
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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Chapter 11: Fight

Eduardo, Ysabelle, and Jacob began to power up. The other weird looking fellow also started to power up except for Kurt, the paper alien, and the edgy teen.

My felt a tingling sensation across my body as different forms of energy waves and killing intent is aimed towards me.

Strange. I didn't feel scared or overwhelmed at all. In fact, I began to become excited, my blood is boiling. But why? I was not a battle maniac before.

From the start, my body was completely covered in regenerative ivory, along my face and my hair turned into spikes or horns that protrudes outward from my head and scalp. The ivory acted like my clothes, which in turn accented the lines of my slim but muscular physique. The ivory along my body and my face are very smooth, different from when the ivory first covered my whole body.

As I get more and more excited, the ivory on my body became sharper and three different sizes of ivory spikes grew from the dorsal side of both of my forearms and the top side of both of my legs. The longest spike on my forearms is about 8 inches and on the leg is 12 inches whilethe shortest one for bothe limbs is 4 inches.

I then pulled out <Shi-Kama Tamashī-Kiru> from my inventory and held it with my left hand and took a stance.

If only I had a sword.


I had an epiphany. Why would I forget? I learned the way of the sword and mastered the sword. I was entitled as the Masterful Swordsman for Pete's sake.

What is the most important for a swordsman? A sword. You're not a swordsman if you don't have a sword. But what if you don't have a sword? Grab something that resembles a sword and use it as a sword. No matter if it's a pole, a branch, or a newspaper roll. One of the technique that I mastered and made a few tweaks.

<Swordless Arts>

As I was having my own thoughts, a figured appeared before me in the corner of my eye.

"Stop spacing out!!!" Jacob shouted as he launched a powerful right punch from the left side of my rear.

As I turned towards Jacob, another figure appeared below in front of me. It was Eduardo. He came from the right side and ducked to launch a right uppercut to my chin.

Two at the same time huh? But I could clearly see their movements in slow motion. Is it because of my training or a passive or some kind from <Chrono Brachile>?

Anyways, I effortlessly dodged both strikes by tilting my head and body backwards.

They both missed.

I lifted my left arm and tried to strike Eduardo with the scythe but he immediately jumped backwards to dodge my strike.

Jacob persistently punched and aimed for my head but I dodged every single strike.

I suddenly felt a chill in my back and instinctively turned after I got a fair distance from Jacob.

Creepy-teeth dude launched a fire ball at my direction. I could feel that the fire ball is not an ordinary fire, so I used a skill from <Shi-Kama Tamashī-Kiru>.

"<Death Slice>!"

I stroke the fire ball with my scythe and the fire ball was cut into two and continued to split until the cut pieces reached the area from both of my sides.

The fires swirled around me and continued to burn for a few seconds.

As soon as the fire dissipated, I was met by the guy with a floating ribbon around his upper body and spiky head with a roundhouse kick.

Time seemed to slow down once again and I instinctively dodged by jerking my body backwards only to be met by Jacob with a right straight punch from my right.

I was hit and was blown away a few hundred meters away.

Damn, Jacob's punch always packs a lot of force from a single strike.

I need to compose myself and attain complete concentration to apply the <Swordless Arts> on a Scythe.

As I got back up to my feet, I feel that my vision is getting darker. I looked up and saw a giant mechanical fist coming straight towards me from above.

I didn't have the time to dodge so I stood there, placed the scythe back in the inventory and held my hands up to stop the giant mechanical fist.

I traced the origin of the fist and found the bionic guy. He can apparently enlarge his bionic limbs and attack at the right moment. That was smart.

My knees are bent down and I tried to lift the mechanical fist up. I managed to budge it upwards, but then, the white lady or ghost appeared a few feet in front of me.

She held out her hand and seemed to do something. Suddenly, I felt that the mechanical fist is becoming heavier.

"Fuck." I cursed. What did she do? Did she applied more gravity towards me? This fist is becoming heavier. I closed my eyes for a second and concentrated.

By that time, I felt something clicked in me. I opened my eyes and shouted.


