
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 20: Abduction

South China Sea

Eduardo is flying towards Philippines as he can sense that Jacob is within that country. He can feel that something will happen if he handed the Ylium crystal to Jacob.

When Eduardo is nearing Jacob, the intensity of the shockwaves that the ylium crystal is releasing on his hand is getting powerful by the minute. He stopped flying as he can't concentrate on containing the crystal on his hand.

"If only I brought the graphene disk! So stupid of me!"

If only Eduardo brought the graphene disk, then the Ylium crystal will be stable on it. But Eduardo is impatient and just grabbed it. When Eduardo can't handle the shockwaves anymore, he opened his numbing hand and the crystal flew away.

The crystal didn't fly in a random direction, but it shot straight up into the atmosphere. Eduardo wanted to chase it down but he abruptly stopped as he was shocked to see something in the sky.

A giant meteor is hurdling towards the Earth. Eduardo powered up once again and thought of stopping the meteor by himself. He knew that saiyan at ssj2 or ssj3 can destroy planets and moons but somehow, he also knew that this is a special case.

He then decided to fly towards Jacob once again as he knew that Jacob can destroy the meteor while avoiding collateral damage from the stray debris from the meteor that will cause devastating effects across the world.


Paris - France

William followed a few squadrons heading towards France. He decimated a bunch of them on their way.

For some reason, the invaders are targeting Eiffel Tower particularly and they are launching a barrage of attacks at the tower. William however defended the tower skillfully and not letting any attacks pass him.

He used his skill <Multiple Arm> and conjured a total of ten arms. Each of the arms throws a number of <Death Balls> and <Death Rays> towards the enemy squadrons.

Few minutes later, William has successfully defended the tower while minimizing the damage by the invaders towards the ground. He didn't think about as to why he protected France as this was his home place and where his life was basically ruined.

He stared at the Eiffel Tower while he is thinking as to why would the invaders attack this specific tower. William suddenly though of something, back in the day when he had connection with the internet, he found some conspiracy theories surrounding the Eiffel Tower as a wireless energy transfer or a rocket ship. Maybe that's why the invaders are targeting it.

William left that thought behind as other places in the world are still being attacked by the invaders and he needed to protect the Earth.

A while later, William is flying above a lush forest, particularly Bialowieza Forest located in Poland. He suddenly plopped straight down at the middle of the forest.

He started coughing non-stop as dark aura started to swirl around him. The trees of the forest began to sway erratically as the dark aura kept on growing. Red lightning surged from William while he kept on coughing.

William's eyes became white as he can't keep up with his coughing. He resisted to cough and he inhaled a lot of air as he can and he let out one last powerful cough that one could think that he just coughed up his guts.

What William coughed out of his throat is a black rectangular block that exudes a rotten aura. Suddenly, the grass that the black block is sitting on decayed as well as the ground that turned into sand.

The ground surrounding William suddenly turned into sand as trees and bushes became ash and disappeared after they were decayed. Surprisingly, William is not affected by the decay of the block. The area around William with a radius of 1 km became a desert as if there was a huge pimple of sand in the middle of the forest.

William calmed down a little and recovered from the sore on his throat and went to touch the black block. As he touch it, a golden light shone and the block started to float five meters above ground. The block flew straight to space.

William tried to follow it but the block was simply to fast. As he reach the lower atmosphere, he was surprised to see a gigantic meteorite that is heading straight to Earth. He immediately flew to the east where he can feel Sean's aura a hundred kilometers away.


Upper Atmosphere - Unknown Satellite

Ysabelle flew the other way leaving the other behind while they are flying towards the surface of the Earth.

What Ysabelle went to is on an unknown satellite that is orbiting Earth. This was the home of her mentor where she learned and obtained her 10 levels of the virtual realm back in the day.

The satellite looked like a black triangular shaped kite that looked liked an eagle. The wings of the satellite are pitch black that makes the satellite unnoticeable by conventional means of detection.

