
The Omega in the Vampire Academy

Cecilia Everette has been a good girl all her life . Following rules have been the only way the omega could survive in the pack full of arrogant alphas . To escape the daily tortures , she decides to break all the rules and boundaries and attend the Vampire Academy, and after getting disguised as a vampire, leaving her pack behind . The only pain , she feels is of leaving her new founded best friend, Sepehr Winslow behind . But have she really escaped all her troubles or just added more to them by attending the academy and catching the attention of Atticus Montgomery and Theseus Montgomery , the two vampire princes . And for long can she hide the truth of her being an omega ? ------------- Sepehr Winslow has been the sole heir of the Winslow family , which is the most reputed and richest family amongst the whole werewolf empire . He is expected to marry a beautiful Alpha girl , which belongs to a reputed family like his own . But things take a quick turn when he starts to fall in love with Cecilia Everette , who is an unwanted omega and is abused almost all her life . Will Sepehr put all his family reputation on stake for an omega and marry her ? Or will he give up on love due to the whole family drama? ----------- Atticus Montgomery and Theseus Montgomery have been competitive towards each other since their childhood due to the pressure of the royalty , they were forced into since their birth . Their father decides to send them to Vampire high after homeschooling them, their whole life in order to make sure they get along well but tables turn when they get into another competition of winning over the heart of the new mysterious girl , Cecilia Everette. ------------ Read the whole story to find out who gets his fate connected to the Cecilia by the stars or will it be too late ? ------------ invitation code:Ny7W

_Mariposa_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Chapter 2

It was beautiful how the sky was engraved with so many stars yet the moon always caught everyone's eyes . As if the stars never existed , such was the beauty of the moon . It always amazed me .

'Do you like the moon?' The alpha asked me .

'Yes . I do . And you ?' I asked him.

'I like the moon but my liking for it is nothing in comparison to the liking I have for stars .' He told me .

'You like stars more than the moon?' I asked him in surprise , and he turned into human form with a chuckle and his smile made his dimple cheeks look even more beautiful. His tan skin resembled the soft soil after the rain and his raven orbs just made his eyes even more shiny . His hair was styled back but some of the locks fell upon his forehead.

"You seemed surprised little one . And you got me right . I like the stars more than the moon. I feel they are a memorial of the moments , people spend with one another . Each day , we can notice new patterns among them and create a new texture in the sky . The stars make me feel it's okay to dream and create things even if it's in the sky " The alpha explained it to me and I smiled while listening to his words . I loved how fondly he talked about the stars .

"Why do you like moons?" He asked me and I turned in my human form too and he looked at me for a bit , his eyes showcased something. Something very beautiful. They didn't lust over my body . They just had a glint out of curiosity for my answer .

"I like the moon because it just shows me we don't need to look complete to be beautiful. We can be ethereal and worthy of praise even if our slightest of souls are left" I told him and he smiled and the corner of his eyes crinkled.

"I guess, I will be loving both moons and stars equally now" he told me , making me smile .

"Same here"

We sat there on the fresh grass in silence , in the company of moons and stars . It wasn't even an hour yet I felt so attached to this anonymous alpha . I loved how he was so attentive and listened to my opinions.

Something which no Alpha could ever do to an omega . I loved how fondly he talked about the sky , as if he had a poet hidden inside his soul . He was different from other alphas who were aggressive, arrogant and controlling and their thoughts were all about fighting .

After a while , he got up from the grass and looked down at me .

"I will be going now. Thanks for being such a wonderful companion tonight . I am sure, I will be remembering this night for the rest of my life . Each time , I look at the moon , I will remember its beauty which you told me about " He thanked me and I got up too , while brushing the grass and dust off my dress.

"It was nice and refreshing to meet an alpha like you too . Thank you so much . I hope to see you some day in the future too" I told him with a smile.

"I hope so too . By the way , pardon me . I even forgot to introduce myself to you . I am Sepehr Winslow" He said while stretching his right hand in my direction to shake a hand and I was surprised when I heard his name .

"Sepehr Winslow , as in the son of Mrs Charlotte Winslow?" I asked him and he nodded .

"Exactly, the son of Charlotte Winslow" He said and I frowned while stretching my own hand and shaking my hand with his rough ones which were larger than mine.

"Do you know my mother ?" He asked and I nodded .

"Yeah...she is my mother's best friend" I told him and he stood still for a second as if thinking about which friend .

"Uh..are you the daughter of Mrs Firestone or Mrs Archibald?" He asked and I shook my head .

"Mrs Odessa Everette" I corrected him .

"As in the blond lady who keeps on uttering stupid stuff?" He asked me and I nodded as the smile dropped from my face.

"Yeah...the blond lady only. That blond lady is my mother" I said while sadness was filling inside my heart . I didn't like how he talked about my mother . It's not like I loved her from the bottom of my heart , still it hurts. She was my mother after all.

"I...I am really sorry little one. I didn't want to come out like that . Well...she...she is a kind lady though" he said with an embarrassed look quickly covering his mean words earlier with a fake compliment.

"Yeah...yeah...I will be going now . Nice to meet you Sepehr"I said while walking away without turning back and he stood there awkwardly.

"MISS EVERETTE!" he called me out .

"MISS EVERETTE....MISS.."Before he could call me any longer , I turned back in my ginger wolf and ran away as fast as I could .

