
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Chapter 19: Silver and Ylium

Military Base - Moscow - Russia

Sean followed a spaceship that was inbound to the country of Russia.

It seemed like the invaders had intel that the Russian ballistic and nuclear missiles are a threat to their forces. This made a squadron of spaceships numbering to more than a hundred to attack the city of Moscow, particularly the main military base that is responsible for launching the missiles.

As Sean was intercepting the squadron, he managed to destroy 99% of of spaceships using his newfound power and two or three spaceships managed to pass through.

He discovered that he can manipulate and control machines by touching it with his bionic arm. He managed to control a dozen of spaceships and made them fight each other.

The pilots inside the spaceships can't do anything but watch as they kill their comrades with their own ships.

Sean also managed to plunder different kinds of armaments from the spaceships and use it against them. Different kinds of rifles and laser blasters was attached to his bionic right arm.

The turrets from the military base also fired laser beams to the surviving spaceships and managed to take down two while the third one manage to launch a bombardment at the main building of the military base.

There were a lot of casualties that ensued and the soldiers and futuristic tanks resumed their bombardment on the last remaining spaceship until a soldier spotted an incoming object from above.

"что это за фигня?!"

The soldier pointed at the sky only to see a person with a bionic arm and bionic leg falling at an incredible speed on to the spaceship.

Sean then transformed his collected matter on his arm into a large blade that cut cleanly on the spaceship as he is falling. He then landed in the middle of the military base. Turrets, tanks, and soldiers aimed their weapons on Sean as the dust cloud began to dissipate.

Then, an important looking person came in front of the army. The person had plates on his shoulder adorned with five gold stars. The stars represented the person as the highest rank in the military, a major general.

The general then held his hand high and ordered the army,

"стой, мужчины!!"

Sean didn't understand what the general said as he didn't really learn to much about the Russian language during his stay in the nuclear facility that is about a few hundred meters away from the military base. Now that he mentioned that, the general seemed familiar.

To Sean's surprise, the soldiers lowered their weapons and the turrets returned their aims towards the perimeter of the base. Tanks began to roll out and assembled to their formations.

The general then called out to Sean,

"Sean? Is that you?"

Sean then immediately remembered! He was the general that observed the testing of the bionic mech suit back in the nuclear facility.

"Yes general! It's me!"

Sean was actually confused as to how the general remembered him as he was just a tester of an invention. He then remembered that during the time spent in the red planet, no matter how many millions or billions of years has passed, only one day has elapsed here on Earth.

That means that Sean disappeared in this world yesterday, only to come back today.

"But we saw you died yesterday and an explosion occured. When we searched for your body, we found nothing. We concluded that your body was disintegrated but your here now! What happened?"

The general kept blabbing as Sean began to become impatient. He needed to go back to the nuclear facility to check something out.

"It's a long story general, but I gotta go."


Before Sean jumped towarda the direction of the facility, he faced the general again.

"Oh yeah, general, tell the world that the protectors of the Earth has arrived. There are twelve others, including me."

Sean then jumped with his expanded bionic left leg towards the nuclear facility. The general was dumbfounded. Then he immediately jumped into action and opened the communication to other countries for the first time in years.

He addressed that thirteen superhumans have come to protect the Earth from the invaders. When asked if what their powers are, the general replied with, "I don't know."


Nuclear Facility - Moscow - Russia

Sean blasted through the abandoned nuclear facility. The facility was abandoned when the explosion from the glowing rock happened, leaving tons of corrupted uranium and healthy plutonium.

The reason why Sean went back to this facility is to find traces of the sharp silvery substance that "ruined" his life yesterday. He doesn't regret having powers now but the way that the sharp silvery substance shredded his right leg and left arm was extremely painful.

You could say that he had a grudge against an object.

Sean then found a rather big chunk of the sharp silvery substance. It was 6 inches in length and a width of 2 inches. The fact that it is described as sharp is because just by looking at the sharp edges of the substance, it gives you the feeling that it can cut through anything.

He then prepared a plasma cannon that he materialized from his bionic arm and blasted the substance into pieces.

To his surprise, there was no explosion that happened within his vicinity and the ground was unscathed. The plasma beam was still being fired at the silvery substance but nothing spectacular is happening.

