
The one who reincarnated from the end

After being killed for reasons of treason, Rilley is reincarnated in a new world, with the opportunity to enjoy his second chance.

DreamDrops · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Returning to square one.

I feel too sticky, this is too tight and too dark, but what the fuck happened? My mind is in a mess and I have no idea where I am and...


What was this? There's something pulling me.

There! It has a very strong light and my eyes take a while to get used to it. The first thing I can see are people who look really big around me. Are they giants?!

I try to look around, but my head is heavy, I can't move properly, what I see looks like this is a room, and contrary to what I imagined these people are not giants, but I think I'm in the body of a baby. Now my only question is how I got that way, the way people here look at me I think this baby must be your son... or I must be your son, I'm not sure how it works yet.

All of this is very bizarre, my mind starts to get cloudy, I think all the effort to move and understand what's going on has made me tired, so everything starts to go dark.

I was born and raised in a technologically developed place governed by a hierarchical system.

I come from a family of nobles, but only on my father's side, my mother was his mistress, because I was the son of a relationship like that, I spent my entire childhood being despised by my father's noble relatives, I was always treated with discrimination for just exist. Despite this, I always had affection for my father, who tried not to let the family's evil get to me.

My mother was alone in the world, but she raised me with a lot of love and affection, and she got along well with my father, he was going to have his second child, this time from their legitimate relationship, thus resulting in a real successor as head of the family, right One day, when I was about four or five years old, he took his wife, his second child, who had been born a few days ago, mother and me on a trip to form bonds; which looking back now doesn't seem to have been a good idea.

It was very cold at that time of year, so when we went on our walk, still on the road, with the heavy snow falling, everything was slippery. The driver had difficulties keeping the car and complained

All I remember after that was waking up in a hospital bed with some machines going off and a few needles stuck in my arm. I found out that I had been unconscious for about a month, but that wasn't the worst news for me, the worst was knowing that of all the people in that car the only survivor had been me.

Time passed, but the pain of losing my parents was always heavy, after what happened my father's family became even more cruel to me, and this treatment towards me only got worse as time went by, it also didn't help that what happened had made me the next successor to the leadership of the family. In the end I ended up gaining only one support, my father's older brother, who welcomed me, welcomed all my pain and suffering for years in a row, he was my first and only friend.

Missing about three or four days for the celebration of the inauguration ceremony something happened, I woke up with a strange feeling, feeling a little heavy and very cold, when I opened my eyes I saw my uncle sitting next to me with a strange smile, his arm right down beside my body, holding me against him, in his left hand a syringe, which he stuck strongly in my chest.

He stood up looking at me with the same smile he gave me the day he said he would take care of me.

-You never deserved any of this, but I'll take good care of everything, don't worry, you can go to hell in peace.

And for the second time I lost everything.

Then I died and reincarnated in a different world, which I noticed a short time later by observation. It's kind of scary, and the thought of having to go through it all again sure makes me feel hopeless. The first two years went by pretty quickly, even though since the day I woke up in this world I haven't done much besides eating, toileting and sleeping, the last one I admit I did a little too much.

In the meantime I found out a few things, my name in this world is Rilley, after being able to keep my eyes open more often I was able to see what my parents looked like, my mother's name is Mary, not a very unusual name for me, at least it doesn't sound like someone noble's name to me, she is a calm person and a great manager when it came to the house and my new father, she solved problems using a lot of logic, which didn't apply to me of course, a baby couldn't get two minutes of privacy with her by her side, oh, she was very pretty looking too, she looked to be in her thirties, well-groomed skin and long black hair set off by her green eyes, which I sincerely hope have pulled.

My new father is called Oliver, in my opinion he is a family man that you usually see around, he had well defined muscles for the age he appeared to be, his face always had a confident expression, a common brown and disheveled hair, with grayish blue eyes, I always hear him fighting with Mary, I imagine that although he comes across as calm he must still be quite rowdy, I didn't see him as much as my mother, which makes me think he must be the one supporting her the house after my birth, when I saw him again I would spend hours on his lap listening to stories, which at first I didn't understand anything, since language is something difficult to understand when you don't know anything, but there were so many stories, that made me curious about his work.

Thanks to the endless stories and the quick understanding of my body, it didn't take me that long to learn the language of this world reasonably well, although I imagine that writing will still bring me some difficulties.

I managed to learn a few things thanks to the stories, this world in which I was reincarnated is called Narin, currently it is divided into 6 nations, at least the explored part, I know there is an unexplored part, but I never heard anything about it.

The place where I live is in Zapros, what Oliver called the Human Continent, according to him the biggest continent is The Great Forest, which is inhabited by the beast people, even though it was a children's story he fantasized too much, well, that's what I thought.

I turned three years old, at that age I could already walk reasonably well by myself, I started to walk around the house, which was very humble despite being large, and very rustic for sure, I was relieved that it didn't look like a noble people's house. I didn't see any kind of electronic device, but there were some trinkets that made me curious, my mother took something that looked like a lamp from the wall, but the object only went out after she dropped it on the table, with a strange impulse in my new body and the Out of curiosity I ended up picking up that object, it quickly released a strong glow and went out when I let go of the scare, soon after I felt a familiar sensation, followed by nausea, some flashes of my last day of my old life flashed in my head and everything that I remember afterwards it was screaming a lot. Obviously a screaming child my age would draw attention, my mother came running over with a look that for the first time ever seemed desperate.

- Oh my baby what happened? - She looked at my hands that were bloody and a little burned after holding that damn thing. - Sorry Ril, mom was very careless, sorry. - I felt a little bad, could it be that this is how children feel when they are up to no good?

After she calmed me down, she pulled some kind of amulet from her long shirt sleeve and placed it over my bruises.

- In the name of Bloodgrey, restoration. - And suddenly the sensation was gone with a strong white light.

I wanted to give a startled scream, it should have come out something like "What the hell was that?". But only a few awkward sounds came out, Mary reacted to this with a beautiful smile, picked me up, and hugged me tightly, bragging.

- Your mother is a strong person too my little one, and I will always take care of you.

I felt a nostalgic flutter, but along with it came an uncontrollable thought, maybe I should have taken Oliver's stories a little more seriously.

I'm creating stories that please me, I hope they please others too.

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