She wanted to meet her mentor so she could find the answers to her questions. She knew that her mentor monitors the Solar System without rest and he could find miniscule anomalies around the system.


Ysabelle called out to her mentor but she didn't get any answers. She called him once again and her mentor finally answered.

"Ysabelle? What brings you back here after so many years?"

"I came to ask you about the invaders. What are they here for? Where did they come from? And how do we stop them?"

"Getting straight to the point like always huh, Ysabelle."

Ysabelle is actually talking to a monitor with a silhouette of a man. This is how the mentor and former apprentice talked to each other ever since. But this time, the monitor turned off and the mechanical door that never opened since Ysabelle's apprenticeship. The door released compressed air as it opened.

"To answer your first question, the invaders came for Earth while the one who is leading the invaders came for your friend Philip."

Ysabelle was shocked, not by the revelation about the invaders wanting the Earth but the leader wanting Philip. Why did the leader wanted Philip specifically? Many question sprouted in Ysabelle's mind by that answer.

"Second question is, they come from a far away place that you can't comprehend with the way you are right now."

Ysabelle wanted to ask additional questions, but to their decree, once the apprentice asked questions, he or she must wait for the questions to be answered before asking for more.

"Third question is, a few people can stop them, but right now, Philip can only stop them. Earth can't do a thing except for the help of your companions."

The mechanical door has fully opened and the released air has dissipated in the satellite. A man started to walk out of the door to reveal himself in front of Ysabelle for the first time.

What Ysabelle saw genuinely shocked her. The mentor that she envisioned was a normal human or a half human half robot person, but it didn't meet her expectations.

What she saw was a man that is glowing bright red while having a symbol of a triangle in his forehead with a circle in the middle of the triangle. His body almost resembles a hot red glowing iron ball.

"Ysabelle, over the years, I never told you my name nor you asked for it. Now, that you are the Queen of Cyberspace, I shall reveal what your people call me."

Ysabelle's hair on her neck begin to stand up and she felt a chill on her spine. The man knew that she became the Queen of Cyberspace back when she lived in the red planet.

How did he knew? My people call him? Many questions sprouted on Ysabelle's mind once again. She backed a few steps away as he felt danger coming from the glowing red man.

She then activated her 8th level of virtual realm, <Cyber Universe>, and readied herself if push comes to shove. Her perception expanded across the different machines and technologies surrounding her along with the interior of the satellite and the numerous spaceships and warships flying about in the area.

Ysabelle then detected a giant meteorite in the distance with a diameter of 5,000 kilometers, hardness of 10 in Mohs Scale, and a density of 5 grams per cubic centimeter. It's almost as dense as the Earth. If the meteorite hit Earth, the Earth might be ejected out of its orbit.

Ysabelle wanted to confront the meteorite, but the <Cyber Universe> deemed the man in front of her more dangerous than the meteorite as the 8th level of virtual realm can't identify who or what the man is.

"Your people call me as Doomageddon and I shall capture you, the Queen!"

"Giga Fist of Hurts!!"

Ysabelle immediately launched her signature move against the man named Doomageddon. A holographic looking but solid fist emerged from Ysabelle's hand as the fist demolishes everything in its way in the confined space of the satellite.

Once the Fist came in contact with Doomageddon, the Fist abruptly stopped in its rampage and dissipated in purple and red pixel particle effects. It's as if the Fist had a health bar and it was killed only to disappear in death particles common in RPG games.

"So that's how it is, you actually don't know anything about the Doomageddon. I'm not surprised as you're still a young Queen."

Ysabelle can't help but gasp at what she witnessed as she knew that her signature move can't be stopped by anything unless she commanded it to.


Ysabelle couldn't help but exclaim in surprise as she couldn't see the movement of Doomageddon when he suddenly appeared next to her left. Ysabelle's eyes were wide opened.

