
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
50 Chs

Chapter 10.1: Kurt Ignacio (POV)

My name is Kurt. I lived in Japan. I am a scientist and an inventor.

One day, I met a sage, a fortune teller, and a shrine maiden. I learned a lot from them. The truth of the world and reality.

It was early for me to know a lot. It made me self-aware and depressed. Knowing a lot can make you depressed because you feel how insignificant you are in this world.

The sage gave me an invisible stone in his hand. I was confused if he is messing with me, but when I extended my hand and he dropped it on my hand, I felt a weight was dropped into my hand.

He said to study the stone because he doesn't know what it is and he said he received an oracle that needed me to have the stone.

The fortune teller went ahead and looked to my future. She was hurting when she was telling my fortune. She said that I died one day, but actually didn't die. She was confused and told me to have good luck.

The shrine maiden then read out a prophecy. I didn't understand anything at all! I asked the shrine maiden to further explain and elaborate what the prophecy meant, but she collapsed on the floor. As I tried to help he get up, a force pushed me back and the shrine maiden talked while standing up with a deep voice and a heavenly voice, almost as if there's a dual voice. The voice of the shrine maiden is also mixed on the dual voice.

ΩThe prophecy said that you will be the ⟩yrsvrt⟨ of ⟩yjr Vjpdrm Pmr⟨ and teach him the ways to master his power. You will also be able to know more about the truth behind the reality beyond the universe.Ω

When I heard the possessed shrine maiden about the explanation of the prophecy, I had a thump in my heart, I was startled. I didn't understand some parts and it was gibberish, but the other half was deep. After that, I was surprised by what I saw.

The shrine maiden was mutilated. Her limbs was twisted in every direction and her joints were bent in different ways. Then she formed glowing cracks all over her body and she crumbled into the air.

I was nauseous at that time and I lost my consciousness.

I woke up at my house. How did I get here? No one knows this place. This house of mine is secluded in the forests of Japan and no one can find this. This is also where my lab is located.

I feel I was holding something on my hand. I gripped it and saw that my hand is stuck half opened. Meaning I was holding something invisible.

I went ahead to my lab and decided to experiment with this object. I first studied why the object is invisible. Maybe the object has a powerful field that bends light?

I tried to adjust all of my equipment and instruments to adjust their observation skills to observe objects that being bent by light.

There was nothing, the object was still invisible. I looked closer and noticed that there was a hint of glowing blue light around the object. I was excited and kept on experimenting it.


A few years has passed. I finally cracked the code! I found out that the object is programmable, not by technology, but by human mind. I was on the verge of giving up when I though of something extraordinary, I held the stone and thought that I wanted to see the object in its full glory.

Then moments later, I saw the object! The object had the color of deep sea blue and an obvious blue colored specks of dusts is orbiting the object.

I then began to experiment on it more.

What I found out is that the rock has the ability to bend space! That's why it's invisible because it bend space so light can't pass through it. But I wonder why I was able to hold it.

This was a groundbreaking discovery. This was dangerous in and of itself. I discovered that the material containing this rock has no trace element that is found on Earth, which means it's a new element.

I decided to name it to myself because I was the first to discover its true form. Kurtnium element.

I hid the element in a ultra secured safe under the lab and kept it there so that no one will be able to obtain it and use it for bad purposes.


Days later. I watched an individual named Philip on a holographic screen.

Philippium element huh? So he also claimed to have created that crystal. Little do I know, perhaps maybe he also obtained the crystal from somewhere or someone.

I decided to head to my roof halfway of the presentation. I took a nap on my roof, it was around two o'clock in the morning. My consciousness slowly faded.


I woke up and it's already eight in morning. What a nap that was. I did my usual ritual in the morning and after that, I went to my roof again and meditated.

Hours later, I was cut off by my meditation as I felt something tremble from deep inside me. Them moments later, I heard a whistling and screeching sound that originated in the sky.

I looked up and saw a glowing rock hurdling towards my house. It was a meteor.

What's a meteor doing here? Didn't the defense system of the Earth intercepted the meteor?

I was stunned as the meteor closes in on me. I accepted my fate and stood there. Then suddenly, the meteor curved literally straight towards me.

It went for my chest.

I was hit in the chest and I was blown through the many floors of my house straight through the many basement floors. A dome shaped explosion formed within the forest.

My vision was colored with gold then I lost consciousness.