He was the sole heir of the richest werewolves, meanwhile I ? I was the daughter of a greedy lady who kept asking for favors from his mother , here and there , and it was more than embarrassing for me to face him after knowing all that .

He wasn't mean or bad like people said and maybe I have misunderstood him earlier as a brat too . He was kind and wonderful yet his words hurt me , because unwillingly they were like salt to my open wound.


"The way a crow

Shook down on me

The dust of snow

From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart

A change of mood

And saved some part

Of the day I had ruled"

I read the lines of the poem again and again , as the light of the moon fell upon the slightly crisp pages of the poem book I held . I hoped my day could be saved as easily as the crow saved the day of the poet .

I kept remembering about that night , even though it's been a week . The only good thing which happened was, Mrs Winslow asking my mother to drop the plan of asking me for the job of waiter for her son , as she had convinced Sepehr to work at his father's company for some time . To be honest , deep inside my heart , I wanted to meet Sepehr again and talk with him about any other topic . It just felt like magic with him . I loved his mind . I loved his thoughts and the way he put them with so much sincerity and honesty. But....I couldn't.

How could I ? I was way too embarrassed to face him and I wanted him to never show up in front of me again , because I couldn't face him.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and not remember that incident again and started to read another poem .

Soon enough my eyes started to become droopy and I soon fell asleep right there on top of my book .


I jolted up as my eyes widened and I wiped the water off my hair , from my palm with force . I looked up with a scoff , only to find my mother glaring at me .

"Are you scoffing at me ?" She asked in anger in a high pitched voice , wanting me to spray water in my ear drums , so that they can never hear her voice again .

"I am sorry" I said in a disinterested tone , while rolling my eyes to the side . I was trying really hard to hide my anger and irritation on my mother but it wasn't working because I was probably sleep deprived.

My mother was quick to notice my attitude and she slapped me on my right cheek , with her whole beta strength . It made me a whimper leave my lips due to the pain and she gave me another tight slap and she continued it .

* Thirteen *

* Fourteen *


* Twenty four *

*Twenty five *

*Twenty six *

I mentally counted each and every painful slap on my face . She finally stopped at twenty-sixth slap . Till the time she ended , I was a crying mess . My nose felt runny and tears kept rolling my slight bun cheeks .

"That's what you get for being this freaking late in waking up ! After you return from your damn job , I will give you the punishment of giving me an attitude. It's still pending " My mother stated while passing down a plate of the bread corners to me .

"Now eat it up , your dad couldn't eat this part" she spat and went outside and while I was still sobbing , I ate those bread corners. My lips kept quivering with the pain . I felt like I was breaking down with each passing day .

I wanted someone who I could lean onto and someone in whose arms I could cry . I didn't necessarily wanted a lover , but just anyone . A friend , a younger sibling or even a soulmate. Anyone would do . I just wanted someone to swollow the choas inside my mind and heart and make me feel like none of it ever existed . But I knew well that it was all a dream . A stupid dream of mine .

I wiped my tears from my sleeves and got up while wiping my fingers in my skirt . I needed to wash them anyways .

I stumbled towards the washroom with a blurry vision , which was due to my teary eyes and my cheek kept burning with sharp pain . I tiredly pushed the door of my washroom and went inside. After closing the door, I stripped my clothes and dropped them on the ground , not caring if they got wet or not . I just needed a cold bath. That was the only thought in my mind .

I opened the shower and let the cold water pour on my naked body . A light gasp of relief left my lips as I felt the cold water hitting my body .

*Knock *


I heard the knocking on my room's door , and it made me curse under my breathe . Can't I bath in peace now ?

"Sweety ~" I heard my mother's voice calling me and it made me frown from inside . She sounded so...fake . But why was she faking sweetness ? I know her real nature .

"Yes Miss ?" I asked from inside still in shock from the sweet tone .

"Come outside fast and please wear a cute dress . Miss Evalina Hyacinth is here to take you somewhere with her" My mother stated in her fake sweet tone , which she uses in front of everyone to show , how great mother she is.

"Just two minutes" I said while trying to control my tears . I didn't want to talk with her right now . I just wanted free time and a break from everyone .

I swallowed the heavy lump in my throat and started crying in the shower . I clasped my palm against my mouth to control my sobs . I was just crying mindlessly . I didn't have anything in my mind right now . Just pain in my heart .

"Sweety~" she called again and I bit my bottom lip . Hard enough to draw blood and when I felt slight metallic taste lingering upon my tongue and a slight pain on my lip , I took a breath in relief . The pain on my body , somehow relieves the pain in my mind and heart.

I closed the shower and ran my both hands from my forehead towards the back of my wet hair . I dabbed my body from the towel and then wore a baby pink trouser with a white pullover sweater .

I combed my wet hair and let it open so that it could get dry from the sunlight . I opened my drawer and applied my red lipstick over my lips without bothering to pay any attention to the mirror . My inside was a mess and today , I didn't want to bother to make myself look good . I just couldn't even after trying .

"Sweety !" I heard my mother yell from outside in irritation, probably due to the anger waiting for me .

Instead of answering, I just opened the door and looked at my mother with an apologetic look. Instead of anger or disgust , she just scanned my look for a moment.

"Honey, go and apply some maskara over your lovely eyes . Let people see how beautiful and citrine your eyes are" She said while holding me from my chin and came near my ear and whispered ,

"And wear something short . You have a lot of males to impress there"