
The Only Stranger

A transmigration that brings you to a fantasy world. You get no cheat skill that gives you unfair advantage, no system to guide your power-up and sorry no one has summoned you. You are no one but an unwelcome stranger, on your own and stranded in a dangerous medieval fantasy world. You do get some handy tools but you need to learn their proper use. But at the end of day you are just a human and the world wants you dead one way or other. It leads your fate to face badass, enigmatic, legendary and superpowered enemies. And disobeying it only leads you to further despair. Do you still want to transmigrate to such a crappy setting? Are you sure you can survive?

WorldsaDungeon · Fantasi
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8 Chs


Hi I'm Sharan…..a legitimate Human Being, an Asian….Actually, cut that shit…..Just know that I'm from earth. Alright?

I'm writing this, call it a diary, a journal or a super-long record in the universal language so I won't be troubled by language barrier to find a reader.

First let me make one thing clear.

I AM NOT MAD!! The story that I'm about to tell you is not my freaking imagination. It's really what happened to me.

So if you don't believe me, I suggest you to close this right now and put it where you picked it up. Better donate it to a library, so someone who can actually believe my words will find it.

But again, if you are into anime, manga, manhwa, light-novels of fantasy genre, then I recommend you to read this. Because you will find my story similar to those mentioned. But then again don't think I am trying to fool you with a similar story.

Damn, if you don't know what fictional novels are, you are missing half of the world. The first half being the real world and the latter half being the collective world of imagination of all human beings that they depict through art of words and pictures.

Heck! You aren't even qualified to read my diary if you don't know about that second half of the world.

Second thing!

I have sent this diary through a world portal. So in the context that it has lost its way and landed in some world other than Earth or returned back, so you not being an Earthling has found it...you are in big trouble.

Kindly dig a hole, put this diary there and cover it. If I find out that my diary has fallen into your, an alien's hand, I will assume that you have read it even if you don't understand English. There are some things, embarrassing things that happened to me which I will only allow my fellow earthlings to know. So if I find you with my diary which I am eventually going to, I will dig a hole and bury you instead. No matter how many dimensions I have to jump through.

This will serve as a biography of my life as well as a guide to fellow 'lost' earthlings.

You might find this diary too small to fit ten years of my life, but this is actually 'The Never-ending Diary' so you are in for a long ride.

Okay enough of the Diary Guide.

Let me begin by describing what I was doing before I got 'Spirited away', just like the usual reincarnation, isekai novels work. I am a bit into literature even though I'm a novice. So I will tell my story in a literary way wherever I can and I might use different ways of narration that I picked up by reading so don't get irritated and drop it in the middle.

It's sure to be a bumpy ride. Know that I am doing this for the sake of your entertainment too. Hell even I will fall asleep if I find my diary too boring and simple.

More than a diary, it is more of a recollection of past events…ah…whateves.

So I was eighteen years old at that time. I was an engineering student, a second year in Bachelors of Civil Engineering.

My relatives took me as a bookworm, studying 24/7, my top grades spoke for me. But in reality I was an addict of anime, manga, manhwa, light novel, xianxia, you name it. A binge consumer at that. So yeah I lived two different lives, one privy to me and the other to keep everybody else comfortable. Being the academic guy gave perfect cover to indulge in my ambitionless hobbies and also a deterrent against anyone who might think to point a finger at me including parents.

Not to mention my imagination was pretty great that sometimes I became deluded that I was the character living in a story I read. If I was too immersed in it, I even dreamed being that character and played the story I had fantasied. When it was taken to extreme levels I had trouble to remember the real me and the real world. Hey! I am not sick! Okay? If I rested for few hours I would be fine. That was just sleep deprivation in effect.

That was my hobby, but Engineering was my career. I had trouble to manage time for both things because Engineering studies need a lot of time unless you are Einstein level genius. Heard that guy had memorizing problem too but I am talking about his learning skill.

It was time of 4th Semester examinations. There were three days between each exam to help us prepare.

Heh. So I tried to hold back my urges to dive into the fantasy for the sake of clearing the exam. I managed to study for the first day. But damn! When I took break for few minutes and habitually opened my phone, the bored me began searching for new drugs. The idea was to find some good titles and prepare a to-read list.

Fatefully I found one with an odd name. I had an urge to check the content which I supposed would not be that interesting. This would allow me to easily shelf it and go back to studying without having to kill my soul. But I was so wrong, it was so interesting that I immediately got hooked. The worlds, the characters, the story, the words used were so good at giving me vivid imagination that I just couldn't stop.

The words were seen and interpreted. A world took shape in my mind space and an epic began to unfold.

I knew then that I should stop and focus in examination, because the novel wasn't going anywhere. But at this rate I might just fail the exam.

So what if I knew? My inner devils had complete hold on me. Hell with the exams! They come and go. This ecstasy! This drive! This thirst for more fantasy could not be put on hold!!! At any cost!!!

With books and notes by my side, any visitors to my room wasn't going to question me. I could even show the novel full of words and pretend that I am studying with a perfect white lie.

I didn't realize that the three days of time was over until it really was. At 12 o' clock night/morning, it hit me!

"Today is my examination! Shit! Shit! Shit! What is wrong with me!?" I scolded myself while still reading the novel. Finally getting hold of myself, the books to be studied were brought before me.