Sean then stopped blasting the substance, he then came closer to the substance and examined it on the ground. To his surprise once again, the sharp silvery substance became more elongated by 2 inches and the width was reduced to less than an inch and a half. It seemed that the substance became more "sharp."

He then concluded that the substance absorbed the plasma beam and became sharper. If this substance had a metallic property, Sean could claim this substance and add it to his bionic limbs to create sharp armaments.

He extended his bionic arm to the silvery substance and tried to pick it up. Once he picked it up, his bionic arm was extremely shredded into dust as if it cut his arm by a million slashes.

Sean was terrified as he jumped back from the force. Good thing that the substance didn't shred his arm up to his shoulder. If a little bit of bionic part survived, he could always grow his bionic arm back, but with te cost of machine materials.

"I never learned, huh?"

It didn't entered Sean's mind that when he picked up the substance, it could shred his arm again.

Sean looked back at the silvery substance, only to find it floating in the air and spinning in a counter clockwise. It was like the arrows of a compass rotating as if it doesn't know where north and south is.

The sharp silvery substance then glowed and shot straight up to the sky.

Sean looked up with his bionic eye to see where the substance will go but only to find out that there is a gigantic sized meteorite, the size of Asia and Africa combined, heading straight for Earth.


Ylo Laboratories - California - United States of America

Laser beams and ballistic projectiles are flying through the sky as the defense system of the Earth fought against the smaller spaceships that invaded the airspace.

After Eduardo annihilated five squadrons consisting of more than five thosand spaceships and 20 warships along with other members of the omega ones. They went their separate ways to protect the other parts of the world.

Eduardo then flew straight to his laboratory in his super saiyan form. He used is instant transmission to teleport straight to the lowest basement of the research facility where he kept a crystal in a safe.

"I don't have time for this."

He opened the safe by pulling the door as he is too lazy to input the codes to open the safe and scan his retina and such. He threw the ripped safe door to the opposite side of the room.

What stumbled upon him is a crystal in top of a glossy black saucer that he found when he trained in China under the tutelage of Sun Wukong.

The Ylium crystal.

Back in the day, when Eduardo touched the crystal in the northern mountains of China, his body was almost destroyed beyond recognition because of the force that the crystal exerts when something touched it.

Now that Eduardo is a saiyan, he dared to hold the crystal with his bare hands. If he can't handle the force being released by the crystal in his hands, he could always go to the next level of his transformation.

The reason that Eduardo took his time to go to his research facility and get the crystal is to show it to Kurt or give it to Jacob as Jacob's punches release the same force as the crystal. Jacob might resonate with the crystal and increase his strength is what Eduardo was thinking.

"Here goes nothing."

Eduardo reached out his hand and immediately grabbed the crystal into his hand. The crystal immediately released shockwaves as the crystal is in contact with Eduardo's hand. The research facility is trembling because of the numerous shockwaves. Eduardo immediately used instant transmission to teleport to the sky above ground.

To his surprise, super saiyan can't handle the force of the shockwaves from the crystal. Eduardo then went to super saiyan 2 and unhid the <Monkey Spirit's Wings> and unfurled it to increase his resistance to the shockwaves.

Eduardo still is having trouble to contain the crystal on his hand with super saiyan 2. He unhesitatingly went to super saiyan 3. With his saiyan tail intact and the monkey spirit wings unfurled, the strain of super saiyan 3 is close to non-existent.

Eduardo can now handle the shockwaves being released by the crystal then he began to fly towards the location of Jacob while constant shockwaves are being release throughout his flight.

During Eduardo's flight, he abruptly stopped midway as he caught something in the corner of his eye. He immediately turned around to see someone familiar.

He saw Philip as he was running across the street as he is finding a temporary shelter take cover from the invaders.

"Why is he there? He should be up in space in that mothership!!"

The appearance of this Philip is uncanny to the past Philip, it's as if it was Philip's doppelganger. The only difference is that there is no power or the white spiked armor that the Philip back in space had.

"What is happening here?!"

Then Eduardo turned around and resumed his flight as if there was a force that made him look away from Philip. Shockwaves was still being released during that time.

Eduardo then spotted a gigantic meteor in the horizon as he accelerated faster towards Jacob's direction.


Author's Note:

что это за фигня?! - what the heck is that?!

стой, мужчины!! - stand down, men!!

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