
The One-Armed Warlock

Dragons, the unwaveringly strong. the ones who can only bow to gods, all wiped out by one man, one hero... all except two leaving the Dragon monarch to enact revenge on this hero... cast away from this world met with only fear and hostility the two run scared from humanity until they meet the another... another who is the last of his kind. a warlock, as the new and last dragon monarch is crowned, as the world around them is ripped away in a war for the world what will Teth do? the last of the dragons.

Alex_N67 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

The Hero

"Hey dragon dude! Wake up."

My eyelids opened, the scales moving to reveal the crystal blue eyes, a barely distinguishable barrier between the glistening, deep blue of my iris and the slitted pupils

"My name is Uru, I am no dude, I am the dragon monarch, and I request you leave my lands."

"Whatever for, didn't your parents teach you manners?"

"My manners are impeccable, however after watching you trail horror and murder through these lands i wish not to have you around my people."

"This is amazing, its the best part of the comic when the Mc defeats someone who looks down on them, plus i've always wanted to kill a dragon."

"I have no doubt that you would kill a dragon, however there are hundreds under my watch. Are you confident you can kill them all?"

A hideous grin formed across his face, the hero was a relatively handsome man, his boyish features looked as if they were crafted by a god… I suppose they were. His heavily armoured body was concealed but even through the layers of chainmail I could see his body was strong enough to belong to a troll. Beyond that his mana pool made arch magicians look like children playing in a puddle… dragons are prideful beings but not stupid, i am very aware this man posses a threat to the survival of my race, in fact this is one of the few moment in my life i have felt fear… not for me but for my people, i would happily die to protect them but alone i fear i dont stand a chance.

"You haven't attacked?" the hero spoke, his sword falling into his hand, a thin aura crawling down the sword.

"My role is to protect,"

"Hahahahahahahahah, don't you know you're supposed to beg for your life when I reveal my power??? Dumb fucking monsters, i want to see tears, snot begging."

"You are poison, I must remove you from my nest… by force if need be."

"No one cares about your B story ass, i heard if i eat a dragon heart ill get a power boost so i suppose it's an all you can eat buffet!"

He stepped forward, his overgrown scruffed hair swaying with the exaggerated sword movement, the huge blade arcing up through the ground… the metal swinging through the air.

For a second the world stood still, my body stunned, staring down at the man grinning below me, then I heard the ground shake. My world collapsed as a clear and perfect slash sliced through my mountain, the countless caves and tunnels connecting my people, my family all destroyed and slaughtered with an effortless swing of the sword.

Dragons are a peaceful people, our immense power gives us that luxury, that means this is the first time I've felt rage.

Rage equalises all, disgust, happiness, pity, sadness all were common to me, the blinding fear and hatred dragged me down, the pride and superiority made me look down… but rage, the red hot fire ripping through my body equalised me with everyone from the giants that dwelled at the edge, to the ants as their colonies were destroyed by a stray foot. At that moment it was as if I was made to feel like all the beings I had looked down on and all those who I had looked up to, as the blood of my brethren sprayed around me a change rippled across my scales. The blue rivers of flame that coarse across my rock-like body seemed to blaze in between the cracks, dripping onto the stone beneath me, burning across the stone. Fire slipped through my teeth like saliva, my eyes widening in madness. I could feel the sentiment echo through my people. My jaws opened wide a blood curdling cry that could have cracked the gates of heaven spilled out, the dozens of dragons that lived around me spread their wings fire blazing through the canyons, such bright lights that could be seen for miles bursting forward towards the hero, his sword effortlessly blocking the torrent of flame. He stepped forward, the plated grieves indenting into the stone as he sprung into the air, his arm pulling over his shoulder as his body balled into a small dot against the moon. My closest charged forward his jaws spread open in anger, fire bursting out with his petrifying teeth, each one dwarfing the human but the man effortlessly swung forward, the magic curving forward and slashing across the dragon's jaw cutting through his body like butter his corpse falling to each side, the heavily scaled body split in two.

The hero kicked off the air grabbing another of the airborne dragons, his fingers wrapping around her neck and tossing her to the next dragon, his path redirecting as the sword stabbed forward skewering both dragons, the life faded from their eyes and the corpses fell to the ground. I could only watch as he ripped through my forces… my eyes trembling in fear and sadness. Until eventually I snapped back to this nightmarish reality, I too charged forward the blue flames smashing into him and pushing him back.

His body flew miles crashing into a nearby mountain, but he only smiled kicking off the mountain and in an instant he was back, his body flipping around like a wheel the sword slashing through my wings so simply, i was flung to the ground, blood pouring from my sides as i stared at him. This monster… someone who can't be called a monster… something far worse looked down at me…and smiled, I stared at him for hours. Second after second another dragon slain. The tears dried, the blood stopped flowing, the rage stopped. All I could do was look on as he cut down and ate my people, the children, the adults, the elderly… nothing mattered to him. My begging stopped too, all that was left was horror, eventually something broke in me, protection was gone from me, my mind blank… my mind was black, a black canvas. A canvas where words started to form from the red of my kin, the blood of my family.
