
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Chapter 7: Friend or Foe?

When I stepped inside the guild building, what I saw surprised me!

It's so empty!

I expected the guild building to have some sort of different people, like drunkards or the infamous adventurers. But there's no one here except for a clerk sitting behind a counter.

As we are walking towards the counter, I asked Jacob.

"Where are the adventurers here? Where is everyone?"

Jacob looked at me and squinted his eyes. "Adventurers? Oh, maybe they are on a quest or something"



I was skeptic because who would have thought that when I happened to arrived here, there's no one present. Unless there is a calamity danger level that requires all adventurers to join the subjugation. But why is the captain here?

As I was pondering about, we have arrived at the counter. There was a beautiful girl sitting behind the counter as if she's waiting for orders to be relayed. She had short brown hair and a white head wear, like those of a nurse. She wore a skimpy and fitted outfit, and again, like that of a nurse.

Jacob approached the clerk and said. "Hey Dolly, I have a friend here that needs a guild card. He lost his guild card and needed to be issued with another so my friend can avoid problems inside the kingdom."

The clerk, that seemed to be named as Dolly, stared wide eyed at Jacob before nodding at his request and standing up. She approached me and asked.

"What's your name sir?"

"Uh, Philip."

"Right this way, sir Philip."

I was startled by her voice. It was the most beautiful sound that I ever heard! I felt my ears tickle at that moment and my heart skipped a beat. I immediately removed these feelings as they are unnecessary and obediently followed Dolly along with Jacob following behind me.

Moments later, we arrived at a room where a giant crystal ball is located at the middle of the room. So typical of a guild from another world.

"Please step forward and place your hand on the crystal ball. Then for a few seconds, we will assess your stats and your power level. Then, you will be issued with a guild card immediately right after." Dolly instructed me with her angelic voice.

I then stepped forward and placed my hand on the crystal ball. Jacob and Dolly are watching from the sidelines.

A few seconds later, nothing is happening to the crystal ball. Was it supposed to be like that or are they already assessing my stats? I myself certainly don't believe that this is it. As I watched a lot of anime on my free time back on Earth, I know that this crystal ball should light up or something. I glanced towards Jacob and Dolly. Jacob had his eyebrows knitted and Dolly had a look of confusion and worry. Yup, this certainly isn't it.

I tried to mimick the instructions on anime and manga and tried to focus on the crystal ball. I let my 'magic' or 'mana' or probably my ki flow through my arm and into the crystal ball.

Moments later, the ball lit up. It had a golden shine on it. By then, Dolly stepped near the crystal ball and seemed to read something. Jacob on the other hand still had his brows knitted and his crossed his arms. I feel that he is emanating some sort of an aura. The same aura I felt back at the entrance gate. For some reason, I don't feel any negative effects when I felt his aura. I looked back at Dolly, she seems to be trembling while reading something, probably because of Jacob's aura. You need to stop that Jacob.

A few minutes later, Dolly has finished reading something and she dipped her hand straight into the crystal ball like a slime. She then pulled out her arm and revealed a guild card that she is holding. She then went to Jacob with small steps while looking down and handed him my guild card.

Wait, shouldn't she have given the card to me instead to Jacob?

As I was wondering why Dolly gave Jacob my card, Jacob suddenly exploded with this suffocating and terrifying aura. Dolly fell on her back and crawled away and left the scene. Then, Jacob shouted with a thundering voice. An aura of blue and gold can be seen emanating from his body, his hair suddenly started to become even spikier. His hands to shake violently and started to emit what seemed to be flames.

"Don't fuck with me! What is up with this?!"

Jacob asked while holding the guild card and pointing at me. He then threw the card towards me and the corner of the card crashed and stuck to the crystal ball. I looked at the card that is stuck to the crystal ball next to my face.


Philip Ibasco

Level 1

HP: 11

MP: 6

Strength: 10

Skills: None

Abilities: None

Power: None

Power Level: F


I don't know whether to laugh or cry while I looked at my card. Granted that what was shown in the card was true, except for my skills and abilities. Did the system alter the readings of the crystal ball and changed my information?

I was pulled out of my brainstorming when Jacob suddenly roared with a thundering voice.

"I don't believe that you were the one that we were waiting for. I can't accept that you are the one! I have waited for billions of years for this moment to come. And this is what we were waiting for?!!!!"

Jacob released a shockwave from his body. I blocked with my arms and I was pushed back slowly until I hit the cracking crystal ball. The whole room is trembling from the shockwave. Perhaps the whole building is shaking right at this instant. I needed to escape before the whole building collapses. Before I planned my escape, I was interrupted by Jacob.

"I'm going to beat you up for making my hopes up! I have never been this furious since millions of years ago. I don't care if you die, I don't care anymore if I am not able to leave this planet anymore!!!"

I was shocked at Jacob's statement and my hairs began to stand up on its end and my cold sweat began to flow upwards.