I lifted the fist upwards and punched it. The mechanical fist was blown a few meters into the air then the giant mechanical fist turned itself back into a normal size and went back towards the bionic guy.

I used a fair amount of strength and energy to repel that attack thus I quickly catch my breath.

As I am catching my breath, I was met by a 50-foot long sword that was swung by the straw hat hobo towards my right.

I guarded with my right arm and I was blown away nonetheless by the sheer amount of that centripital force.

As I settled down, Jacob appeared on top of me and began throw numerous but powerful punches at me.

I instinctively guarded with both of my arms, but the force of impact was too great and ivory from my arms and spikes began to shatter. Jacob began to laugh maniacally.


Jacob began to increase the speed of his punches while I'm still on the floor. Despite the faster blows, the power is still the same and a crater started to form around us.

I felt another click inside me and I began to condense energy on my chest.

"GAAAAAHHH! <Omega Laser>!!!"

I released an <Omega Laser> at Jacob at point blank range and an explosion occured. Jacob was blown away a few feet away.

After the dust and smoke disappeared, I saw Jacob being encased by a forcefield that had hexagonal patterns and blue lightning emerging from it.

The forcefield came from lightning cap boy. He used his lightning abilities to create a forcefield.

As I began to condense another energy ball on my chest to launch another <Omega Laser>, I was blasted away by a very powerful energy blast.

No doubt about it. It was Kurt who threw that energy blast. It was no ordinary energy blast, I think he mixed a tiny amount of his secret power in there.

As I was blown away in an arc, my eyes were hazy. I saw Eduardo and the ribbon guy floating above me.

Eduardo took a stance. The ribbon guy also took the same stance.

Are they going to do what I think they are doing?!

"KA... ME..."

Eduardo began chanting the syllables. I was right.

I immediately wake myself up from being hazy and landed on the ground. I prepared myself to defend from the beam. The ivory in my arms has began regenerating but it's not enough to guard against the beam.

I don't know what the ribbon guy is doing but he seemed to be doing the same as Eduardo. So I decided to charge up my own energy beam with my ki control and ki blast skills.

"HA... ME.."

This is it. I have also finished charging up my energy beam to match their energy beams. Then, they shouted.



Oh my god! That ribbon guy's voice is extremely deep that it sent shivers in my spine. The beam the he released was red and orange in color, almost like a magma rush, and red lightning rotating around the beam.

Nonetheless, as the two beams approaches me, I also decided to release my energy beam.

It's time for a beam struggle.

That what I want to happen, but a shiver went down my spine.

I turned my head to the right and saw the purple woman, or rather Ysabelle, behind my back while holding her right hand that is in a form of a fist with his left hand.

A holographic image of a giant purplish fist took form on her right fist. I stared at her wide eyed with my right eye and cold swear began to drip from my forehead to my right cheek and to my chin.


Ysabelle shouted as he released the materialized form of a giant fist. The giant fist roared as it approached me while demolishing everything in its way.

I didn't act fast enough and the two beams that was released by Eduardo and ribbon man reached me while the giga fist also reached me.

A beam struggle happened.

But not in the way that I expected.

I was crushed between the beams and a massive explosion occured as Ysabelle detonated her fist.

A crater formed after the dust clouds and smoke disappeared. I stood at the center of it while the ivory on my body is cracked all the way through. The ivory is battling it out with the speed of the cracking.

I huffed as the explosion took a toll on me. Finally, I looked up and inhaled to ready myself for the next attack.

Suddenly, I had an extreme chill in my spine. How many has it been?

I jumped forward in a heart's beat to form a distance against the presence I felt behind me. I twisted my body while at it look at the presence.

There was nothing there. Just rubbles and debris.

But then, I felt someone hug me from behind. It was the presence earlier! I was terrified.

Why didn't I detected his presence earlier before he came close to me? But then I realized that it was the edgy teen. He did not power up earlier to conceal his energy and sneak up to me!

He put his mouth closer to my ear while still hugging me from the back. He whispered to me.


I felt shivers at that word and I realized what that word meant. Shakugan no Shana?!

