
The only male with power in a female hero society

Grim_D_END · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs


okay I need to think about the wishes. I don't think I need God like abilities plus that would take all the challenge out of it. Gojo is a no go as well as Meliodas. They are very strong and there abilities are nothing to sneeze at either.

No one from DBZ that would be over kill. So that leaves me with someone from fairy tail, Naruto, or a Kung Fu master. I could probably use the first wish for the appearance and power. The second wish for an extra power or ability. The third one could probably be used for a way to live in the world. Wait what about my memory though. I should probably talk to Rob about that. Hey Rob do I have to use a wish to keep my memories or do I get to keep my memories without the wish. Yeah you need to wish to keep your memory. But YOU dropped a bowl of lightning on my head and I don't NEED to help you. I said with my voice dripping with venom. okay fine you can kep your memory but no more freebies. You're just lucky I need the help right now. Do you have your wishes yet. Well I figured out the base for all my wishes but as for the wish itself not yet. Well hurry up I got more stuff to do after this.

Okay fine I'm ready to get my wishes now. The first is to look like Sting Eucliffe from fairy tail but with Skiadrum's dragon slayer magic and I don't want any motion sickness weakness plus full control of all my abilities. Rob "okay I'll allow it." the second wish is that I wish for all the fighting skills of Tai Lung. "wait why would you want that." mainly I want the nerve attack technique but also more ways to fight plus Tai Lung can take on multiple opponents. "wow you are really thinking this through aren't you?" yes and the challenge excites me if I run out of magic power I can always just use kung fu and chi. "okay granted now what's your last wish?" I want a system. "no not going to happen" wait it's not for me to gain more abilities. "fine but explain" I want it for an inventory money close and food that's it. "wow you really thought this through what is your IQ." it's over 270.

"okay so I'm going to transport you when the female versions of bakugo and izuku are starting the first day of middle school. you will also be enrolled in the same school as them as a transfer student. also I will throw in an apartment with furniture for you to live in any questions. PS you're probably going to get bullied by the girls." I know and I'm going to snap on them either the day before the last day of middle school or the last day. to show them NEVER WAKE UP AN ALPHA!! "okay now off you go." everything started going black and I woke up in an apartment.