Jacob suddenly leaped towards me with a speed that my comprehension didn't kept up. He readied his fist behind his back and sparks of lighting and fire began to form around his fist. He then launched his fist as soon as he got closer to me.

I subconsciously raised my arms to block the incoming fist, but it was too fast and it connected to my face. As soon as the fist connected to my face, there was a second of pause, then a powerful shockwave formed in between me and the fist. The fist had the speed of sound. I was blown right into the crystal and the crystal shattered. I continued to get blown away by the impact outside the guild building and into the houses. The houses was demolished when I went through them. I still continued to get blown away towards the wall and the dome of the kingdom and straight outside of the kingdom. I began to flail like a tumbleweed on the red plains as the force of the impact is transferred into the ground.

I sat up and began to coughed out blood. I can't believe that I was still alive. I tried to stand up and tried to run away, but my hopes were shattered when I saw Jacob again in front of me when I blinked.

Jacob punched me in the gut. I coughed out more blood and another shockwave formed in the fist and I began to get blown away over hundreds of meters.

I crashed into the side of a red mountain. Why am I still alive? I don't want to get hurt again for not knowing what I did.


Why is he attacking me without reason?!


Jacob arrived once again and prepared his fist that is crackling with fire and lightning, and whooshing with wind.

"Please stop."


"Stop? I don't want to."

Jacob smirked and launched his fist towards me.


Something clicked inside me. I had enough! What I hate the most is getting hurt without knowing the reason why! As I was standing up, the surroundings had a hint of blue color and the system has showed a display at the corner of my eye. I was too furious to notice these details, I even haven't noticed that Jacob is approaching me with his fist aimed at my face with a speed slower than the usual.

Something swelled inside me. I roared at Jacob.


Lightning began to crackle around me and my body emitted golden flames. Streaks of golden energy formed an orbit around my body as I prepares my attack. Shockwaves began to originate from me. Craters began to form on the ground beneath my feet. My eyes began to turn gold.

I readied my fist that is covered with a golden aura and white lightning. Time seemed to return to normal as I launched my fist towards Jacob.

My fist connected to Jacob's face before he can connect his. Jacob was blown away with an impact that is several more times powerful than his. He grated himself over the red plains and smashed a couple of red mountains before he began to stop several kilometers away.

Something began to surge within my body once again, but this time, I felt pain. I crouched down and held my chest, I then noticed that my arms are white and covered with flakes of what seemed to be eggshells.

A display appeared again at the corner of my eye. I didn't looked at it as the pain in my chest began to intensify.

Golden energy began to orbit around my body once again, but this time, there are three orbits. More streaks of lightning surged forth from my body and more shockwaves began emanating from me. My eyes began to form a pattern in my retina and shone brighter gold.

Then, I felt calm for a split second and stood up, I had cold sweat trickle from my forehead. Suddenly, I literally felt something in my chest pop, it was my heart.


I screamed at the top of my lungs while still managing to stand. The three golden orbits began to flow and fused in front of my chest. The streaks of lightning formed around the fused golden energy. Bright yellow lights began to beam out from the energy ball.

I felt that I needed to release this or it would explode in front of me. I then searched for a target; the kingdom, a red mountain, the sky, ot the black moon. I decided to aim at the black moon.

I faced the black moon and aimed my chest. Moments later, a solid beam of gold with white lightning swirling around it began come out from the energy ball. By this time, another display appeared but I set it aside for now because the pain is still lurking and the beam is getting in the way.

The gold beam shot towards the sky and into the black moon. As soon as the beam and the black moon connected, two gold energies began to orbit the black moon and began to shrink down on the black moon as if it's crushing the moon. Moments later, the moon exploded into a supernova and began to shake the red planet. The black moon was actually a planet that is caught into orbit on this red super planet.

I began to power down as if I just released a load that is burdening me. There was now a gaping hole on my chest, was what I believed, but as soon as I looked at my chest, a white material, resembling ivory, began to form in my chest and began protruding outwards as if it repaired my chest. I don't know if my heart is still there, but I highly doubt it, because I felt my heart explode earlier. Perhaps because of the overbearing power that I just manifested.

I sat down where I originally stood and catched my breath as if I was very exhausted. Did I kill Jacob? I doubt it, I didn't want to kill a person.

As I though that everything was over, two figures landed in front of me.

One looked like a girl with her hair did as a ponytail and an emo bang on her left eye. She looks like she is not wearing any clothing but her whole body is adorned with a purple color up to her face. The sides of her arms, legs, and waist are streamlined with green and white lines. Every joint of her body is streamlines with white circles. She looks like a mechanical doll. Her right eye is colored with cybernetic green with white eyebrows and eye lashes. She also had wings similar to the mechs of Gundam. When I looked at her face, I can't help but to be familiar with her face.

I looked at the other individual. What's this?! I can't help but be surprised at what I'm seeing. I can't believe that I am seeing something that came straight out of the most popular anime on Earth.

A super saiyan?!!

Thank you for reading!!

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