Year 1:

Kurt woke up in a red planet the size of 2 Suns. He traveled around the planet to scout for signs of life and civilization.

Year 2:

Kurt decided to train his mind and body to prepare for exploration in space. He also studied his newfound power.

Year 3:

Kurt roamed around the universe using his power. He reached every corner of the universe and he didn't get an answer he was searching for.

Year 100:

Kurt was finally able to break through the edge of the universe and roamed through the multiverse and through the dimension using his power.

Year 1,000,000:

Kurt spotted the realm of Life and the realm of Death. He talked to Life and Death to find an answer, but to his surprise, neither the two of them also knew the answer. They were separated by the same glowing rock.

Year 10,000,000,000:

Kurt broke through the dimensions using his power and roamed around the infinite abyss.

Year 100,000,000,000:

Kurt spotted the Omega Force floating around in the abyss. He confronted the Omega King and asked for answers. He got what he want, but it opened new questions that Omega King can't answer. He learned of One that is located outside of the abyss. He decided to find the edge of the abyss and find One.

Year 1,000,000,000,000:

Kurt reached the edge of the abyss and he was stopped by a wall of glass. He can observe the outside of the glass and he observed One. For some reason, Kurt can't pass through the wall of glass even with his power.

One quadrillion years has passed, Kurt decided to return to the red planet where signs of energy fluctuation happened throughout the years with random intervals. He concluded that this energy fluctuation is the same as the time he first came to the red planet.

Over the years, he met individuals with extraordinary strength and unique powers. Kurt trained them all and the individuals decided to build a civilization on the red planet. Kurt also told them what the Omega King told him where thirteen individuals will be chosen and the last one is the champion who will save everything.

Kurt called them, the Omega Ones, as they were chosen by the fate of Omega but they don't possess the power of Omega itself.

Years have passed since then, the Omega Ones decided to build an arena where all of them will vent out their frustrations on the champion because he let them wait for billions of years. Kurt agreed to that because it will be healthy for the Omega Ones.

Finally, the time has come. Kurt felt the presence of Death and Father Time disappear and was bound to a person. This was the chosen omega one.


When I arrived at the red planet, I saw both Eduardo and Ysabelle fighting against Philip and I see an unconscious Jacob in a distance. Well, it was a one sided fight because Philip doesn't have a sword or know any skills or hand to hand combat.

I interrupted them before things get worse and Philip might unleash another uncontrolled devastating beam.

I admired Philip, I decided to teach him the same way I taught the other with the additional information from Omega King. I paused for a second. Is this what the prophecy was told me back when I was on Earth? I smirked. Probably.

I sent Eduardo and Ysabelle away then I began training Philip.

100 years has passed, Philip has learned a lot. He was a quick learner and everything I taught him, he learned it quickly. Maybe this is because the Omega System is helping him.

I then told Philip the truth that I learned from Omega King and everything that I discovered outside of the abyss. I then introduced him the two that fought him a hundred years ago.

After that, we then went to the arena. I kept the information of the arena a secret to Philip as everyone is looking forward to beating up Philip. I could only smile wryly at that.

Halfway through the journey, I felt a presence that stunned and shocked me out of my wits end for the first time in my entire life. I instantly stopped my flight and looked towards Philip.

He already had a shard of the five!!! That was extremely fast! I was slightly trembling of excitement when I saw it. We then continued towards the arena.

As we are landing in the center of the arena, I told Philip the name of the place, the Breaking Point. It literally had the meaning of the breaking point of anger that is stored within from the Omega Ones and the breaking point of Philip.

After we landed, I explained to Philip on what will happen. After that, I immediately zoomed out to my respective tower and prepared to fight.

Truthfully, I would not fight Philip. I will only throw some powerful energy blasts once in a while. If I truly fought Philip, even at my 1%, he will definitely die.

We were transported to a realm that stopped time and space outside the arena. It was a sight to behold.

Everyone then started to power up will all of their might. The pressure that they're emitting had me laughing. They are really serious at beating up Philip.

But since Philip had the power of Omega, he would definitely win this 12 vs 1 battle. He had an ability that he didn't know of. It was a powerful and scary ability. But it's up to him if ever he found out about his secret ability.

He equipped Death's Scythe, huh? Well, I need to get serious now and throw one powerful energy blast with a speck of my power in it.

That reminds me. Should I materialize a sword for Philip?

Happy New Year everyone!

Thanks for reading! ₱₱

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