
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 8: Teacher and Student

Two individuals landed before me. Both of them are emanating different auras. The second one, particularly, is emitting a very strong aura.

I looked at him and began scanning him.

Is he a super saiyan?!

He resembles a super saiyan, a race that are battle hungry and a warrior race, from a very popular anime show on Earth. Did the saiyan race actually exist all this time and one managed to arrive in this red planet? No, that's impossible.

The individual had a cozy black sleveless vest on adorned with fur on the sleeve. He had a blue undershirt that accented his muscles and abs. He also had a white loose pants and shoes, the same as Goku or Vegetto in the same sense.

His hair is spiky, the trait that the saiyan race had, but his hair is currently on super saiyan 3 and had a yellow color on it. He also had a tail that had a yellow fur. His eyes had the same color of bluish green and a large bang hangs on his forehead. His eyebrows are also yellow and very spiky, different from what it used to when assuming the form of a super saiyan 3.

What's odd about this is not the presence of a saiyan, but this saiyan had wings. Yes, wings! The root of his wings originated from behind his waist and curved up before his back shoulders then stretched outwards. His wings are burning with orange, like that of a phoenix.

That certainly is odd.

As I was examining both of them. They both looked at me with contempt, probably because I dealt damage to Jacob, or perhaps I destroyed their black moon.

The purple woman raised her hand towards me and did something. Her cybernetic green eye began to flare up with the similar color. I began to feel that I was floating up, then moments later, I was pushed against the mountain with such great force that I puked out a lot of blood. I also heard a crackling sound behind my back and arms.

As the purple woman kept on pounding me into the mountain (insert lenny face), I see that the saiyan began to take a stance and put both of his hands behind his back as if he is pulling something out. Energy swelled inside of his hands and an orb of energy began to form. Was he about to launch the Kamehameha wave?!

"KA... ME... HA..." As if the saiyan heard my question, he began to chant the first syllables of the attack. I then struggled to release myself from the purple woman's grasp. I tried what I did earlier and channeled energy from deep within my body.

"ME..." He is on his last syllable! I'm not gonna make it!

The purple woman then lifted my battered body up as if to set up for the saiyan's attack as if I was a target with a red dot in the middle of my body. But then, the saiyan successfully launched his attack.


As he chanted his last syllable, he stretched out both his arms and flicked open his hands to release a blue energy beam at me. The blue energy beam roared as it approached me. I closed my eyes and hoped that someone will go and stop the beam like a hero entered the scene and blocked the beam like it's nobody's business.

But in the end, no one arrived and the beam hit me.

I was blown away with the beam through the mountain and we broke the mountain. The saiyan aimed low so after I broke the mountain, I was dragged through the earth like a ragdoll while the beam still pressed me hard for several kilometers.

A few moments later, the beam has stopped and I lied on a scorched crater. I immediately sat up as I was surprised that I was still alive. I looked at my body and arms only to find those same ivory looking material that came from my chest. The material crumbled and shed then a new set of the material regrowth back to its new state.

"What is this?!" I asked but then remembered that the system has showed me three displays earlier when I battled Jacob, or rather, when he was beating me. I looked at the displays that is adorned with gold streaks before the purple woman and the saiyan arrives before me.

⟨Congratulations. You have met the perfect conditions. You have unlocked three of your hidden abilities.⟩

[??? - ??? (unlocked)]

[Overload - overloads the user and removes the limit of power of the user. Also overloads abilities and skills to its most powerful form.]

⟨Due to obtaining <Overload> at the early stage, your body has reached beyond its limit. Therefore, you have unlocked one of your hidden abilities and a material has materialized in your body.⟩

[??? - ??? (unlocked)]

[Regenerative Ivory - full body and head armor and material that immediately regenerates to its original form and structure whenever it's shattered or crack. A material that is alive and assumes all external appearance of the host and forms and replaces it.]

⟨Due to obtaining <Overload> and using it at its fullest and lost control on your newfound power. You have accidentally unlocked another of your hidden abilities.⟩

[??? - ??? (unlocked)]

[Omega Laser - an energetic beam tht is released when the user open its heart and releases the stored energy inside. Power is based on emotion, the stronger the emotion, the stronger the power of the beam. But it's not always like that every time.]

Whoa... That was a lot to take in. First of all, I was surprised and ecstatic that I unlocked my hidden abilities, three at that! I was ecstatic because the abilities didn't need anything to trigger, like requiring MP or meeting a certain stat capacity.

Regenerative Ivory seemed like a passive ability because it automatically activates. I even had these ivory stretching throughout my body from my chest and arms to the rest of my body and to my cheeks with speed visible to the naked eye.

As I was being happy that I unlocked my hidden abilities, the purple woman and the saiyan arrived before me. I immediately stood up and took a stance and held my arms up into a fist. I was not afraid anymore as I have these newfound abilities at hand, now if only I have a sword, I would destroy these people. Oh yeah, I have my <Shi-Kama Tamashī-Kiru>. Why didn't I used that from the start and scared them with the presence of Death?!

I instantly went to my inventory and magically pulled out a black glowing and ominous looking huge scythe that is 2.5 times larger and longer than me. The purple woman and the saiyan was startled for a second and unconsciously took a step back, but they immediately recovered and made their stance.