And then began the last minute panic. I immediately flipped open the pages of the thick book of 'Hydraulics' that I had betrayed.

Flipping through the pages, I did my best to understand everything I could and memorized what I could not. It was such a reading speed that I'm sure even our lecturer might find baffling. I was actually using fantasy-novel-reading skill, 'turning the words into imagination' to visualize the nature of fluid and the workings very quickly. The words melted into visions very fast, making some sense.

The specific gravity, viscosity, turbulence, flow velocity, Manning's coefficient, the theories, the principles, the formulas. But honestly I could not remember anything at all. I was just visualizing and then casting them out, like tasting and spitting out a bitter bite.

My pigheaded brain wasn't willing to take any educational material at all. I knew what it was craving for, but that was a forbidden fruit at this moment of truth.

Desperate and helpless, I was forced to take a look at the bewitching fiction. And to my surprise there were just some fifteen chapters remaining in that volume, which was the last of it available. If I could finish them first, my brain would have no choice but bend its will to me.

So I again put my book to the side, sat in a comfy sofa. And....read like hell!!!! Like earth was ending the next moment!!!

'And what the heck!!!?' Usually I criticized how short the good novels were but now the chapters were taking so freaking long that I couldn't help but repeatedly glance at that minute hand continuously urging its shorter and slower brother to take another step in the wall-clock.

The freaking chicken at my neighborhood also started its annoying cock-a-doodle-doo. 'Damn! I already know that its morning. You stupid shitty chicken!!!'

There were just six hours to the ultimate moment when I had to get ready and leave for exam halls, not a minute late.

So I checked the remaining chapters of novel…and six chapters were left! Then I looked at the 'Hydraulics book' and also its six whole chapters were left.

Triple Six…..Shit!!!!!!! 'This is not the time for coincidence!!!!!! Is some God of Knowledge playing joke on me!!!????'

'I can do it!!!!! Alright six novel chapters, six Hydraulics chapters and six remaining hours, I just have to finish each chapter in half an hour and everything will work out, somehow.'

Normally Hydraulic chapters have 3-11 hours of teaching time and it could take similar if we were to study in detail, practicing every derivation of formula, numerical examples and the theoretical part.

But at that time I was in deep shit! Hell with the practice part, I used novel reading skill whether it was novel or hydraulics studies.

Firstly I started with jumps from one chapter of need to another chapter of obsession in the first hour. Then between pages, the plan being thrown out of the window and finally reading the two different things together, book in one hand and phone in another.

The protagonist was slashing at a humongous dragon then water flowed through the canal with the speed of 2.5 meters per second before a hydraulic jump.

But you know what the amazing thing was?

I was somehow able to understand the two things distinctly. Hell yess!! My brain was at the summit of peak performance. I had overclocked my brain!!!!!

But right after the protagonist found out that the dragon was actually his lost father who had been damned and he himself was also a dragon being manipulated by humans and the two reservoirs were connected together by a 1000 meter pipeline, the valve being in the first reservoir, I blanked out.

I honestly don't remember what happened next. What happened to me in my original world?

I sometime still wonder whether the protagonist saved his father and turned against the world or was forced to slay him. The reservoirs can go explode, I don't care!!!

I know there are many reincarnation and otherworldly transmigration novels. But you tell me who has died the way I did...the stupidest way.

Who the heck dies by supercharging their brains!?

I literally overclocked my brains way past the limits!!

I did the literal simultaneous multitasking when my brain was a single freaking core!!!

Shit! I actually fried my brains by overheating it. I still feel ashamed till this day.

Well, I died with book in my hands, so maybe people will think my death occurred by studying too hard. Maybe the examinations will lighten for student thereafter. Maybe I died for a cause. But my parents might think they pressurized me too much…..I don't know, man.

So I warn you not to follow my example. You need to prioritize what you need to do first and execute it strictly my fellow dear Earthlings. And give yourself plenty rest, read by sipping water at good intervals.

If you are an alien and still reading it, GO DIE!!

You may ask me, why am I so sure that I'm dead? I could be in a coma or just dreaming and I might wake up any next moment to attempt that sure-to-go-horrible examination.

But God bless me, I have already convinced myself that I died at that time no matter how stupid my death was.

If I wake up to find that I have to continue living in the 'real' world, I will without a doubt go insane.

I might suffer a personality disorder or just go mad.

The ten years I have spent here, the things I have seen, the horrible things I had to do with these very hands...I simply cannot bring them to my world which exists in my past, in my memory like the sweetest first eighteen years of my life.

Forgive me…Father...Mother. I need to have died, its thousand times better than becoming insane. The 'me' now is a calamity, I can never adjust to family and society.

But don't fear me, my dear Earthlings. I won't gut you. Even if I get the impulse, I can't. Your safety is guaranteed...unless you are alien of course.

Come, come, Let me sing you a tale.

Of the spilled blood and ghastly entrails.

Just joking. My story isn't that....

My grammer defying sentences can be little messy. Most of them contain hidden ideas or implications that need some imagination on reader's part. I find fun messing with words. Please bear with them and enjoy the story.

Suggestions are always welcome.

And this is my first work ever.

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