
The One-Armed Warlock

Dragons, the unwaveringly strong. the ones who can only bow to gods, all wiped out by one man, one hero... all except two leaving the Dragon monarch to enact revenge on this hero... cast away from this world met with only fear and hostility the two run scared from humanity until they meet the another... another who is the last of his kind. a warlock, as the new and last dragon monarch is crowned, as the world around them is ripped away in a war for the world what will Teth do? the last of the dragons.

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
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The First Flame

From those moments on i was crowned, that is what the human equivalent would be, in dragon culture it is more officiating what is already known, showing the purest and most brilliant dragon of the time, there can be no overthrowing the dragon monarch because all dragons join under consensus, unlike the laziness of human lords, or the greediness of dwarven kings dragon monarchs act more like guards for their people, the more vulnerable the dragon, the closer they are held to the nest and i as the grandest was given a place at the peak, to watch over the lands and to protect everyone… or i was supposed to, but i suppose i was wrong, dragons could not be called the highest, perhaps on this earth but beyond where our wings can take us is the worlds above, the battling forces of good and evil, the perpetual fight of their proxies, the demon king and the hero of legend.

A war that can and will never end no matter if one dies the other will be removed. However the hero of legend is different from the people that belong to this world, as they don't belong to this world… it's a widely exempted fact that most mortal creatures are incapable of killing demons and only those blessed by the gods and those who bear the heart of a dragon can kill a demon, so the hero is summoned. Their goal is noble, to kill monsters and level up in order to defeat the demon lord however the newest was different. I could see his cruel actions from my mountaintop.

I could see everything from my mountaintop, I could see the good and the bad, the black the white and the grey, to me none of it seemed particularly important, my father… Before his passing told me we dragons see much miss fortune, not because it is rife but because the humans chose it to be that way, it is their way… to cleanse the world of humans and start again they would still resort to greed, anger, jealousy and lust. It is what makes them dangerous, it is what makes them the most powerful species in some and the weakest in others. There was once a 'hero' in the human realm… Prometheus. He was said to be so greedy for power that he would slaughter and devour monsters, one day he attacked the nest of the dragons. He failed but this did not halt his greed, he convinced the orcs and the goblins he once devoured to attack the dragons and whilst distracted my ancestor was killed, his heart removed and taken. Prometheus gained extraordinary power due to his trickery his heart ignited and he was given the title of Prometheus the first flame.

This particular hero murdered indescriminantly, his voice unwavering in lies and his tongue as silver as the moon. He grew incredibly strong on his own… far stronger than any other hero. Perhaps it was the god, or some innate talent he held, his methods sickened even me and a being beyond mortal troubles… however the hero cannot be called mortal. He preyed on girls exploiting his party members and commonly selling them out for better weapons, his sole goal to increase his level. Even i do not know why, but these were not enough to sicken me, the truly horrifying was the destruction he incurred, he would raid millions of the goblins and orcs, those who were far weaker than him slaughtering women children and men without a care, his lips turned guesomly into a smile. How anything can feel joy at suck a massacre terrifies me, and it scared me when his path seemed to go towards our nest, his trail of burnt camps and scattered corpses brought me sleepless nights.

"Hey dragon dude! Wake up!"