"

"[... Are you ready?]"

"Wait, what will happen to my body while I'm in another plane for a year?" Jacob finally asked about something that had been troubling him greatly.

"[... Time stops, you will wake up where you were moments before entering the world...]"

"Well... here we go."

"[... Initiating transfer.

Generating body... Avatar generated…

"20%... 40%... 80%... 100%... Ready, good luck, owner of the orb...]"

Yes, this is a fanfiction and the story will come, thanks for reading. If you want to read 35 chapters in advance, you can support me on my Patreon: SrCuervo

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