Then suddenly, the world in my perspective became white, then blue, the white, then redder, and finally black with a hint of red.


I screamed an agonizing pain. This is the first time I felt this much pain. It's as if like all your skin was being ripped out again and again and your bones kept on shattering. All your limbs felt like being twisted infinitely number of times.

This is ultimately different from Shakugan no Shana!

After what I felt like it was been several or days, I was released from the pain. I looked around, it only has been a few seconds at most if I remember.

I am bleeding all over my body, my ivory armor is completely shatter. Although the ivory on my butt and front are still intact, it felt weird.

I felt a strong click in my body.

I was kneeling down and my eyes shone with a cold dim gold and I was in a daze. I felt the edgy teen jump away from me.

Moment later, Jacob approached me from the left and punched me on my left face. My daze disappeared as the strike woke me up. The punch is different from before and was more powerful.

I felt it. Was it because the ivory is no longer on my face or did he strike harder?

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Jacob laughed as I was blown away.

The creepy-teeth dude was hovering above me and blew a green colored flame towards me.


The flame burned me. It was very hot. I rolled around to put out the flames but to no avail.

Moments later, I was stomped on by a giant foot from the bionic guy. He even stomped me three times.

I almost lost consciousness as the impact of each stomp was great.

My head was tilted to the left of saw the white lady form a white ball on her hand that seemed to distort light. She threw the ball at me with extreme speed.

It hit me in the stomach and I could clearly see the space-time bend around me and I was pulled down as if huge amounts of gravity was on me.

I felt my body getting crushed and the space around me began to vibrate along with my body. My body is undergoing massive stress and could explode any moment now.

I couldn't take this anymore. I almost lost consciousness every time but I persevered. I felt many clicks in my body. If only I really had a sword.

As the space around me continued to vibrate, I saw the 50-foot long sword getting hoisted up in the sky. The sword transformed into a giant morning star, then the morning star began its descent towards me.

I was smashed, many many times. I think I will loose my consciousness this time and I might die.

I then saw the paper alien fly in the corner of my eye while I was still being crushed by the gravity and smashed by the giant morning star.

Energy began to condense in front of the paper alien's chest.

I slightly opened my eyes wider and focused on the paper alien. Then the paper alien said something.

"Copy: Omega Laser!"

The same Omega Laser that I used earlier was launched at me by a paper alien that copied me.

I was bombarded by my own attack. This was humiliating.

Then, a more powerful click happened in my body.

As I was about to lose my sliver of consciousness, my eyes began to burst with power and my pupils became sharper and fiercer. The patterns on my pupils began to rearrange themselves into a more erratic pattern.

I then stood up nonchalantly, as if the gravity and the attack had no effects on me. I had a casual look on my face, as if I am bored.

Everyone had a dumbfounded expression on their faces as I looked at them one by one.

The attacker types such as Jacob, Eduardo, and the ribbon man started to dash towards me. Everything is literally in slow motion, but they are fast enough to reach me in a few seconds with their power and speed. I then whispered.


A huge wave of energy suddenly gushed out from me. My ivory armor began to regenerate with a speed visible to the naked eye. The spikes on my body became even sharper and smaller spikes and thorns formed around my upper arm and thigh. The spikes and horns my head began to bend upwards and an ivory mask formed on top of my nose and mouth.

An aura of golden energy can be seen emerging from my back and I began to feel power surging through in every corner of my body. I was completely healed from my wounds.

The ones who dashed towards me paused in their tracks and the ones who are far away covered their selves with their arms.

The straw hat hobo shrunk his morning star and transformed it into a katana.

I then instantly dashed towards the most dangerous bunch of them. The edgy teen. I chopped his neck and he immediately fell unconscious.

I then instantly disappeared as a fire ball was thrown on my original spot.

I was already next to Jacob after I disappeared and punched him on his head with 10 punches in less than a second.

He has flying when I struck him.

I dodged to the right as Eduardo launched a fist. I then turned around and punched him in the stomach with the momentum and centripetal force from my turn.

He kneeled and held his stomach while vomited out blood. His super saiyan 3 transformation was knocked out and he reverted back into his base form then lost consciousness.

