
The Night Kingdom

In the year of 1200 The protagonist teleported to another world. The prince and the princess asks the protagonist to defeat the monsters. The protagonist had another plan and wanted to build a kingdom for monsters after what the humans did.

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6 Chs

The Five

I will make them pay for my death!

They treated me like an animal!

They are animals beyond belief to exterminate me and my people!

I shall bring death to them and their families!

They sought the power of my Moonlight Blade!

 A soulbound blade created by my legacy's people to honor the next warlord!

But you who was chosen by the blade and able to wield!

You shall bring Victory to your people, and reclaim this world from the hands of humans!

They who sought Pride, Greed, and Lust shall Death bring them misery!

You with the blade shall bring Wrath to them unbearable, they tremble on their own kingdoms!

Death shall have no dominion on you!

I woke up trembling, and saw Fraeya beside me, awake too. 

"You alright, Asmodeus?" she said. 

I shook my head, and left to pour some water on the glass. I drank it. I drank till everything in the glass was inside me. 

I was frightened. I saw a dark-skinned man with long ears. He was in front of me. I was dreaming about him. His Wrath was unbearable. His resentment against the kingdoms is unfathomably powerful. That darkness felt like a long, flourishing life was taken away from him. 

I returned to the bedroom, and stood at the window observing. 

A soft hand crawled on my chest. Fraeya embraced me from my back. She rested her head on my shoulder. I leaned back. Whenever she is around me, I always feel calmed.

"You were having a nightmare" 

"I was" 

"Is it because of the Abandoned Temple we visited a couple of nights ago?"


The day that me and my wife visited the Abandoned Temple. I saw a blade that was placed and no one was able to wield. I tried to wield it, I simply wielded it. It disappeared as dust. I do not know what is going on, but the dream was from the blade. 

"Come back to bed… you should use some sleep, Asmodeus" 

"You do not have to worry about me, go back to sleep, I'll be there when I organize my thoughts"

Fraeya let go of me, and stood in front of me. She caresses me. She kisses me. Then she went to bed. 

As I saw her going back, I had a thought about this happiness. The happiness to have someone in my life, I value, I would do anything to keep this happiness away from danger. I know, there are people who will wrong us and destroy this happiness. 

I will start a family with my wife even though she is an orc. I will protect her and the people she cares about. 

There is a table beside the window. I sit on the chair. I opened the map. I look at the kingdoms. The Heisenberg Kingdom is in the center of the map of this world. 

The Heisenberg Kingdom is a dishonorable nobles. A kingdom that does not deserve to be standing. The Heisenberg uses and brainwashes the commoners to do their dirty work by mind controlling them. They are animals beyond belief, even when the commoners did not submit, they will use their families on them or r*ping their women and children to make their submission easier. With that The Heisenberg controls the other kingdoms and supports them. 

The other kings know what The Heisenberg is doing, and they agreed to make them the center where everything happened is taken care of by The Heisenberg methods. 

The Martyrs Kingdom lives in the center of the map, they and The Heisenberg Kingdom share the same ground until the north is clear, they are likely to meet with us eventually. The Martyrs will take the north ground to have their own ground instead of sharing. 

The Martyrs are filthy fucks, they will not take no for an answer. They will use tricks such as poisoning, burial,and strangulation. One of these methods they will use, to make a point to not mess with them. 

There was once a lawyer who found a way to put The Martyrs in their places when he discovered their methods of solutions. He was about to release the information, but found his wife poisoned to death, his daughter buried in the backyard of his house, and his son strangled in his son's bedroom. The lawyer could not take it and committed suicide. The Martyrs as well use innocent lives if they do not listen to them. Their methods have the approval of King Lawrence. 

The Misandrist live on the east and far east of the map. They are not to be messed up in their own ground and kingdom. 

The Misandrist are nothing but untrustworthy nobles just like any noble. They are deceivers, deception, and liars. 

You could easily be betrayed by them. They use a family against other families in the end no one wins, but all they do is cause war against these families without being them the real culprit. All profit, jewelry, and gold, The Misandrist will take them to themselves after the families tear each other apart, and kill the remaining members. 

The Britannia live in the west and the far west of the map. The Britannia are nobles with one thought on their mind and that is conquer. 

The Britannia are only aimed to conquer lands. The more they conquer, their powers strengthen. They conquered so many lands that The Britannia Kingdom is the biggest kingdom in the west. They have spies scattered around the other kingdoms, so they would conquer them once they find their weaknesses. 

The Einstein live in the south and the far south of the map. They are the smartest of them all. 

They always step ahead of anyone from the rest of the kingdoms. Whatever you do or your family did, there is no escape. They will find you and your family. No matter what you or your family did if it is against their rules you and your whole family will hang up to your death. They will display the corpses to the public to set an example. 

They love chemical methods such as gas bombs. They will love to see you and your family suffocate from a gas bomb with no help from other people. Usually, they use gas bombs in public and King Alfred forbids the stores to sell gas masks. 

The Five… These are what the five kingdoms call themselves. Because of their union, they have another name that is The Righteous Union.

The Five… I need to kill and destroy them for good. If I do not, they will destroy me and my happiness with my wife. I will have no mercy just like what they did to me before by their sons and daughters. 

I was once a Heisenberg but no more. I am my own now and my heart belongs to these people. My wife deserves a peaceful life. I will do anything to make it possible. 

My sister, Lilith, and I and her friends became close but they deceived me when I found out the ones who she introduced them to me. were the sons and daughters of the Five. 

When there is a chance to meet with my father, King Lawrence, I must kill him before he thinks about doing anything to hurt who I care about. 

Now, thankfully I have a skill called The Truth. 

With The Truth skill, I can know their real desire. If someone wanted to do something out of the ordinary, I would easily know. 

I want more races to join in my creation of the Night Kingdom. I plan on expanding the village to the Cursed Land since the curse has been lifted. I need elves and dwarves. Elves for agility. Dwarves for blacksmith. But this needs to wait, for now.

I wrapped the map back to where it was. 

I went to bed. Lie beside my wife. Wrapped my arm around her. Then I dive into deep sleep. 

"Asmodeus, wake up, we have an emergency!"

I could recognize my wife's voice. As she is trying to wake me up. 

I woke up. 

"Tell me about it, Fraeya"

"There is a white-skinned little girl outside the Gate!"

"I will wear my outfit and meet her, and bring her inside" 

"She is an elf, Asmodeus" 

I nodded to Fraeya. 

She understood what I meant when I nodded. It meant to proceed. 

It is time to meet the elven girl. 

--------The End of Chapter 6-------