"Don't worry, this is to ensure your power in the future because I know that your power will be of important help once the time comes."

Ysabelle heard Doomageddon whisper on her left ear before she lost consciousness and her mind went blank.

No one knows what Doomageddon is saying, if he can see the future or know the future, perhaps it's fate.

Doomageddon caught Ysabelle's falling body unto his right arm before she dropped yo the ground. He then went back inside the room with the mechanical door and closed it.

The satellite then began to move and accelerate towards Earth's surface into an unknown part of the Earth.

Doomageddon then looked towards the window where he can see a giant meteorite hurdling towarda Earth. He can't help but sigh and resume his flight.

"All is well and ends well."


Kurt's house - Suicide Forest (Sea of Trees) - Narusawa - Japan

In the basement of Kurt's lab inside a safe. A certain invisible object is showing signs of acrivity. The invisible object is constantly distorting the air around itself as if the light is bending to an absurd degree.

The distortion kept on increasing its size that the safe began to crack and bend. The whole basement also began to tremble as the distortion bends the surroundings.

Then suddenly, everything around the invisible object is being pulled towars itself. The whole laboratory and Kurt's house is also being bent towards the object as well as the surrounding trees.

The scene is like when a face is drawn on a bubblegum and it's stretched to unbelievable amounts, the face becomes extremely elongated. The lab, the house, the trees are elongated towards the invisible object.

Then, the invisible object shot through the sky from the epicenter of the elongated area.


Light side of the moon - Luna

Laser turrets and plasma cannons are shooting about in the surface of the moon. Futuristic jet fighters are also being deployed in the secret underground bunker that can fly in space. The huge crater on the moon also acted as disk to focus a large beam towards bigger warships, almost like a Death Star in Star Wars.

"We have company here!"

"I know!"

Mystery is talking to Mysterious via telepathy as they control every part of the moon to attack the squadrons that is flying about around the moon.

Mystery used her gravity manipulation to divert bigger spaceships amd massive warships to where Mysterious' flame and fire attacks are coming. She also uses her tidal control on the Earth to bend the waves of the ocean, flow of the rivers, and lava from volcanoes to attack squadrons on the Earth's surface.

Ever since Mystery has obtained a portion of Omega and lived in the red planet, her control of the tidal forces on Earth has increased exponentially. Truth be told, Mystery has almost contributed the most in the protecton of the Earth, since Earth is composed of 70% water and she can control its flow, as well as the astenosphere.

After eliminating about tens of thousands of spaceships, Mystery then spotted a giant meteor with a size of more than one and a half of the moon hurdling towards Earth at the other side of the Earth.



Mystery shouted at Mysterious telephatically to inform him about the meteor. She then started to raise columns of seawater from the Pacific Ocean towards the giant meteor to slow or divert the meteor away while using her gravity manipulation on the Earth itself. Mystery is doing all this while she is still on the other side of the Earth where she can't completely see the giant meteor.


Dark side of the moon - Luna

"I'm coming!"

Mysterious controlled the moon and orbitted around the Earth towards the meteor while he kept of using his essence of flame and fire to destroy incoming spaceships that they meet.

Mysterious then had a dilemma.

'What am I supposed to do about that giant meteor with 1.5 times the size of Luna? Ram ourselves into it?'

"No! You ding dong! Drive the moon near tge meteor so I could see what I'm doing!"

As if Mystery heard Mysterious' deeper thought, she bellowed at him. He then obediently drove the move around the orbit towards the meteor.

Mysterious then saw three objects that are flying away that are glowing silver, yellow, and black respectively. The objects didn't missed his eye as he can see miniscule meteor that can be a potential threat to Earth back in the day. He saw that the objects are heading towards the mothership as he drifted away with the moon.

What Mysterious doesn't know is that there is a fourth object flying along the other three while the space around it is distorting and emiting a faint blue light.

Thanks for reading!!

5 chapters to go before the end of Volume 1: Book 1!

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