I apologized inwardly.


Ysabelle shouted as he came rushing straight towards me with a virtual looking giant fist on his right hand. She was about to launch that devastating giant fist at me but I beat her to it.

I appeared to her side and slapped her hard on his right cheek that she spun 5 times before hitting the ground.

Before the ribbon guy was about to dash towards Ysabelle's rescue. I appeared behind him and launched an immediate roundhouse kick.

"Watch out!"

A black lightning bolt passed through where I landed the kick. Seems like there was someone who can see my movement. It was the lightning boy.

Lightning boy stopped a few hundred meters away while carrying ribbon man. I saw Kurt in my peripheral vision and he just kept on smiling gently.

I then dashed and appeared in front of the straw hat hobo that was a few meters away.

He had an amazing reflex and immediately struck me with the Japanese katana.

But I was faster and appeared behind him. He then immediately sliced behind him from where I appeared. This guys is good.

I also immediately appeared behind him once again and grabbed him his head from behind. I smashed it on the floor and he immediately lost consciousness.

I then threw him towards the paper alien as I detected that he was preparing for an attack. In other words, I interrupted him or it.

I then looked at the Japanese katana that the straw hat hobo left behind after I smashed his head on the floor.

Finally, a sword.

I grinned.

I deactivated my state of being overloaded and I began to rearrange my rampaging energy from within me.

I then notice a calm yellow and green flame spread around the arena towards Jacob, Eduardo, straw hat hobo, and the edgy teen.

Seems like the creepy-teeth dude is healing them. What's his power? Somewhere along the lines of flame.

I have finally stabilized my body and I'm ready for round two. The spikes and thorns on my body began to calm down and disappeared.

I picked up the katana and placed it in the sheath that was I grabbed when I tossed the straw hat hobo away.

I then placed the sheath on my left waist with my left had and placed my right hand on the handle of the katana.

I assumed full concentration when dealing with swordsmanship and closed my eyes. It has been too long since I held a sword.

I'm going to make it worth my while.

I then found myself in a space of blackness. I sitting in an Indian sit while the katana is on top of my legs. Ripples are seen originating from me.

Then the ripples met something in front of me. The form emerged and a beautiful woman was sitting the same way as I do.

Vines and branches are twisted around her as if it's keeping her in place. Flowers began to bloom around us, particularly lotus flowers and cherry blossom petals began to fall down.

A few seconds later, vines with streaks of gold emerged in between of me and the woman. It began to twist and form and grow into a height of 6 feet.

Cherry blossom petals began to swirl around the vine spire and a sword emerged when the vines untwisted.

The sword was a beauty in and on of itself. It was hard to describe in words. It looks like a simple steel sword but every corner of it was crafted, formed, etched, and designed masterfully.

It was a sword that I've never seen before. It was more fascinating than the Excalibur back on Earth.

Moments later, a necklace flew towards the handle of the sword and tied itself around it.

Then, the sword shot up in the sky. I looked up and saw a simulation. The sword's destination was Earth.

Two dings rang inside my head. This means it's a notification from the system. I'll look into that later after my fight with Eduardo and the rest.

My inventory suddenly opened itself up and <Death's Letter> appeared in my hand. Then the letter flew straight to woman in front of me.

I was confused, but I remembered that the description of <Death's Letter> is to give it to Life once I see her.

Is this Life in front of me now? Then, if so, was that the Life Sword earlier?

I looked at Life and her stationary body smiled and a tear fell down on her right eye.

Something flew in my Inventory. I wanted to look at what it was, but I was immediately pulled back into reality.

I was back on the arena.

I smiled and took a stance.

By this time, everybody was on their feet while Eduardo, Ysabelle, Kurt, paper alien, white lady, and creepy-teeth dude are hovering above the rest.

One vs twelve. I am ready.

They all began to rush forward except for Kurt.

I inhaled. Exhaled. I had my left hand on the sheath. My right hand on the handle.

I activated my top sword art.

"<Sword Concept Manifest>"

Long chapter today.

Thanks for reading!!! ♪♪♪

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