
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Chapter 14: Getting to know each other (4)

It was now for the paper alien's turn to speak.

He first bowed before he spoke. Such a respectful gesture.

"My name is Laurence. My power is to literally copy anything! That's about it."

Wait... That's it?!!

There's nothing special or whatsoever?!

I need to confirm this with <Property>.


Laurence De Leus (Copy Cat)

Level: 2

Grade: S

Title/s: Copy Cat, Succesful CEO, Corrupt, Good Samaritan, Adventurist, Paper Alien

Status: Relaxed, Mildly Uncomfortable

HP: 95/100 (Varies)

MP: 100/100 (Varies)

Strength: 100 (Varies)

Agility: 100 (Varies)

Defense: 100 (Varies)

Endurance: 100 (Varies)

Speed: 100 (Varies)

Intelligence: 100 (Varies)

Luck: 20


Copy (Passive) - observes abilities, persons, body, and objects that are feasible to be copied.

Copy A - copies any abilities with 75% accuracy and a success rate of 25%.

Copy B - copies a body or a person with 95% accuracy and a success rate of 70%. Duration is 1 hour. Can cancel anytime.

Copy C - copies objects with 50% accuracy and a success rate of 50% percent.

Copy D - copies a power with 90% accuracy with a success rate of 0.01%.

Copy E - ???


Mask - power exclusive item. Conceals the true face of the user.


A person that took a form of a paper because he copied a lot.


Phew, I was relieved when I saw the description of his abilities.

At fist I was surprised because if he could really copy anything, then that means he is the most powerful person in this circle.

But looking at <Copy E>, I can't find myself but to shiver at what that ability is.

I looked closely at his face when I read the item description that the system provided me.

Apparently, that bizarre crescent shape object on his round head that seems to follow you in whichever angle you look at is a mask that conceals his true face.

Truth be told, right now, his face has nothing on it. It's pure white with the exception of the curve on the center of his face due to the crescent shape of the mask.

He literally is a paper alien because all of his four limbs are flapping like a piece of paper.

Well, his life on Earth as he described is somewhat good and bad.

Since he arrived on this red planet and met the others, he reflected at what he done.

Apparently, almost every product on Earth is copied by him. He didn't gave credit to the original designers and inventors and he just tweaked a few minor details on those objects.

One day, he was riding a private jet going back to his home from the Amazon forest. There was an object that was flying beside the jet.

All of the defense system of the jet tried to intercept the object but ultimately failed. It just won't budge, according to his story.

Then moments later, the object crashed through the jet and what he saw was a glowing rock.

The glowing rock then went to his forehead and he was ejected out of the jet because of the air pressure.

The jet then nose dived into the tallest building on Earth and went into flames.

His ejected body followed the trajectory of the falling jet and he was engulfed by the explosion. He was then transported here.

That was a very detailed story, not gonna lie.

I listened to his story for almost 10 minutes! He was quite talkative if I do say so myself.

I mean, it was okay that now I know about his background but... Do I care?

Anyways, I'm glad that I am his comrade.

Next to speak up was the edgy teen.

I am actually very interested in this person. Earlier in the fight, it was him who dealt the most damage to me. That's why I took him down first when I went overload.

In addition to that, he said something that resembled a seal in the Shakugan no Shana anime on Earth.

Of all anime to choose from, why did he got that power?

"My name is Eric. My power is Fuzetzu."

That's it? We have strange people around here. Perhaps they are shy or they are just not that good at introductions.

Well, it suits his character. Edgy, emo, and a quiet type.

Looking back on his attack on me way back. There is clearly a difference between this version of Fuzetzu and in the anime.

His Fuzetzu didn't activate via magic circles but rather, it originated on himself.

When he casted it on myself, the view on my perspective changed into inverted colors then a sphere of black matter, about 3 meters in diameter, engulfed me within seconds.

After that, I felt immeasurable pain and suffering that felt like almost days but in reality, it's just a few seconds.

Thinking about it again sends shivers down my spine.

I looked at him. Strangely, he keeps looking at me and looks away once we make eye contact, he also seems to be fidgeting.

I used <Property>.


Eric A (Fuzetzu)

Level: 2

Grade: S

Title/s: Edgy Teen, Quiet, Emo, Reverse Trap, Mind Fucker, Spatial Demolisher

Status: Self-aware, Understanding, Calm, Nervous, Shy

HP: 140/150

MP: 250/270

Strength: 100

Agility: 80

Defense: 50

Endurance: 70

Speed: 40

Intelligence: 120

Luck: 40


Fuzetzu - creates a sphere of black matter that demolishes anything inside it.

Fuzetzu R - creates an expanding sphere of black matter that demolishes anything in its path. Size varies on MP.

Fuzetzu x10 - creates a denser and bigger Fuzetzu

Insta-Fuzeztu - creates a very large Fuzetzu that disrupts the mind for a brief amount of time.

??? - ???


Wristband of Containment - given by Kurt. Contains the unstable energy and power of the user and prevents it from going out of control.


A person that looked like a guy but is actually a girl. She likes shoujo anime and manga. She is actually more depressed than William.


Looking at his stats, he is actually weaker compared to the others but he makes up for it with his intelligence.

But something caught my eye...

Reverse trap?

I looked at him again.

