
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
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Chapter 12: Getting to know each other (2)

So it just ended like that huh?

I told myself inwardly as I looked at Philip with his back facing us. The katana and the sheath shattered and disappeared into dust particles as he sheathed his non-existent katana into the non-existent sheath.

He defeated all of the eleven omega ones with just a few moves with his sword. He is very powerful when wielding a sword. Good thing I didn't join into the fray and stayed back.

Did the Omega System amplify his sword skills or he is already this skilled?

I decided to heal these crippled omega ones as they are excruciating with pain, others lost consciousness and others lost their limbs.

Philip did not show mercy. The only one that didn't sustained too much damage was Ysabelle.

"Kurt, I know that he is the chosen omega one, but who is he actually?" Ysabelle asked me.

"Oh, you will know real soon." I winked at Ysabelle and looked at Philip.

He seems to be accessing the system.


I have defeated all of them with my <Sword Concept Manifest> peak sword art.

It was unfortunate that the katana and the sheath disintegrated into dust after all that fiasco. The sword itself and the sheath didn't handle the stress of the sword art.

Good thing I finished it early.

I accessed the Omega System because I remembered that there was a lot of clicks that I felt during the fight.

[9 Gates of Wrath unlocked]

[9 Gates of Wrath (2/9)]

[Gate 1: Irritation]

[Boosts all skills and abilities by two times. Decreases life force and humanity by 0.00001%]

[Gate 2: Annoyance]

[Boosts all skills and abilities by ten times. Decreases life force and humanity by 0.001%]

I unlocked another whole lot of power with this. I now have the Variables, Shards of the Five, and now this, 9 Gates of Wrath.

Seems that the system is making me somewhat overpowered huh? But I think I can't activate the 9 Gates of Wrath with my own will. Perhaps a condition has to be met.

Thinking about it, I actually felt annoyed earlier. I just came here to get to know the others and have a reunion with Eduardo and Ysabelle but I was met by a sudden match. And I was alone versus 12 for fuck's sake.

Ugh, I'm getting annoyed again thinking about it.

Speaking of Variables, before I used my sword concept manifestation. I somehow met Life in a space with a lot of plants and vines that almost seemed like a garden.

I looked at the Omega System once again and saw a green colored display adorned with vines, flowers, and... Cells? Well, they are the building blocks of life. I call this display, Life's display.

[You have been recognized by Life.]

[You have obtained the variable, Life.]

[Obtain Life's equipment <Life's Sword> on Earth.]

I also saw a display that had a design of outer space with twinkling stars, a galaxy, and a stray black hole. This would be the Space display.

[You have been recognized by Mother Space]

[You have obtained the variable, Space]

[Obtain Mother Space's equipment <Space Amulet> on Earth.]

So that's what I saw in that vision. It turned out to be real. It's a bummer that I didn't immediately obtained the sword.

Thinking about the sword just makes my mouth drool.

But the space amulet. It turns out that the necklace that flew into the sword's handle is Mother Space's equipment.

So, in other words, Father Time is with Death and Mother Space is with Life all along. But the question is, why were they separated in the first place? I get that Life and Death should be away from each other, but shouldn't Time and Space be together because of their relationship with each other?

I set the topic aside and focused in the variables.

I used <Property> on the variables, Life and Space.

[Variable: Life

Grade: Variable

You have been recognized by Life. Once you obtain <Life's Sword>, you may be able to use the variable of Life.

You will be able to control and manipulate life as you will in exchange for health once you obtain <Life's Sword>.

Obtain <Life's Sword> on Earth]

[Variable: Space

Grade: Variable

You have been recognized by Mother Space. Once you have obtained the <Space Amulet>, you may be able to use the variable of Space.

You will be able to control space as you will with limited distance once you obtain the <Space Amulet>.

Obtain <Space Amulet> on Earth.]

Oh, I must obtain the equipments first before I can use the variables. Seems fair, variables need a medium in order to be used from what I observed.

I also remembered something that flew into my inventory when Life read Death's Letter.

I looked into my inventory and saw an ever changing colors on the flower.



That's it? There's no name or whatsoever? That's weird.

The appearance of the flower looks like something out of fiction. I've never seen one of this before. The flower itself looks like the Sun itself, but the colors are ever changing. It changes from red to violet, to rainbow, to black and brown, even transparent.

Anyways, I went back into reality and see that Kurt was healing everybody else. What's he doing?

I don't even know if I could hold myself off against them this third time. I hope the fight is over.

"Kurt, what are you doing?" I asked Kurt.

"Don't worry, we all lost against you. The fight is over."

Ysabelle answered me instead of Kurt.

"We will be moving on in introducing ourselves to you and giving you answers as to why we attacked you in this arena." Ysabelle said.

Finally! I could get some answers. They better come up with reasonable answers or else, I'm going to find a sword here and beat them again!

Kurt silently laughed at my inner thoughts. Damned Kurt.

By this time, Jacob was the last to be healed because I cut both of his arms.

Some of them looked at me with calm in the eyes while others with fear, but they relaxed once they saw that I don't have any sword in hand.

A few second later, Kurt held his hand up high and a circular table rose from the middle of the arena. The scratches and rubble on the arena has also been cleared.

The arena returned to the way it's used to.

"Alright everyone, on to your seats and I'll introduce you to the chosen one." Kurt announced to everyone.

Introduction already? I still even don't know why I was attacked here.

"I'll explain later." Kurt said to me.

He still keeps on reading my thoughts whenever he likes.

I seated next to Kurt to his right.

The others also seated around the table in the order starting from my right:

Eduardo, Ysabelle, bionic guy, lightning boy, edgy teen, paper alien, straw hat hobo, white lady, creepy-teeth dude, ribbon man, and Jacob.