The purple woman flew into the air. Her emo back began to reveal her left eye which also flared a color of cybernetic green, the same as her right eye. Green streaks began to form and crackle around her while the air distorted around her. Her right hand formed a fist and an illusion appeared that a giant purplish pink fist formed on her right hand.

The saiyan on the other hand powered up while screaming. Typical of a saiyan. Yellow aura formed on his body and lightning began to crackle once in a while. His wings unfurled and began to burst out orange aura or flame.

I readied my scythe and positioned it behind me as if I I was holding a sword. Truth be told, I can't use sword techniques on a scythe for obvious reasons, but I can apply what I learned at my sword training and apply it on the scythe. Balance, weight, mass, center of gravity, thrust, and force. All of them are important for wielding a weapon.

The purple woman and the saiyan finally stopped preparing and powering up. As the two of them began to leap and I began to leap, while still managing to look cool, and readied my scythe behind me, preparing to slash. A voice suddenly echoed out of nowhere and the purple woman and saiyan stopped.

"I think that should be enough."

A voice called out. I trembled with the pressure that I am feeling. Greater than Jacob and the saiyan combined.

The purple woman calmed down and her emo bang covered her left eye once again and the air around her returned back to normal. The saiyan then began to power down and his long yellow spiky hair turned into a shorter black spiky hair resembling Vegeta. A thinner black bang hangs in front of his forehead.

I also landed on the ground after I jumped, I still haven't figured out how to fly. Are wings required? I still held <Shi-Kama Tamashī-Kiru> on my left hand while being cautious against the voice. I can feel the powers of the scythe and the time bracelets flickering with the presence of the voice. Finally, the purple woman spoke for the first time and what I heard had me stare at her wide eyed that my eyes almost bulge out.

"After a million years, what are you doing here showing up out of nowhere?!"

The saiyan crossed his arms and said. "You secluded yourself somewhere didn't you? So what brings you here that caught your attention?"

I also stared wide eyed at the saiyan because their voices were extremely familiar! But I can't point it out as of now.

"I came for this individual here." The voice said as he began to show himself in between both of our parties while hovering in the air.

He had a black robe that is covering his entire body from neck to toe. His hair had a style that is spiky and a haircut like that of a soldier or a general and his eyes are black.

The end of his robe flaps about in the air.

"Why would you go for this person? He had enraged Jacob back in his kingdom and he was knocked out cold back then." The purple woman exclaimed.

Wait... Jacob's kingdom? Isn't he the son of the king and the captain of the army? Unless, Jacob fooled me!

"He even destroyed the black planet that is neighboring next to the red planet! Certainty this person is a bad guy!" The saiyan said with rage.

"Yes, he did all that. But that is required for this person's power to bloom."

What is this guy saying? Did he know about my powers?

"Oh I certainly know more than what you think." The robed guy said as if he heard my question. I was startled there because if he knew more about my powers, then I might be in trouble and may take advantage of it.

I looked towards the robed guy once again. I saw him smile for a second before he turned and spoke towards the other two. I felt a chill in my spine at that smile. Did he read my thoughts again? I need to stop these inner thought.

"As for you two, you shouldn't attack someone before hearing the story of both sides. What would you do if the side that you attacked was right all along?" The robed guy exclaimed towards the two.

"But-" The purple woman was about to say something but interrupted by the robed guy.

"Now now, just keep quiet and reflect on your actions."

"Are you telling us that this person here was on the right all along?" The saiyan asked the robed guy.

"Well, yes. He defended himself when he was being attacked without him knowing for what reason." The robed guy answered.

"I understand." The saiyan seemed to understand the situation.

"Oh yeah, if I told you this person's name. Both of you will be shocked that you wished that you regretted attacking him."

The robed guy told them something interesting. Does both of them know me? But how did the robed guy knew my name?

The two individuals had a confused look on their faces. The saiyan was about to ask something but the robed guy ultimately interrupted him too.

"You may know this person's name later after I teach him or until Jacob will wake up, if he would wake up after I teach this person."

I strained my ears as I heard something interesting. Is this robed guy going to teach me? Teach me what? As if the robed guy read my thoughts once again, he answered my question.

"I will teach you on how to control your strength and power. Once you have complete control and understanding of your own powers, I will tell you everything that you need to know that I know."

The two individuals seemed to be surprised at this statement.

"Why would you tell him everything that you know?! He's an outsider!" The purple woman exclaimed.

"I don't see any uniqueness to him except for that explosive power earlier, his white spiky armor, and his scythe." The saiyan supported the purple woman's claims.

Spiky armor? I glanced at my body only to find out that the regenerative ivory has completely covered my body. Three huge spikes protruded out beneath both of my forearms with decreasing size starting from my elbow to wrist. Three huge spikes also protruded out from both of my front legs with increasing size starting from the knee to ankle. The spikes on my forearms are bent and angled towards my hand while the spikes on my legs are also bent and angled towards my knee. The regenerative ivory has also began invading the back of my head and transforming my hair to ivory spikes.

I can't believe that the regenerative ivory has grown so much with this short amount of time.

The robed guy smirked at the statement of the two individuals and said.

"Because he is the Chosen One."

Thanks for reading~~


Characters and races that is mentioned in this novel is not my property and they belonged to their respective sources and companies.

Absolute_Authorcreators' thoughts