I caught him staring at me but immediately looked away.

I looked back at the system and looked at the description section.

The system addressed him as she and a shocking revelation at the first sentence.


Alarms are ringing in my head. This edgy teen is a girl!

But her body is so petite, almost looks like a malnourished boy. She had short hair and her bangs covers her eyes which made it hard to tell if she was a boy or a girl.

I then felt guilty when I forcefully chopped her neck earlier on the fight to knock her out.

Her name is also masculine but her surname is odd.

Wait... If you combined her first name and last name, it will become ERICA which is a girl's name!

You witty son of a bitch! Who the heck named you?!

After Erica gathered her confidence, she told her story of her life back on Earth before coming here.

I listened closely as I am avoiding to look at her because, now, I became conscious.

I remembered that she hugged me earlier on the fight before casting Fuzetzu on me.

Wow, what a grown man am I.

Well, based on her story, she was actually a neet and a weeb. Her favorite was the shoujo genre. I can't imagine her becoming a magical girl in the future.

Se was apparently abused by her family and she kept herself locked in her room to avoid getting abused.

But one day, she couldn't take it anymore and decided to kill herself with a knife.

She screamed and she plunged the knife straight into his heart, she didn't hesitated.

But before she could stab herself, a glowing rock shot through the ceiling and into her forehead. Then a controlled explosion happened before she was sent here.

She then immediately sat down because of embarrassment. She really is not good with speaking.

She then flicked her bangs to the side with her hand to probably fix it. I caught a glimpse of her eyes.

It was fucking beautiful! It was that infamous shining ruby red eyes!

Ahem, let's not get too excited. It's only an eye.

I was then immediately snapped out of my daydreaming when lightning boy suddenly spoke up.

"My name is Charles! Nice to meet you! My power is to control all kinds and types of lightning and manipulate it."

Quite a loudmouth we have here, but he exudes an aura of humility and confidence.

I was also actually interested in this individual.

He managed to save William from me when I was about to kick him in my overloaded form.

He was also releasing this all kings of lightning when he powered up.

I used <Property> on him.


Charles Sparrow (Lightning Shocker)

Level: 2

Grade: S

Title/s: Loudmouth, Teenage Boy, Shopkeeper, Lightning Lord

Status: Confident, Happy, Mesmerized

HP: 200/230

MP: 500/530

Strength: 190

Agility: 300

Defense: 250

Endurance: 280

Speed: 350

Intelligence: 70

Luck: 10


Lightning Mode - changes into different modes of lightning depending on the color and manifests its attributes:

≈Red - slowest lightning. Used to scan the surroundings and disrupt communications. Can be destructive.

≈Orange - binder lightning. Used to bind or hold objects.

≈Yellow - attack-type lightning. Used to pierce or strike.

≈Green - heal lightning. Used for healing and is slower next to red lightning. The most stable lightning.

≈Blue - the firm lightning. Used for creating forcefields and shield. Can also be used for stasis and stun effect.

≈Violet - the most violent lightning. Can literally destroy anything in its path.

≈White - the hottest lightning. Can evaporate anything it touches.

≈Black - the fastest lightning. Can be used for transportation or instantaneous attacks.

≈??? - ???

Lightning Blade - creates a blade of lightning that uses the corresponding attribute color.

Lightning Spear - creates a spear of lightning that travels in a straight line while releasing streaks if lightning.

Lightning Ball - creates a bal of lightning that uses the corresponding attribute color.

Railgun - uses lightning to propel objects at ultra high speeds depending on the lightning used.

Lightning Flare - releases all kinds of lightning in a wide area that devastates everything around in exchange for HP.

Lightning Concept Manifestation - ?????


Cap of Two Wills - given by Kurt. Grants the user another will. The user can work with two things at the same time.

Watch of Power - enhances the lightning element.


A shopkeeper that accidentally discovered a watch that granted him powers of lightning.


This person reeks of lightning, almost the display of the system is bombarded with the word, lightning.

His power is pretty unique and pretty useful too. Basically, he controls every intensity of lightning from the color spectrum with the addition of black.

I was also shocked when I saw <Lightning Concept Manifestation> and its description has five question marks.

Is that the same as my <Sword Concept Manifest> ability and Mysterious' <Fire/Flame Concept>?

If so, then he would also be one of the most powerful in this circle because as far as I know, if someone holds a concept of something, he or she will become that something while attaining the collective force and concept strength of that something.

I'm blabbering about here, it's time to listen t Charles' story.

According to him, Charles was a teenage kid that watched over his grandfather's cocoa shop.

One day, he found a peculiar watch near the shop. The watch had a lightning symbol on its round surface and its strap is also designed as lightning.

When he picked up the watch, all the cocoa cans exploded and the watch suddenly jumped into his wrist.

Then moments later, a glowing rock came for his forehead and he was transported here.

Yup, that further supports my theory that your power is influenced on your way of life, sudden events, or expertise back on Earth. It was the same thing as him with Erica and William.

Anyways, it was the bionic guy's turn to speak.

It seems that his right arm and left leg are completely bionic, which means it's completely a machine.

I was intrigued at how his fist became huge earlier in the fight.

Looks like I am about to find out.

New chapter after a day!

Thanks for reading~~~

Absolute_Authorcreators' thoughts