Every seat was somehow designed according to the ones seated on it.

For instance, Kurt's chair had the highest back rest and it's colored with black and sometimes, there is somethings that are sparkling in white.

Eduardo's chair had the comfiest look as it is full of fluffy fur. Different from the likings of a savage saiyan.

Ysabelle, of course, had the tech-y look with what seemed to be LED lights and metal sheen on it.

While I'm observing everyone, Kurt spoke up.

"Everyone! As you may know, this is the chosen omega one. The one that we have been waiting for millions and billions of years."

"Yeah, you've made us wait for so long!" Lightning boy spoke with an irritation on his voice.

"That's why when I found out that you were weak, I couldn't hold myself to beat you up because of how frustrated I am." Jacob also spoke.

"And you got you ass whooped when this guy's ability woke up." Eduardo rebutted against Jacob.

"So, with that out of the way. His name is Philip. Philip Ibasco."

Eduardo the saiyan and Ysabelle the purple woman instantly turned their heads towards me as if their heads would snap out if their body.

"No way!" Eduardo rejected the idea.

"Is that really you?" Tears almost welled up on her eyes.

"What? You know this guy?!" Jacob asked the two.

"Yes, we three were best friends back on Earth. We had too much time together back in the days." Eduardo reminisced about the past.

"But I can't believe that Philip would be the chosen omega one." Ysabelle said.

As the two of them looked at me, they had a sorry look on their faces. Maybe they are sorry for the fight earlier. They didn't hold back, did they?

"Philip, we're sorry about earlier. We didn't know." Eduardo apologized.

"Don't worry, it's fine. I already knew that you were you from the beginning, even Ysabelle." I said.

"What?! Since when?!"

"Since 100 years ago. Kurt told me."

"What?! Damn you Kurt! Always doing what you want!" Eduardo shouted at Kurt.

Kurt just giggled.

"Okay, enough with the petty reunion. It's time to introduce ourselves! Me first!" Jacob went back to the purpose of this meeting.

"I'm Jacob, as all you know except Philip. My power is force itself. I can control the amount of force that I can exert between my punches and kicks. My limit is the force of an explosion of a nuclear bomb."

I secretly used <Property> on Jacob to see his stats.


Jacob Bolaños (Sonic Boom)

Level: 2

Grade: S

Title/s: Force Impactor, Short Fuse, Caring Guy, One Punch Man

Status: Proud, Irritated, Lonely

HP: 400/500

MP: 150/170

Strength: 700

Agility: 600

Defense: 260

Endurance: 320

Speed: 680

Intelligence: 150

Luck: 10


Omni Punch - collects force to the fist and releases it with a punch.

Instantaneous Movement - uses the force on feet to move instantaneously.


??? Gloves - gloves that are made by Kurt to protect Jacob's fist and to withstand the impact of the punches.


A short tempered man but with a good conscience. Extremely good hearted.


His stats are fairly high. No wonder he could hit me with great power and force behind it.

What's this? Sonic Boom? They seem to have hero names of some sort. That's kinda wacky.

"I was once a lab tester and a researcher back on Earth at the Ylo Laboratories under the leadership of Eduardo Ylo himself. I was testing the Ylium crystal, and when the glowing rock hit me in the forehead, the Ylium crystal flew into my mouth and swallowed it whole. The rest is up to your imaginations." Jacob continued.

So he was a researcher under Eduardo, huh? The Ylium crystal seemed to be also the reason of his power. That was fortunate in my opinion.

Back on Earth, Eduardo introduced me the Ylium crystal that he found when he "took a vacation" on China. I was fascinated by what he showed me and that was the inspiration for me to make create the Philippium crystal.

Jacob ended his introduction and it was the ribbon man's turn. I remember that this dude had an extremely deep voice when he released his beam earlier that made me startled for a second. Let's hear him well this time.

"My name is William. My power is darkness and decay. I control the darkness and I also control decay. That's about it."

Whoa, his voice this time is normal. But what is that introduction? Too vague! I inwardly laughed and used <Property> secretly.


William Puertos (Pitch Black)

Level: 2

Grade: S

Title/s: Depression, Dark Lord, Decay, Dead Inside, Kinda Evil, Rival

Status: Depressed, Ignorant

HP: 540/600

MP: 230/250

Strength: 400

Agility: 430

Defense: 220

Endurance: 430

Speed: 400

Intelligence: 170

Luck: 2


Death Ray - releases a beam of decay that crumbles anything in its path for a certain degree.

Death Ball - ball of decay that crumbles anything in a wide area.

Multiple Arm - multiplies arms with a certain amount.

??? - ?


Essence Strip of Vitality - a white semi-transparent ribbon that swirls around the body and permanently increases and regenerates the life force of the user.


A depressed fellow that is on the brink of death at any moment now. Fights to survive to sate his curiosity.


That was depressing. What life did this guy went through to have this kind of power?

"I was all alone and a beggar back on Earth. My family died and I was left. I didn't eat nor move because I was waiting for my life to end. I was already rotting but I was still conscious. Until a glowing rock gently hovered in front of me and slowly entered my forehead."

Now, that was really depressing. Jacob put his hand on William's shoulder to make him at ease.

Seems like everybody here didn't know William's story. Perhaps he is a quiet person.

Well, everybody seemed to know Jacob's story because he seem to talk a lot and doesn't mind his own business.

Next up was the creepy-teeth dude. Now that I look closer at him. I kinda remember about a rumour pertaining two superhuman beings that was living on the moon back on Earth.

The rumour said that there was a white lady and a black gentleman living on the moon like husband and wife.

Let us see what he has to say.

Late chapter for this week. I'll try to release another in Saturday. Classes has recently resumed so I would like to release 1-3 chapters per week.

Thanks for reading!~~~€

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